The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582 The Scummiest Ex-Husband

This scene was like dropping a bomb.

It was sensational

In an instant, the originally lively atmosphere that was mixed with the clinking of glasses became quiet and cold.

No one spoke up in the large banquet hall.

The light and soothing music played in the banquet hall also seemed very strange.

The next second, Keith noticed what was happening. His expression banged dramatically as his pupils shrank

Keith ran in wildly and shouted, “Stop! Who put up m@hotos? Turn it off!”

If one lisbohed carefully, one would be able to hear the unconcealable panic in his voice.

No one responded

The photos were still rolling as if revealing the skeletons of his happy life, proving that he was just deceiving himself.

The fig leaf of this wedding was forcefully

filled aside, making everyone look at the ilgly truth.

The original intention was to come to Keith’s remarriage hinquet, but the result was the opposite. The blessings that came out of everyone’s mouth had simply turned into jokes

keith desperately ran backstage, hol caring about anyone else. He was only worried about one thing. He houred that Livia did not see it. She could not see this scene!


However, before he Gold reach backstage, he had the crowd exclaim again.

Turning around, on the red carpet paved i n front of the electronic screen, many women suddenly appeared one after another, wearing different styles of expensive wedding dresses.

They were all dressed exquisitely, walking like they were strutting down a runway and lifting the wedding dresses in their hands to show themselves off to the others.

The most shocking thing was that those W e were the same women on the

large screen.

Anyone who saw it would feel like this scene was too astonishing

keith looled at those women and instantly paled, his expression turned

His fear and panic permeated ever pore, and a bad premonition haunted His heart a t every moment like a knife hanging over him.


When he saw that scene, the knife fell.

Keith wanted nothing more than to bleed to death, but he could only stare in horror as he trembled.

Countless strange eyes looked at Keith, today’s bridegroom.

He was high-spirited and full of metal before, but all of that was completely replaced by wretchedness and darkness.

After just a few seconds, he ran over like he was crazy and violently grabbed one of the women. His tone was trembling and

Who told you to come here? Who told you to do this?!”

The woman panicked for a moment and could not escape, but she kept her mouth shut.

Keith was livid. Without caring about manners and etiquette, he slapped the woman and roared, “Get out! All of you, get out!

However, the women had no intention of leaving and continued to walk around the red carpet

Keith was on the verge of a final breakdown as if he was about to lose control. He grabbed another woman and gnashed his teet asking, “You, tell me! Who told you to come?!”

The atmosphere was frigid.

However, it was also hot and boisterous.

Someone slowly came out from backstage. Her voice was gentle and soft. “It was m

The bride, who had changed out of her wedding dress, was wearing a simple navy

– blue dress, the style of which was old and out of place in this grand venue.

Livia stood there and looked at Keith with a smile, but there was no trace of warmth i n her eyes

Keith‘s expression changed dramatically a s his eyes flashed with a trace of panic and shock

It was as if his whole body had been drained of energy.

He seemed to recognize that Livia was wearing this navy-blue dress on she was sent to the Ludwig family

At that time, Keith was ridiculed for being a country bumpkin, savd that she was like a sparrow who was trying to climb to the highest branch. He called her a vulgar and tasteless woman

Images of the past flashed in his mind, Keith was forced by his grandfather to marry Livia, but he humiliated and degraded her. He never treated her as an equal before

Keith believed that at that time, he was the scummiest ex-husband.

To get revenge on Livia’s arrival, Keith even went so facas to secretly use his power to suppress Livia’s family to the point of bankruptcy.

Finally, Livia agreed to divorce him.

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