The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Chapter 591 We‘ll Profit

Eric felt as if he had dug a pit for himself. He had to jump even if he did not want to.

If he had known earlier, he would have turned it at all cases!

Mitchell did not say anything and looked a him in silence

Impulsiveness was the devil!

Eric picked up a cigarette annoyance. Smoke curled around in as he knocked o in the table “Forgot. Just consider it money thrown away.”

Mitchell did not know what to say and could only try to comfort him.

“President, Dominic Young of Falcon Entertainment is very optimistic, and it’s predicted that the ratings won’t be low. Our investment won’t be thrown in for nothing. It might even be profitable.”

Eric looked at him with a dark and cold

“If it were you, would you want this money?”

He wanted the show to crash and burn!

Mitchell stood there with a blank face, not daring to say a word more.

Tulo would be useful at a time like this. but unfortunately, he was not here

Then, he obtained first-hand information.

The program needed a male guest as the host.

Eric immediately decided that he would personally participate!

He had to correct the mindsets-these women. A person could still get back if they did something wrong

A prodigal son returned home is worth more than gold, One could change after admitting one’s mistake. They were still young, after all!

He told Mitchell to inform the program team that he would appear as a mystery guest and give Nicole a big surprise!

When the news reached Nicole, she also recommended a male guest and asked Dominic to communicate with the

Dominic looked at the two men, feeling his hair grow white with worry. He rubbed his face and looked at kai, who was happily lounging on the sofa.

“Kai, this is your company. Who should w e choose as our male guest?’”

Kai clicked his tongue and said with a low chuckle, “Choose whoever’s more popular.”

Dominic was speechless.

Half a month later, everything is ready.

Nicole handed over all the company affairs to Grant and want to record the program without any burdens.

On the set, there were three divorced female celebrities besides Livia, whom she already knew.

Sadie, Yuliana, and Charlotte

Sadie was sophisticated, Yuliana was beautiful, and Charlotte was timid as she followed behind Yuliana.

The three of them had very high Standings in the entertainment circle

They attracted a lot of attention with their marriages, but the longest marriage among them only lasted for two years before the divorce was announced.

Now, not only did the divorce not bring an end to their careers, but it also removed the limitations of their careers, so they were currently flourishing

Livia had a very gentle character and did not compete much to speak. When Nicole arrived, the three actresses were chatting passionately, ignoring Livia, who was sitting in the corner.

As soon as Nicole entered they all stood up and hugged her greeting as if they had known her for a long time.

The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

It had to be since no female celebrity in the entertainment industry would dare to compete with Nicole

Nicole’s starting point was their end goal. With just a wave of her hand, Nicole could close the curtain of the career that they had struggled for half a lifetime to build.

Everyone gave up the center spot to Nicole, but Nicole sat next to Livia instead. Everyone saw this scene, but some people were unsure who Livia was.

Nicole smiled faintly. “Mr. Young, why don’t you introduce us?”

Only Nicole could ask Dominic to do the introductions personally without being scolded.

Dominic was already mentally prepared. He stood in the center position at the oval table and introduced Livia first.o

“Everyone, I’d like to introduce to you our first guest. Ms. Lehmät is the producer of our program, ‘Love in the City”. She’s also a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases. She will be helping us to provide professional legal guidance during our program.”

The three women’s faces changed slightly. The most inconspicuous woman they had just ignored was actually the producer?

Livia smiled and nodded gently.

Then, Dominic brushed through Nicole’s

Then, Dominic brand thoroughly Nicole’s introduction by calling her special guest “before he continued to introduce the three female celebrities

There is also a male guest who will be acting as the captain of our team. Who could it be?”

Dominic gave a mysterious smile.

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