The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss

Chapter 966

Chapter 966

Chapter 966

Read Chapter 966 of The Divorced Billionaire Heiress-By I Wanna Eat Meat

Hayley nodded in agreement.

Once she turned around, Hayley saw that Nicole had already wal ked over to a sofa, sat down, and was leisurely pouring herself a glass of juice. Nicole did not care about the change in the situation.

It did not matter whose daughter Ava was, Nicole just did not care.

There were many ways to deal with her anyway.

Harvey sat not far from Nicole and watched her movements from time to time with a silent expression. Hayley decisively ran over and sat next to Nicole.

“Last time when you sent her to the psychiatric hospital, she ran back to my dad crying and screaming. My dad was really moved by her and gave her a $30 million house, then she was somehow not angry anymore…” Nicole curled her lips. She was not aware of this since the President of Golden Sea Corporation would not offend Nicole because of a mistress. After all, everyone wanted to keep their image.

“After she was recognized by this old man, it didn’t take long for the rumor of her marrying my father to spread for the cooperation of the two companies. This woman is sick in the head. My mother died so many years ago, and the woman by my father’s side never stopped, yet she still wants to get married to him?” Hayley angrily picked up the wine glass on the table and gulped it down.

Nicole raised an eyebrow. A marriage alliance was still much better than being a mistress.

Instead of letting the old man know that Ava approached Golden Sea Corporation for impure purposes, Ava might as well make up her own performance to shape herself as an affectionate person.

Ava marrying the President of Golden Sea Corporation would not only consolidate her position, but it would also help the old man’s business. Then, the old man would dote on her even more. She was killing three birds with one stone.

No wonder Ava could do so well in Cyndro International. Her brain was quite agile! While Nicole was deep in thought, Hayley nudged her mysteriously. “Your boy toy ran away!”

Nicole’s eyebrows jumped as she was stunned by this word. “Boy toy?!”

Hayley laughed and smiled at Nicole mysteriously. “He’s a falling star that’s a domestic abuser. Have you changed your preferences?” “You’re an underage student. Why do you care?” Nicole gritted her back teeth and warned her.

Unfortunately, Hayley did not get Nicole’s warning.

“All of my classmates worship you! You’re simply a role model for women. Any man who appears next to you is your boy toy!” Nicole could not even pretend to smile anymore. ’Is my reputation among children so bad nowadays?’

She tried hard to explain patiently. ’those are just my friends…” Hayley raised her eyes at an angle and immediately interrupted Nicole’s nonsense. ”Your boy toy ran away with that witch! They must be up to no good. Do you want to catch them in the act?”

Nicole looked at Hayley, dumbfounded and speechless.

Hayley had dragged Nicole to her feet with a look of excitement. “Let’s go! I’ll take pictures!”

Nicole helplessly followed and tried not to attract attention.

Harvey was indeed no longer in his original seat. Nicole was talking to Hayley and did not notice him. Hayley pulled Nicole through the bends and left the hall. When they turned into a long corridor, they lightened their steps. Not far away, the curtains were ruffled by the wind, revealing two vague figures – Harvey and Ava. Nicole narrowed her eyes and sneered in her heart. ’Harvey just told me in the car that he didn’t know Ava, but now he’s meeting her in private. Does he think that I’m a fool?’

She immediately decided to cancel his contract as soon as they got back. Not only that, but she also wanted to make him pay a huge sum of penalty fees. Hayley had already raised her phone and turned on the camera. Nicole quietly went to the side behind the wine cabinet, where she could hear more clearly.

“Nicole brought you here, which means that she still believes in you. Mr. Sage, you have to step up your game!”

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