The Double ( or More ?) Life of The Fake Heiress

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

“Looks like little Miss Perfect from The Advanced Class is gonna eat humble pie this time. Flunked English. Can ya believe it? I'm starting to think she got in through the back door.”

“Failed English? How on Earth did she snag first place at the BrainSpark Nationals? Color me curious!”

“Maybe she bombed the test because she got stuck in the back of the exam hall, with no brainiacs around to crib off. Seems like we're finally seeing her true performance.”

“Hit the nail on the head, buddy. She sat in the most unique position. Looks like the teachers knew what they were doing by placing her there.”

“| was all geared up to see if Mirabella would top the year again, but with those English marks... No amount of acing other subjects is gonna save her now.”

“You really think she can ace anything after bombing English? Dream on, I’m not buying it.”

Within the chat groups, such discussions were more or less the norm. This held true e even for Mirabella’s own class. Needless to say, she was part of these groups, but she had silenced all notifications, rendering her oblivious to all this group chatter. Even if she had seen these messages, she wouldn't have paid much heed.

After school, Mirabella headed out to explore the herbal market her dad had mentioned that morning. She’d barely left the school gates when a figure suddenly blocked her way.

“Well, well, if it isn’t our little scaredy—cat. Ignored my texts last night, did ya?” Aiden stood there. His chin was lifted arrogantly, flanked by three lanky teens with smirks mirroring his


Mirabella’s gaze was fixed on Aiden, and her expression remained icy. Aiden, unnerved by her stare, quickly recovered his bravado. “L..”

“Beat it before | lose my temper,” Mirabella cut him off, her voice dripped with impatience.

The boys surrounding Aiden postured threateningly. “You think you can tell us to beat it?”

“If we weren't raised to not hit girls, you’d be picking up your teeth off the ground right now for

that attitude!”

“Mind your words!” Aiden, seeing his buddies puff up, crossed his arms with a smirk, enjoying the scene.

Summer had just stepped out of the school when she spotted Mirabella cornered by a group of guys. From her vantage point, she couldn’t see Aiden’s face and didn’t realize he was part of the group.

Madeline, walking alongside Summer, caught sight of the scene and couldn’t help but raise an 1/2


Chapter 133 eyebrow in anticipation. “Looks like your stepsister’s in a bit of trouble, huh?”

Aiden’s friends had the look of troublemakers. It O@bviaus that they were roWgSod guys. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Summer replied with a nonchalant air. “I’m not close taheryHet O ee protlents &Pe none of my business.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Wow, Mirabella’s only been back a short while and she’s already go guys from otheesphedls ofther casé? dtdo they say — karma’s only a bitch if you are?” Madeline chuckled maliciously. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Summer's lips twitched, and she turned away. “Let’s go. It’s none of our business.”

Oucher 134

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