The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 209 - A Message For You

Chapter 209 - A Message For You

Kol could tell the shopkeeper was at a loss. He did not know how else to get them to leave. Kol wanted to say something, but he hesitated. Perhaps it was simply not a good time for them to meet. 

But, if he did not try, he would live to regret it. 

"I don't mean to cause any trouble," Kol spoke up, surprising the rest of them, "I just want to talk."

The shopkeeper bit his lip. He glanced back to the archway, where the hidden person was standing. But nothing happened. No one took a step forward, nor did they took a step back. 

"I am really sorry but… it's not a good time."

Kol looked down in disappointment. He slumped his shoulders as his eyes were glued to the ground. At least, he tried. But Florin was not about to give up. However, he did not know what to say either. 

Kol took a step forward. Before the shop keeper could say anything, Florin stopped him. But Kol did not walk behind the shop to see who it was that stood by the archway. He stopped at the counter. 

As he looked down at the basket of cookies, he asked, "Can I leave a note, I would like to borrow a piece of paper and a pen if you do not mind."

Florin came over to him, "Kol, don't you want to-"

"I'll just leave a note."

The shopkeeper relented. He went behind the counter and handed Kol a pen and a piece of paper. After he finished writing his note, he handed it over to the shopkeeper and asked for it to be given to the owner. 

After that, he turned to take his leave. Florin called out after him but Kol did not look back as he left the bakery. Florin followed suit and caught up to him down the pavement. 

"Kol, Kol!" he called out. 

But the hybrid did not stop. He continued walking on in silence. His mind was swirling as he walked all the way to the bridge they were at some time before, the bridge that connected Ny and Ros.  historical

Kol finally stopped in his tracks and turned to face the flowing river. He looked out into the distance. Florin stood by his side in silence. If he did not want to say anything, he was not about to pry either. 

"He was there," Kol finally spoke after a long moment of silence. 


"My father," he replied with a sigh as he turned to lean his back against the railing instead. 

"What?" Florin gasped in shock, "Then why did-" 

He stopped himself for a moment. 

A weak smile appeared on Kol's face, "If he did not want to see me, who am I to demand anything?" 

"But you have every right to see him, do you not?" Florin protested. 

But aside from that, there was another burning question on his mind. How did Kol know that the man hiding behind the archway was his father? 

The moment they stepped foot in the bakery, the aromatic fragrance of freshly baked bread triggered the memories in Kol's mind. Since they had attempted to bring his memories back previously, he was able to connect with them with greater ease. 

Kol remembered everything the moment they walked in. He remembered what had happened that led to his eventual parting from his parents. He was not kidnapped. He was not taken against his will. 

"I was sold to the slave traders." Kol revealed. 

Florin's jaw was agape when he heard him. But his emotions soon turned into anger. Kol could see it in his eyes, so he quickly defended them. 

"They did not have a choice. We were poor and in debt. The traders told them I would become a warrior," Kol explained. 

They did not have much back then, and his parents did not have any other choice. They had mouths to feed and this was the only way they were able to keep everyone alive. 

But that was not the end of the story. Kol sat down, with his back leaning against the railing as the memories of what happened flooded back in his mind. The slave traders only told his parents the half truth. 

They were going to sell him and make him into a warrior, but was ultimately a slave. The conditions were horrible and he was not alone. There were many other children who suffered the same fate. 

His mother arrived to see their operation much to her horror. She tried to reason with them but it did not work. She used force. But even as a vampire, she did not have the advantage. 

Kol was crying out for her as they assaulted her. There was nothing he could do. Not wanting her son to witness her demise, she used what strength she had left to cast a spell upon him.

Florin sat down next to Kol, silently listening to his recount. 

"That spell locked my memories of my childhood. That was why I could not remember anything," Kol explained.

After a moment of silence, he turned to Florin, "Did you know what her last words to me were?" 

Florin shook his head. He did not know how else to respond. 

"I'm sorry."

Kol felt a sharp pain in his heart. He knew why his father refused to see him. He did not know how to face the son he had abandoned, the son he had lost. Before they entered the bakery, he was already standing there behind the counter. 

One look at Kol, who was standing outside the bakery, the man knew that was his son. The emotion of joy was fleeting, as guilt consumed him. He hid behind the archway as soon as they entered. 

Florin did not know what to say. In fact, he felt like it was best for him to keep silent. But there was one thing that plagued his thoughts. What did Kol write on the note? When he finally mustered the courage to ask, Kol remained silent for a while. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm sorry for prying," Florin quickly apologised, worried that he had overstepped his boundaries. 

"I am safe and I am well." 


"That's what I wrote," Kol explained, "I am safe and I am well."

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