The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 42 - Is Something On Fire?

Chapter 42 - Is Something On Fire?

"Why can't I see her?" Grand General Tobias asked Margaret. 

It has been three days since anyone last saw Crown Princess Laina. Rumour has it, she has been holed up in her room and no one knows why. Some say she was sick in bed, others suspect something might have happened to her. 

"I'm sorry, general, but it's the Crown Princess's orders. She will not see anyone unless she has specifically called for you," just as Margaret finished her sentence, Finance Minister Nitser arrived. 

He bowed respectfully to the general, before announcing his arrival. Margaret opened the door and let him in while keeping the general strictly on the outside. The general was outraged. The finance minister could see her but he could not? 

What on earth was going on?

He tried to force his way in, but Margaret blocked the door with her body. In a fit of rage, Tobias drew his weapon, a great sword, and aimed it at the handmaiden. She did not move nor was she afraid. 

Margaret simply stood there unmoving.

"Is this how you want to go about this, Grand General Tobias?" she asked. 

Most people were not aware of the handmaid's powers. Margaret would have preferred to keep it that way as well but if it is required, she will not hesitate to use them. People often see her as just the princess's servant, but Margaret wielded far more influence and power than that. 

The soldiers who guarded the princess's room were on high alert. They too have drawn their weapons at the general.  historical

"Let me in, Lady Margaret. And no one has to get hurt." Tobias threatened. 

"You want me to disobey the princess's direct orders? The answer is no, General Tobias. You better leave now, so you don't get hurt." she snapped back at him. 

Just as Tobias was about to make the first move, the door behind Margaret opened slowly. Laina was the one who opened the door. Her piercing gaze and unmoving expression sent chills down the general's spine. 

Upon seeing her, Tobias immediately kept his weapon and knelt down before her. 

"Your Highness-"

"Grand General Tobias, is Kinshearth on fire?" she asked him sternly. 

Surprised by Laina's sudden unrelated question, the general did not know how to reply. 

"Did you not hear my question? Is Kinshearth on fire, a simple yes or no will suffice, general," she asked again. 

Tobias shook his head as he followed up with a reply, "No… of course not, your highness…"

"Alright, then what are you doing here?"

The general tried to explain himself, "Your highness, I… your subjects are worried about you. No one has seen you leave your quarters in three days, you have not been attending the court sessions…"

Laina sighed as she stepped out of the room with her arms folded. Not only was she annoyed to have been distracted from her work, but she was also annoyed that it was over such a trivial thing. 

"Tobias, while I appreciate your concern and the concern of my subjects, Lady Margaret was acting on my direct orders yet you have raised your weapon at her? That is equivalent to raising your weapon at me, my dear general," she warned him sternly. 

Shocked by the princess's statements, Tobias wanted to defend himself but Laina stopped him before he could even open his mouth. 

"You've seen me, I am well. I would appreciate it if you continue with your duties, Grand General Tobias, rather than worrying about me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I will return to my work. Margaret."

"Yes, your highness?"

"Please send the general off, and bring me a fresh pot of tea, the current one has gone cold."

"Right away, your highness," Margaret turned to Tobias and said, "Grand General Tobias, this way please."

Laina dived back into her work. Two days later, all the plans she had were written out and ready to be implemented. Margaret helped her sort through all the documents and prepared the letters and scrolls. 

"Is that ready?" Laina asked as Margaret wrote the finishing touches on a document. 

"Yes, your Highness," she replied swiftly as the ink began to dry. 

Laina stood up and stretched her body. She had spent far too much time seated at her desk. It was midday. Laina let out a long yawn as she walked over to her bed and laid down. Her eyes were just about ready to close when Margaret came over. 

"Everything is ready, your Highness," she informed the princess. 

"Good, send out my orders immediately. We need to," Laina yawned once more before continuing, "get all of these started at once."

"Understood. Princess Laina, you, on the other hand, need rest. You've been up for too many days without proper sleep. A princess needs her beauty sleep," Margaret reminded her. 

Laina smiled. Laying down on the soft bed was making her incredibly sleepy. As she turned towards the side table, Laina noticed the letter Dante had sent. 

"I have not returned Dante's gift yet…" she muttered to herself. 

Laina sat up in bed and picked up the letter. She walked over to the spatial storage box and bit her lip. It was still midday after all. 

"I'll rest after I get back."

When Margaret returned to the room, she arrived with a glass of warm milk, hoping it would help Laina sleep better. However, she was surprised to find that she was nowhere to be found. She was not on the balcony, or in the bathroom. 

"Where could she have gone…"

Dread washed over Margaret, had the princess gone missing yet again? Just then, Titan walked over to her with a letter in his mouth. She placed the glass of milk on the table and crouched down to give him a pat on the head. 

The letter was addressed to her. Margaret took it from Titan and read it. 

<Dear Margaret, 

Do not worry, I have not gone missing yet again. I have gone to Dracona to return Dante his gift. I will be back shortly. 

See you soon!


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