The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator

Chapter 191 192 Wiping The Cream or Rubbing Her Lips?

Chapter 191 192 Wiping The Cream or Rubbing Her Lips?

191 Chapter 192 “Wiping The Cream or Rubbing Her Lips?“

His finger slowly touched Li Shi Ying lips and....


Chen stroke Li Shi Ying lips with his thumb from the corner without cream, sloooowly until he wiped the corner with the cream.

Chen action was really in a slow motion that made Li Shi Ying froze on spot.

Long Ao Zhen was tempted. That moist plump cherry-like lips in front of him...was so damn annoying in a way!! He could only stroke it slowly to sense her lips if he didn’t do so...maybe he would lost control and kiss her already.

Li Shi Ying who was the ’victim’ of someone dirty thought....was feeling weird. She felt as if someone tickled her heart with feather.

She could felt Chen rough skin rubbing on her soft lips. That finger of his...gently feel her lips all the way till the corner...the warmth of his finger...the texture...

It was sooo embarrassing and awkward when a man stroke your lips ehem. Rubbing your lips with his thumb! IT WAS AWKWARD DAMNNN!!!

Li Shi Ying heart wasn’t going THUMP THUMP anymore. It went THUMP 100× as if thousand horses ran pass her heart, as if thousand drums being hit at the same time, echoed throughout her heart.

COULD CHEN STOP MAKING HER LIKE THIS???? If Chen did something again she was going to faint! Only pretend to faint though.

The one feeling satisfied here was obviously Chen. He was immersed in sensing Ying’er soft plump rosy lips with his thumb. Call him pervert, whatever. He just wanted to enjoy this time alone with her.

Chen finally wiped the cream and licked his thumb as he said "so clumsy. look! there’s a cream on your lips" and ended his words with a soft smile.

Long Ao Zhen himself didn’t realize that right now he was smiling. The cold aloof face he had been maintaining for quite a long time with a lot of effort...vanished without him knowing.

The image of him being a cold, aloof, overbearing ’president’ like man....crumbled in an instant when he show such a gentle scholary-like smile.

Li Shi Ying didn’t even hear what Chen said to her. She was focused on his smile. That smile was soo radiant to her eyes that she had to cover her eyes preventing her eyes went blind from the holy light.

If only she had her phone, she would capture that smile of him which could made any flower wittered in shame, bringing spring in the middle of winter....

Author: Stop. Don’t overdramatic the scene. I can’t write anymore than this. 😒

Li Shi Ying: ehem! okay 😳

Li Shi Ying thought in her heart that if she had her phone she would capture Chen smile and made it for her screen wallpaper so she could look at it every time she feel down. josei

Seriously. After that ’sensual’ wiping cream or rubbing lips Chen insta-kill her with his smile...her brain was overload. It burnt like hell.

It was a good thing that her brain and her heart didn’t exploded YET. It will if Chen kept doing things like this.

Li Shi Ying wasn’t being a drama queen with her reaction like that. Why? was the first time she saw Chen smile like that! Usually Chen only show a cold ice-block like face...or a paralyzed face....or....nah. It was the same.

Chen never smile like that. He only smile like a devil, a demon or a death god every time he was about to made a bloody scene. It was a horrifying smile.

So...this smile of him....was a very very superrrrr rare moment in Li Shi Ying life.

Li Shi Ying turned into a rag doll. When Chen pulled her hand....she follow. Everywhere Chen went....she follow. She was already in a love fairy spell as everything around her was filtered with roses and pinky color.

It was winter at the moment but Li Shi Ying felt like she was in spring. Flower bloom everywhere with birds happily chipped....couple spotted everywhere with a warm sunlight shone upon this humble realm....

Author: I warned you already. Stop being so poetic as i can’t write it!!!! 😠

In short, Li Shi Ying mind had went blank. All she could see was Chen and nobody else. She felt as if there was only her and Chen in this busy street....when in reality it was crowded to the extreme.

Just when it was exciting for Li Shi Ying, something unexpected happened.

She felt that something small....fell on top of her head.


I-is it a bug?? 😱

Li Shi Ying really hate bug so when she felt something on top of her head she couldn’t even shake it off. She was too terrified!!!

Li Shi Ying stopped walking and trembled. She gripped Chen hand tight as she tried to shake off the thing on top of her head.

Chen noticed Li Shi Ying strange behavior so he too stopped walking and look at Li Shi Ying. Her face was pale and she was trembling.

?? What’s wrong?

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