The Dragon Seal

Chapter 29 - Coiling Dragon Acupuncture

Chapter 29 - Coiling Dragon Acupuncture

Although the people of the Jones family were against it, they did not dare to say anything since Newton himself had spoken.

"Boy, don't blame me for not warning you. If anything happens to my dad, I won't spare you!"

Justin held zero expectations for Augustus.

Augustus smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't have the chance to."

Then, he told everyone to stand outside the door and free up the space in the bedroom.

"Elder Jones, I'm going to start now."

Augustus's expression hardened as his hands suddenly moved like swimming dragons, running over Newton's body.

This scene made Simon and the other experts smile wryly.

"What is that kid doing? Massaging?"

"He's trying to use traditional medicine to treat heart failure? He must be crazy."

"I have said that this young man can't do it at all. He only knows how to put on airs!"

The Jones family also shook their heads and sighed. This young man was really wasting their time!

The hot-tempered Justin could not stand it anymore and was just about to go forward and stop Augustus, but Jeremiah stopped him.


Justin froze and followed Jeremiah's gaze over.

Then, his eyes widened in shock.

At some point, a layer of white fog had wrapped around Augustus's hands. As his hands wandered, the white fog drifted along in the air like two white dragons!

Furthermore, the two long white dragons roared following Augustus's hands above Newton's body. Even though Augustus was not touching Newton's skin, his skin rolled like waves!

The scene was so amazing that the crowd froze in place.

Howard exclaimed, "That's… the Coiling Dragon Hands!"

"The ancient massage technique, Coiling Dragon Hands? Didn't that technique die out? How can this be…"

Even though Simon was focused on Western medicine, he also dabbled in traditional medicine.

There were six methods used in traditional medicine: cupping and scraping, acupuncture, herbs, moxibustion, massage, and nutrition.

Coiling Dragon Hands was the most superior technique under the massage method and was said to have the effect of eliminating all diseases and prolonging life.

However, the Coiling Dragon Hands had only been recorded in some ancient books and was lost before the rise of witch doctors in the Warring States Period.

Howard, Simon and the others never expected to be able to witness it with their own eyes today.

At that point, Augustus's speed in massaging the Old Master quickened and was increasingly fierce.


Newton's flesh rolled and surged like wild ocean's waves.

Amongst the sound of those huge waves was a low knocking sound, a continuous thudding. It sounded like a drum.

"What's that sound?"

"Look at what his fingers are doing."

Only then did the crowd see that while the dragons swam in Augustus's hands, his thumbs kept striking on top of Newton's flesh and skin, but he was so fast that it could not be noticed unless one was looking closely.

Furthermore, Augustus's strikes were extremely precise. All the places he hit were the various acupuncture points on the human body!

"This is…"

"Coiling Dragon Acupuncture!"

Howard and Simon exclaimed at the same time.

The highest realm of the Coiling Dragon Hands, Coiling Dragon Acupuncture!

They really had an eye-opening experience today!

At that moment, the Jones family finally saw this young man in a new light. They felt that he might be able to cure the Old Master's illness.

Newton also clearly felt that under Augustus's Coiling Dragon Acupuncture technique, all the meridians and acupuncture points in his body were instantly cleared, as if a thousand rivers were flowing into the sea, merging and uniting!

This strange feeling was something that Newton had never experienced in his life before.

However, before the crowd could be happy, a continuous beeping started.

A piercing alarm was heard as a red light lit up on the monitoring devices.

"Oh no, Elder Jones's blood pressure is too high. It has reached 210!"

"His heart rate is also accelerating. Oh my God, it's 200 beats per minute!"

"His heart rate is still increasing, 220! 240! 260!

"Oh God, he'll die like this!"

The expert team was in a mess.

Everyone in the Jones family was so anxious that their tongues tied and their faces went red.

"You brat, hurry up and stop!"

Jeremiah and Justin rushed over at the same time to try and stop Augustus.

However, as soon as their hands touched him, they were flung backward by a great invisible force.

"What powerful vital energy!"

The man in the tunic suit who drove the car earlier was in complete shock.

The man's name was Hans Gardner. He had been guarding Newton for many years and was a true martial artist.

Hans could clearly feel that the strength of the vital energy released from Augustus's body just now was far beyond his imagination!

At that point, all of Newton's vitals had reached their limit.

Blood pressure 230!

Heart rate 290!

This was definitely not something an ordinary person could withstand, let alone a patient with advanced heart failure!

Finally, the next moment, Augustus pointed his finger out one more time.

A long neverending beep was heard.

All the data from the testing equipment abruptly went to zero, and the entire ward instantly fell into silence.

"Elder Jones has no heartbeat!"

"Oh, God! He… He killed Elder Jones!"

The people in the Jones family felt like they were struck by lightning. Even Clara was so scared that she fell to the ground with a thud.

She never thought that she would become the sinner of the Jones family because of one of her decisions!


Jeremiah shook Old Master Jones as hard as he could, but there was no response.

Justin was furious and grabbed Augustus by the neck.

"You quack! How dare you harm my father!"

Augustus looked calm. "Calm down, Third Master Jones. Everything is under control."josei

Justin was completely furious. His father had died, but this b*stard dared to say that everything was under control. How dare he!

"You son of a b*tch, I'll kill you!"

Justin swung his fist and was just about to punch Augustus's face.

Just then.


The neverending beep had a steady pace now.

Everyone quietened down and looked at the monitor.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

On the screen, Newton's electrocardiogram restarted!

Then, Newton, who had already been ruled dead, shuddered violently and took in his first breath of air like a drowning man resurfaced.

"He came back from the dead… How is that possible..."

The experts were horrified and baffled.

Simon immediately went and examined Newton's body, and found out that not only was Newton's heart failure healed, but the state of his heart also seemed to be in its sixties even though he was already in his eighties!

Hearing this news, the Jones family was ecstatic. Clara was even crying with joy.

Justin and Jeremiah knelt in front of Augustus without hesitation.

"Mr. Cross, you're really the God of medicine. We're ashamed!"

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