The dragon's harem

Chapter 265 Taking Flight Toward The Goblins

Chapter 265 Taking Flight Toward The Goblins

SWOSH! Arad transformed into his draconic form and laid down so Aella and Jack could strap the saddles on the back of his neck.

Mira walked out of the house with two wooden chairs stacked, "Use those," She smiled, looking at Jack and Aella.

The two slowly strapped the saddles on Arad's back, making sure to tighten everything so they won't fall. This won't be a short trip, and they would spend the better part of the day on Arad's back

"I finished here," Jack waved his hand, "The straps were a bit too long, so I cut them down," He handed Aella his dagger, "Cut them on your end as well."

As Jack and Aella strapped Arad, Lydia went through everything that they might need, counting and making sure they stored it safely in Arad's stomach.

"Everything is ready," Lydia looked at Arad, lifting a thumb. Jack and Aella responded the same way. "He's all strapped down," Jack smiled.

Arad stood, stretching his neck as he activated the gravity magic to make sure no one would fall from his back. "I'm all set, get on," He lowered his right wing so they could climb easily.

"Jack, you sit in the front," Lydia said, pointing at the front saddle.

"Why me?" Jack looked back at her with a smile, "I won't mind, though."

"Shouldn't Aella be in the front?" Arad turned his head, staring at them.

"We will use him as a windshield." Lydia replied with a straight face, "I see," Arad smiled,

"Hoi! Wait!" Jack stared at Lydia, "Ah! Fine, Arad's head should be big enough to block the wind,"

They climbed and sat on their saddles. Jack is in the front, followed by Lydia and then Aella. "Well then, take care. We could be back in a week or more," Arad said, staring at Mira and Tina.

"Take care, and be careful. I hear those goblins are dangerous." Mira looked at Arad with a worried face.

"Stay safe, Master Arad. Lady Aella," Tina bowed.

"Don't worry. I can always blow them all out with a single breath. Dragons are a bigger problem than goblins." Arad smiled.

CREEK! A long sunflower grew, reaching Arad's face. "Goblins have killed more strong people than history care to note. I saw ten A-rank parties getting wiped by them on my back alone." Loci said with a serious voice, glaring at Jack, Lydia, and Aella.

Thud! The fairy sat on Arad's nose, looking at his eyes. ~And I doubt they grew to be such a big problem on their own. Someone might be behind the goblins guiding them.~ She said with a smile.

"I understood. I won't take them lightly." Arad nodded, expanding his wings as he got ready to fly.

FLAP! FLAP! FLAP! FLAP! FLAP! Arad flapped his wings and took to the sky, quickly rising above the clouds.

"Cold!" Jack gasped, covering his body with his cloak. He stared back, "You two aren't feeling it?"

Lydia smiled, "We aren't the windshield,"

"Arad, fly toward the sun. I want some heat." Jack looked at Arad's head.

"It won't matter. The wind is what cools you down." Arad lifted his head a bit. "But I can do this,"

A gentle flame ignited between Arad's horns, sending a gust of warm wind toward Jack.

"AHH!" Jack sighed, "This feels way better. Who knew you come with a heater?"

"Careful, you might get burned," Arad released a small gust of flames at Jack's face, burning the tips of his eyebrows.

They flew till nightfall and then camped in the forest. Arad picked a dangerous spot filled with monsters so they won't get attacked by bandits.

On the second day of the trip, Arad stopped midflight, hovering in place. "Jack, is a white carriage important?"

"What? What kind of white carriage?" Jack looked at Arad, as did Aella and Lydia.

"I can't see it that well. It's far on the horizon," Arad replied, pointing with his claw.

Arad and Aella tried to look, but they didn't see anything. Arad's vision was far better than theirs.

"Most people don't bother painting their carriages. So I say a noble or a merchant," Jack replied, making a guess.

"A merchant..." Arad remembered when he saved Roberta. They might pay him some gold if he saved them.

Arad looked back at Jack, "You three wait here. I will go take a look at them."josei

"You want to help them?" Lydia looked at Arad, "I will go with you."

"I won't help them for free. They would have to pay," He floated down.

"We paladins don't ask for rewards when helping someone on our own. Meaning I can't go with you?" Lydia tilted her head. Confused by what he implied.

"That's it," Arad shifted into his human form, "I will be back in a second."

"You're going in human form?" Aella looked at him.

"I want to test my sword skills. And I don't feel like relying on my draconic powers all the time." He remembered how many times he got close to death. ^It isn't because my enemies were strong, and it wasn't because I was unlucky. It's because I'm weak. I can't control to tame my own powers.^

Arad took a deep breath, glaring in the direction of the carriage. BAM! He blasted forward, running as fast as he could.


CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Steel clashed with iron as blood splashed across the green grass. The knights lifted their shields, blocking the heavy attack of large yellow and black tigers. Bandits rushed around pulling their crossbows back and aiming, the bolts flying like lightning sparks.

"We lost one! Kill the tigers," A knight, wearing full plate armor growled, swinging his greatsword and cleaving one of the bandits in half.

"It's useless captain. They outnumber us! We can't get to the elves at this rate."

BAM! The carriage door kicked open, and a blue-haired woman in her early twenties walked out, pulling a thin sword from her waist. SWOSH! She swung the blade, cutting the side of her massive skirt so she could move better.

Some of the knights and bandits tried to sneak a look, but she was wearing brown short pants with plated steel.

"Someone is trying to prevent us from reaching elves. We need to push through at all costs."

ROAR! A tiger lunged forward, leaping at the young woman with its jaw wide open.

"Your Highness," the knight captain screamed.

The woman shifted her gaze.

CRACK! In a single swift move, and with a passive face, she kicked the tiger with her heel beneath the jaw.

[Freeze] CRACK! The tiger head turned into ice and exploded from the impact.

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