The dragon's harem

Chapter 284 Imposter

Chapter 284 Imposter

"It's coming!" the purple dragon gasped, staring at the sky. A wave of bloodlust rushed down from the sky. ^No, it's not the drakaina. It's the human on her back,^josei

The purple dragon's vision focused on Jack's smiling face. ^I can feel his bloodlust from here. He isn't coming to fight. He's charging toward death.^

BAM! The purpled dragon spread his wings and jumped to the side. ^There is nothing more dangerous than a man who doesn't fear death.^

"You won't see the light of day again," Jack growled, "Your fate has been decided," She shifted the drakaina's direction by pulling on her horns.

The purple dragon opened his mouth, charging a plasma breath to blast the drakaina alongside Jack.

CRACK! Arad and Aella teleported to the purple dragon's neck and punched his lower jaw closed.

The plasma concentrated inside the purple dragon's lung, exploding inside his throat.

The guards jumped from the wall, hiding behind it as they saw the burning drakaina diving headfirst toward the ground. A ball of death spiraled toward the ground, and the purple dragon expanded his wings to fly away.

CLENSH! Arad bit the dragon by the neck, sucking on his blood like a vacuum cleaner.

"Let go of me, you little bastard!" The purple dragon growled, "That drakaina intends to blast the whole place. What did that rogue do to her to charge like that?"


"That's it, charge downward as fast as you can. Don't give him a chance to think of anything else," Jack whispered to the drakaina. "Leave intimidation to me. Just as I can make people ignore me in the streets, I can make them focus on me."

[Imposter] Thieves can blend between people, to make themselves unnoticed. A crucial ability that helps them survive in their harsh line of work.

So, what if a rogue broke all of the ability's rules? Using it to stand out instead of blending in.

^I'm not a part of the herd. The herd is a part of me. I'm the center of focus and the main character in this world. Beware, I'm coming.^ Jack's eyes glared down at the purple dragon.

The pressure, fear, and danger generated by the drakaina's suicidal dive got channeled through Jack, firing directly at the purple dragon. Creating an illusion of two massive equal threats, the drakaina, and Jack, the imposter.

SWOSH! The drakaina reached the purple dragon, about to hit him headfirst. Jack pulled her horns as hard as he could, and she opened her wings shifting direction.

GIH! The purple dragon gasped, realizing he was tricked, but it was too late. The drakaina's right claw headed toward his head at a supersonic speed.

THWACK! The drakaina's claw smacked into the dragon's head like a lion hitting a rabbit, sending him rolling across the forest with a fireblast.

BAM! The purple dragon smacked into a mountain, falling to the ground. He opened his eyes and saw the drakaina rushing at him, enraged.

"You bitch dare fight back again?" He growled, opening his jaw.

Thud! Arad teleported above the purple dragon's head, swinging his claws down at his eyes. STAB!

The purple dragon roared as Arad gouged his eyes again.

[Ice Fist] Arad channeled as much cold magic as he could, freezing the purple dragon's eyes and preventing them from regenerating as the drakaina charged.I think you should take a look at

VROOOOOOOOOOMM! An ear-shattering rumbling raged from the drakaina's chest. She was going all out. ^I waited for a long time for this moment. The moment that I can gouge your guts out.^

CRACK! She bites the purple dragon from the neck, swinging her claw at his guts. CLANG! Her fist hit his stomach, but couldn't pierce through. He was far tougher than her.

She didn't care, swinging her neck back and lifting him up. CLARK! She smacked the purple dragon back to the ground as hard as she could, a clawed him back into the sky with a second hit.

VROOOOOOOM! A rumbling rushed from the purple dragon's chest and his body ignited in purple plasma.

The heat wave caused a shockwave to expand, hitting the drakaina and sending Jack falling from her back.

FLAP! Arad flew in, catching him before he could hit the ground and flying back to the city.

CRACK! Arad landed in front of the city gate and dropped Jack and Aella. "You two wait here," He growled.

Aella and Jack looked at the mountains.

VROOOM! They could hear the dragons' wings rumbling from here, seeing the purple dragon punch the drakaina in the head, her body bouncing from the ground as if it was a mattress.

CRACK! The ground cracked all the way to the city as the dragons' roars filled the sky, turning it red from the raging flames burning the forest.

[Two adult dragons fighting to the death. It's better to take the chance and run away. You don't want to stand between them.] Mom suggested, but Arad wasn't going to listen.

"I'm going to kill that purple bastard," Arad growled, and Aella glared at him.

"That's insane. Stay here, or let's fly back to Alina. Look at them. You will die in the chaos." She cried.

Mom and Aella were right. Arad knew that he could only dodge their attacks thanks to [Void step] And that he could only tank their heat because of the vampire regeneration. And he can only see their movements thanks to lycanthropy.

"I can do it," Arad growled, "No, it isn't like that,"

VROOM! A rumbling raged from Arad's chest, and his body started getting consumed by the void. "That bastard laid his hand on Aella. Why is he still alive?"

"What?" Aella gasped.

"Arad," Jack sighed, "I know you're pissed off, but don't get reckless. Not like I'm the one to speak. I riled that red one."

ZON! Arad disappeared, appearing in the sky where he glared at the two dragons fighting. ^I need to strike when he's distracted by the drakaina and suck his blood dry, till the last drop,^

[Fine, if you want to fight. But that drakaina won't last long. You better strike early.]

^Don't worry, Mom. I won't miss my chance. That thing is mere food now.^ Arad growled.

A vampire dragon is on the hunt for blood.

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