The dragon's harem

Chapter 119 [Bonus ] Dual Swords

Chapter 119 [Bonus ] Dual Swords

The mage stared at the woman clinging to him, "What is your deal? Leave me alone," He pushed her away and kept walking. The woman glared at him, crossing her eyebrows in frustration, "Listen to me," She approached him again.

The mage looked at her with one eye, [Sleep], he pointed a wooden want at her from underneath his robe.

Thud! The woman's eyes curled back, and she fell to the ground. The mage took the chance and walked away, pretending he didn't see anything.

People gathered around, staring at the woman, wondering what happen. "AH!" The woman stood, glaring forward with a scornful gaze, "The fucker escaped," She pushed the people blocking her path to the side and rushed into the back streets.

Some people chased after her, "Hey! Wait for a moment, lady!" But when they turned into the back streets, they saw no women there, only a blond man walking away.

The mage rushed away, "What was that? Since when did this city have women like that?" He growled, approaching a fruit shop.

"Lady, can you tell me where I can find a decent inn?" He asked with a smile, lifting two apples, "I will buy these,"

"Thank you," the woman smiled, packing the apples as she thought, "How long are you going to stay?"

"Just a day or two," The mage replied.

"In that case, I would suggest the elephant trunk in the west," She smiled, "It's a brothel, but their rooms are cleaner than any inn in the city. Most people spend nights in there without even asking for service,"

The mage took a step back, "You must be joking,"

The woman shook her head, "No, but they have a policy that you can only stay three days a month," She replied.

The mage shook his head, "Can you give me another one?"

"I would insist, and whats the harm in going there? I could even put a word with them to get a free stay," She smiled, squeezing her chest out.

The mage grabbed the apples and rushed away, not even taking his change. The shopkeeper glared at him and snorted, "The fucker! This isn't my strong suit, damn it!" She looked back, spitting in disdain.

"Hmmhmhmh!" She opened the cabinet behind her, and a tied man fell out. She stared at him, "Sorry about this, take this," she threw him five silver coins and left after loosening his bind.

The tied man freed himself almost immediately and rushed out, grabbing a blond man he saw walking away, "Hey! You there! Did you see a brown-haired bitch? She walked into my shop and tied me!" The man cried.

The blond man stared at him. It was Abel, "I don't know. She might have run in the other direction,"

"Thanks!" The man smiled and rushed in the other direction.

Abel walked in the back streets, "The bastard ran away. I wasted too much time with the shopkeeper."

"You there!" Abel stopped, hearing a voice call him. He looked up and saw a dozen hooded people watching him from the rooftops, "You've been in the wrong place and time twice now. Nothing personal, but we're going to keep you with us for two days,"

Abel smiled, "You aren't from the city guard. I don't remember seeing your faces around here,"

"We aren't obligated to identify ourselves, and it's better for you not to know us. We want to keep bloodshed to a minimum, so come with us willingly, and we can guarantee your safety," One of the hooded men replied.

Abel smiled, "I guess not. I have places to be in, and you're in my way," He smiled, lifting his hands. He looked around. The area was empty.

He took an empty road to make sure people didn't see him, but those bastards used it to ambush him,

"Don't say we didn't warn you!" The hooded men pulled their weapons.

BAM! Abel's body disappeared, and a burst of air exploded, sending a shockwave across the street as Able reappeared before the speaking man, swinging two swords. CLANG! CLANG!

The hooded man barely blocked the attack, growing as his wrists screamed in pain, "He's fast! How did he get to me?" The hooded man was on the roof of a building, and Abel reached him in the blink of an eye.

Abel carried two swords, a short sword in his left hand and a longsword in his right.

"A dual sword wielder! Stop him right away!" One of the men shouted, rushing at Abel with a dagger stab.

CLANG! Abel blocked the man's strike with ease, "I want to get to my wives, can't you let me go?" He glared at them, and the man's dagger started to rust.

"What?" The man growled, leaping away and staring at his dagger, "What is this?"josei

Abel looked at them, smiling. "Attacking me randomly in the street. I should help you visit the guards, shouldn't I?"

"We are a secret troop of the city! You can't do that, and resisting us is a crime," One of the men shouted, threatening able, "You could get executed by the lord!"

Abel smiled, "Me?" They didn't seem to know he was the lord's son, "I know my rights." glared at them, "Want to keep me? Then bring me the arrest decree. Otherwise, I'm treating you like bandits,"

The men glared at each other, growling as Abel stared at them with an evil smile. "Then here you die!" One of them rushed forward, and swing a sword.

CLANG! CRACK! Abel deflected the attack and kicked the man in the jewels, knocking him down. "Is this all that you get? I've seen kids stronger than you!" He smiled.

"Attack him together, don't let him have got a one on one fight," All of the men rushed at Able while one of them ran away to report. Abel spotted the running man and wanted to stop him. "Get off my way!" He growled, surrounded from every direction.

The man rushed away, but the moment he reached the end of the street, he found a young white-haired man looking at him with a smile, "Yo! Why the hurry?" He smiled.

"Move!" The man attempted to push him away, but the young threw him to the ground, glaring at him with a smile, "That wasn't very nice of you," He pointed one finger down. CRACK! The man got encased in ice.

"Isn't that Gojo?" Abel looked at the man he had seen before in the guild, and the one Nina asked to look into the mage matter with him.

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