The dragon's harem

Chapter 176 Coming Back To Alina.

Chapter 176 Coming Back To Alina.

~Arad, can you help me get rid of the fungus seeds?~

"Of course," Arad stood, stretching his arms. "Where are they?"

~Go to the elder tree~

Arad walked toward the elder tree. As soon as he got close he could see it.

The fairy ripped all the trees flowering branches and only left a large trunk. A large ball of dirt sat beside the tree. ~The seeds are here. Please burn them~

Arad pulled his sleeves up, "Want me to stick my hand inside and use fire magic?" He touched the large ball.

Arad pushed his palm inside the ball of dirt. With a red spark, his flames gushed form to burn everything inside and put an end to the fungus.

"Let's make sure this fungus never comes back again."


"Say, do you have a name?"

~No, but you can call me Loci.~


The next morning came and Lydia woke up. She still couldn't walk so Arad carried her on his back as they returned back to the city.

Lydia and Jack stopped by the inn as She needed to rest. Arad, Aella, and Mira headed straight for the guild to report the tree's location.

"How did the mission go?" Nina asked with a smile as she saw them approach her desk.

"No one told us the tree is alive." Arad sighed.

Nina tilted her head, "We don't have information about it. Mira went with you to cover that gap. If she didn't know, there is no way we can."

Arad glared at her. "This could have been a TPK. Register that dealing is dangerous." Aella sighed, "I will give the details of the quest."

Aella and Arad gave Nina the details. Only omitting the fact they talked to the genius loci and its power.

"The tree was a parasite fungus that infected a genius loci. I will make sure everyone with such a quest in the future know of that." Nina smiled as went to bring the reward.

"Chuzuke left you a reward as a basic 10 gold coins, with more depending on the size of the tree you found. That means you have to wait until his expedition comes back." Nina smiled.

"How long will that take?"

"A few days. I chose this instead of a base payment since you will get more out of it even for a small tree."

Arad stood, "Then, we will go rest."

Arad and Aella walked out of the guild with Mira.

"See you later." Mira smiled, waving her hand as she headed toward her home.

Later that day. Knock! Knock!

Arad was sitting on the couch in the living room when he heard the door. He glared at it as he already could feel the person outside.

"Coming." Aella walked toward the door and opened it.

"How are you doing!" Mira said with a smile, walking inside.

"We are fine. We weren't injured. Did you check on Lydia?" Aella smiled.

"She is fine, almost. Jack called a healer from the church and she ended up covered in bandages from head to toe. She's so sore she can barely walk." Mira scratched her head. "But It seems her divine rank increased."

"Divine rank?" Arad looked at them as Mira sat facing him.

"Her rank in the church. Paladins and Celrics get higher in the church with more good deeds. God blessed her symbols directly which surprised everyone." Mira looked at Aella.

"Gods rarely deal with mortals. Was it because she fought like that?" Aella walked toward the kitchen to bring some tea.

[She fought to the death to keep her oath. I would say it's a natural thing for a paladin to gain more power from their god for that.]

"She's a paladin. I would say it's normal for her to get that." Arad said as he relaxed on the couch.

"It's normal for a paladin. But the church people gave themselves nominal rank-ups for the past years. It's been rare for a god to give it to a mortal, it never happened in the past ten years in this city." Mira sighed.

"They can rank themselves up?" Arad sighed.

"You build this church. You've been in the church for five years. You're the son of the saint that. They keep spitting nonsense each day. And they get surprised when someone gets a legitimate rank up."

"Do they get power from their rank-ups?"

"They get systematic and diplomatic power. But not holy or divine powers. Alina's church father isn't a high-level cleric or a paladin. He's just the son of the previous father and has taken the position."

"I brought the tea. Arad can you bring the table out?"

Arad stood and walked toward the cabinet in the back and brought a table. Aella sat the tea tray down and started pouring.

"Speaking of power." Mira helps Aella pour the tea. "You're a true dragon?" She looked at Arad.josei

"Yes," Arad looked away.

"I know it, those muscles don't belong to a human." Mira smiled. "But, you aren't a red dragon, are you?" She remembered him being as black as coal. But he didn't have the forward-pointing horns of a black dragon.

Arad scratched his head, "I'm a void dragon. Remember to keep it a secret." Arad grabbed his teacup and took a sip.

"I won't tell anyone. You can count on me." Mira smiled, "Should I tell Mom?"

Arad looked up, "The fewer the people that knew, the better. Don't tell her unless necessary."

Mira looked to the side, "Sorry, I already told her."

Arad sighed. "Only her?"

"Only her."

"Fine, I doubt Lyla would cause me any trouble."

Mira scratched her chin, "I told Mom how you saved me from the fall," she looked at Arad. "She said that if you have any scales, she could find a buyer for you. Or even a blacksmith to make armor with no strings attached."

Arad smiled, "Really? I have some of my scales that I wanted to make armor for Aella with." He looked back at the cellar trapdoor.

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