The dragon's harem

Chapter 209 Urgent Request

Chapter 209 Urgent Request

Aella looked at the sky, "What's taking them so long?" She sighed. It was almost lunchtime.

ZON! At that moment, Arad emerged out of thin air with Mira in his arms in the middle of the garden. "Aella, we're back," He waved his arm at her. She was in the kitchen staring at them from the window.

Arad put Mira on the ground, and she barely managed to stand. She didn't feel it in the heat of the moment, but now, she was more than just sore. Her knees started shaking as she leaned on him.

Aella sighed, drying her hands and walking out of the house. "You were a bit too rough on her." She approached them.josei

"Aella, you should have warned me." Mira stared at her, almost crying.

"But it wasn't that bad, was it?" Aella smiled and then started at Arad. "You better let her rest for the day. I got a letter from the guild."

Aella pulled the letter from her pocket and handed it to Arad. "Alcott and Ginger are going on a quest. The guild wants you to go with them."

"The letter says only me. Should I go check on it now?" Arad sighed, looking at Aella.

"It's urgent if they had to send a letter. You can wait till after lunch," Aella smiled.

"No, I will go right away. I will check on Jack and Lydia on my way as well." Arad turned, "Mc!"

The moose came rushing from the forest. "You two rest." And he bolted to the city.


Jack sighed, putting a crystal ball on Lydia's forehead as she slept.


[Name: Lydia Auston][Race: Elf][Class: Paladin Of lathander]

[Level: 16/20][Exp: 36520/225000][Sub-class: Arcane-Archer]


[Strength: 20] [Agility: 16] [Constitution: 14]

[Magic: 8] [Intelligence: 12] [Wisdom: 15]

[HP: 13/384][MP: 32/288][SP: 3/288]



[Divine Sense] The presence of strong evil register on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears.

[Lay on Hands] Your blessed touch can hear minor wounds. Or you can call on your god's favor to lift a mild illness.

[Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting]


[Holy Smite]

[Divine Smite]

[Divine Cleaver]

[Holy Magic Casting] The ability to cast holy magic.

[Divine Health] The divine magic flowing through your veins makes you immune to disease.

[Oath Of Vengeance and Protection] The Oath of Vengeance is a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin. And those who swore to protect so no more vengeance is needed.

[Aura of Protection] You can sense when a misfortune is about to occur. You can easily predict attacks aimed at your allies.

[Indomitable] None can change the will of a devoted paladin. Even magic can't.

[Improved Life force] In battle, the paladin is immune to knockouts unless they die.

[Channel Divinity] Allow you to channel the power of your god into your attacks if they agree to help you.

[Innate Skills]

[Blessing of Lathander: +6MP per level]

[Blessing of Chauntea: +8MP per level]


Vengeance: Fight the Greater Evil

Protection: Protect the good and innocent

Vengeance: No Mercy for the Wicked

Protection: Benevolent hand to the Virtuous

Vengeance: By any means Necessary.

Protection: Within reason to others.

Vengeance and Protection: If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.

[Relentless Avenger] Your body gets a rush after each attack, allowing you to move even when greatly injured or exhausted.

[Soul of Vengeance] When you see a creature under your vow of enmity, you can make strike against them in your god's name.


[Necrotic Magic]


[Holy Magic]




[Sacred Flame]

[Spare the Dying]



[Cure Wounds]

[Divine Favor]


[Zone of Truth]

[Lesser Restoration]


[Aura of Vitality]

[Crusader's mantle]

[Remove lesser Curse]


[Holy weapon]


Jack sighed. Her condition wasn't looking good. The after-effects of pushing her body too much have taken their tool. She isn't recovering as fast as she used to. He stood and looked out of the window.

"Jack! Are you inside?" Arad knocked on the door, and Jack looked down.

"Arad? How did you know I'm here?" Jack smiled, waving his hand.

"Loci told me. How is Lydia doing?" Arad asked.

"Not soo good. Wait, I will open the door." He rushed down and got Arad inside to see Lydia. She was lying in bed with bandages covering her whole body.

"She had multiple muscles and tendons ruptured, broken bones, and internal bleeding." He looked at Arad. "I have to stay here with her. Someone has to change her bandages and give her the medicines she needs."

Arad looked at Lydia, "Magic won't work?"

"We can heal her with magic, but she might die of starvation afterward." Jack looked at her. "Our only option is to heal her slowly."

Arad nodded. "Look at this." He showed the letter to Jack.

Jack skimmed through the letter and then looked at Arad, "Alcott needs help with a quest? Don't tell me he needs you to fly him around." He laughed.

"I don't know. I haven't checked the guild yet."

Jack smiled. He gave the letter to Arad and sat on a nearby chair. "I can't go with you since I'm staying with Lydia. I don't know about the danger of the quest, but you might be better leaving Aella at home."

Arad blinked twice, "Why? She's strong enough."

"It's Alcott's we're talking about. The last time I heard, a whole city ended up destroyed. You can survive, but most can't." Jack was right. Aella isn't as durable as Arad is, and taking her on a quest with Alcott is only asking for her to be gravely injured or die.

Arad thought about it. ^I should check with Alcott first. If he needs me for storage or to carry them somewhere, we can take Aella. But if it was for fighting power, that's a different story.^

Arad stood, "I'm heading to the guild. See you later, and take care of her."

Jack smiled, "Of course, you be careful. It's never safe around S-ranks."

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