The dragon's harem

Chapter 213 The Dreams Of A Maiden

Chapter 213 The Dreams Of A Maiden

Aella sighed, "Fine, but when will you return?" She stared at Arad and Alcott.

"We don't know, But with Arad, the trip won't take that long." Alcott smiled. "I would say a week or two."

"Arad would be a noble soon, presumably a baron. Having an S-rank under his belt should be enough to deter other nobles from messing with him. Especially since he doesn't have soldiers." Ginger smiled.

"I can just beat them. I don't need soldiers for that."

"The goal is to prevent a fight from starting in the first place. Scare them with your power." Ginger looked at Arad, "I doubt they fill mess with you if they knew you're a dragon. But to them, you're but a strong man."

Mira scratched her head, "They will see him as an easy fish to steal his land."

Alcott stared at Arad, "They might not even fight. For example, they can try to criminalize you with something. Or, as we say, wipe the knife on your back."

"You need to start playing under the table if you want to remain hidden as a dragon and live as a human from now on." Ginger looked at Arad, "Albeit, I say having a noble title is befitting for a vampire."

Aella imagined Arad as a duke living in a scary castle under the moonlight. He sat on his throne, one leg on the other, with his eyes flashing red. "It sure befits him."


"Ara! Oh my! Ara! Oh my!" Far away, the massive green dragon smacked her tail on the ground, wiggling her butt as she crawled around the crystal. "What a development! He's becoming a noble!"

A kobold walked forth, "Madam Claug, please calm down. Your tail is shaking the whole cave."

The large dragon turned her head to glare at the kobold. "Silence, fool! Don't you see I'm watching the life of Arad?"

"I know, but I'm saying not to move too much while doing it." The kobold sighed.

"How could I not move? His mother had multiple stories, but he's going to be the first long-running one! He's already got two lovers and a noble title. How could I not be invested?" Claug growled, staring at the crystal ball again, but the living room was empty, Arad and everyone had left.

"KYAAAA!" Claug cried, "Look what you have done! I missed the best part. There is no rewind!"

"If you finished watching. Then stop shaking the whole cave. Repairs are becoming a pain." The kobold glared at her.

"It's time for Princess Ishtar! I want to see if her plots are going to fruit or fail and crumble on her." Claug shifted her crystal ball to stare at the royal castle. "What could happen, what could happen!" she wiggled her tail from left and right, smacking the walls and shaking the cave.

The kobold sighed, turning around to leave. "Are people's lives just a form of entertainment to you?"

Claug turned her head toward the kobold, causing his bones to shiver. "They are. Except for Arad and his mother. Those two achieved my dream, and I want to learn their secret of how to blend into human society and live my dream life."

"Sorry," the kobold gasped.

"No need to apologize. I would have eaten you long ago if I worried about your remarks. Good job, you're dismissed." Claug looked back at her crystal ball, trying to not damage her own lair from excitement.

The kobold walked away, ^The draconic arrogance. They all become like this when they get older. Their desires, hobbies, and nature take over. Even I would be flying around eating all the apples I find if I had her strength. Who would dare question my life decisions?^


Thud! Arad teleported with Alcott and Ginger far away enough that the city wouldn't see them taking off. "This looks like a decent place."

Alcott and Ginger looked around, they were at the edge of the mountains, but monsters were nowhere to be seen.

"Say, Arad, did you come here before?" Alcott looked toward Arad with a smile.

"Yeah, several times." Arad replied, "I did survey the area with Aella."

"I knew it," Ginger stared at him. "The monsters here knew you're a dragon and are avoiding you."

"Ah!" Arad gasped, looking at the sky. "GRGRGRGRGRGRG!" A deep growl came from his throat, like a muffled lion roar.

Monsters and animals started moving, and Alcott could sense them. "I did manage to get them to stay away when I'm with someone. But I just told them to ignore us."

Alcott looked behind him, seeing a giant cobra slither into the bushes without attacking them. CRACK! Black scales covered Arad's body as he transformed into his draconic form.

Arad wiggled his head like a dog, grunting as he extended his wings and spine like a cat. "But, some still dare attack."


The cobra that was pretending to just pass by, lunged at Arad, attempting to bite him in the neck. SWOSH! CANG! Arad's head swung like a whip, biting the cobra's head. He then slurped it like a noddle.

"Those who don't listen end up eaten." Arad looked at Alcott and Ginger.

Alcott laughed, and scratched his head, "That was a B-rank monster. And you just at it like nothing."

"I'm a dragon. No matter how Aella and Mira cook. The quantity can never fill me, so I hunt like this." Arad replied, licking the blood off his teeth.

Alcott approached Arad, knocking on his scales. "They are hard. I would say almost like those of a young adult dragon. But they aren't on the level of an adult dragon."

"I'm still a very young dragon." Arad looked at him. "I still have room to grow."

"This says how much or a rare type you are. Dragons are already powerful, to begin with, and you're going to be even stronger." Alcott looked at Arad, "And adult dragons could kill you easily, so don't start fights with them."

Arad remembered, "What green dragon we met before. How old was she?"

"Claug? She was an ancient dragon is the latest record. And those were fifty years ago. I didn't notice any change when I saw her in the forest." Alcott thought about it. "She would slurp you like you did the cobra."

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