The dragon's harem

Chapter 239 [Bonus ] Draconic Army II

Chapter 239 [Bonus ] Draconic Army II

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR! A loud screech boomed across the planes, and Arad's voice kept getting louder and louder.

Ginger and Tina closed their ears, feeling them about to burst.

"Calm down!" Claug cried, trying to hold Arad down with her claw.

ZON! CRACK! Her claw hit the ground as Arad already teleported away.

"Where did he go?" She gasped.

ZON! Arad appeared in the face of the massive red dragon, swinging his claw.

"HAA WIIN RAACK! (Here you are!)." The red dragon smiled, lifting his claws to catch Arad. BAM! Arad smacked the red dragon on the nose.

"AAHH! NIIFII!" The red dragon roared, stumbling back and rubbing his nose.

The gold dragon started laughing, "TAAG AALIIK! (He beat you!)."

ZON! Arad appeared in front of the gold dragon's face, grabbing his whiskers and pulling on them.

"KYAAA!" The gold dragon cried, "ATLOGNI! (Get away from me!)." He swung his claw at an incredible speed and caught Arad." Thud! He managed to catch him.

Arad opened his jaw and bit the gold dragon's claw. CRACKLE! Lightning and fire burned from his body. "PIKYAAAAAAAAA!" The gold dragon cried, feeling as if a small dog bite his finger.

The silver dragon flew in to help as the red dragon laughed.

Arad looked back, seeing the silver dragon trying to catch him. He turned his neck and opened his jaws, dark magic gathered between his teeth for a second before exploding in a cone of absolute darkness. CLAP!

Arad hit the silver dragon with a void breath head-on to the face, causing him to stumble back. "SHAWA DA!(What was that?)." He looked at Arad, "AHDA! (Calm down!)."

A brass drakaina flew in, swinging her claw in the air. [Calm] She cast a spell to help Arad calm down. "KHAOUFTOUH. (You scared the little baby)."

With the magic coursing down Arad's body, he started to feel a bit drowsy as his senses calmed down. She took Arad away from the gold dragon and help him in her claw, feeling his heart racing like a scared little bird.

"TAARFOO GHIIR TAATFAATNOO! ADAAM NTAAKOUUM KHALAOO! (You only know how to fight! Your bloodlust scared him!)." The brass drakaina shouted at the gold and red dragon.

After losing a fight, and having his throat severed. Arad thought he died, and it was stressful. What made it worse is that he woke to over ten thousand dragons of absolute power. All of them releasing floods of bloodlust. He wasn't going down without a fight.

The brass dragon looked at Arad, clearing her throat, "Do you understand me?" She tried to speak in a human tongue.

Arad kept glaring at her. She could feel his claws itching to strike back. He still didn't fully calm. She handed him back to Claug who glared at him, "Arad, it's me. It's all over, they won't attack you or anyone so calm your scales down."

It took Arad a solid five minutes to calm down. PUFF! He shifted back to his human form and sat below Claug, panting for air. "What the hell happened?"

"The dragons came to help Alcott, who almost died." Claug looked at Arad as a black dragon, and the gold dragon from earlier approached Alcott.

PUFF! The gold dragon took a humanoid shape, a white-haired old man with a beard long enough to reach his crotch strung with his mustache.

"Let me have a look at him." He said and the black dragon pulled his face closer, inspecting Alcott's body.

"You still can't take a humanoid shape?" The gold dragon looked at the black one.

"I focused on medicine, I didn't have time to learn polymorph." The black dragon replied, sniffing Alcott.

"The vampire is keeping him alive," He added.

The gold dragon rubbed his beard. "His vampire and lycanthropic curses are eating each other inside his body. You can say that his vampire side sees his lycanthropic side as a foreign entity, and the reverse is right."josei

"We have to remove one. A human body can't handle those two curses together." The black dragon looked closer at Alcott.

"No, they are already integral in his body. We can't just pull one out." The gold dragon growled.

"I will bring this case to Queen Lola. She might know something having lived since before the second great war." The black dragon growled.

"I will bring it to Holy Mary as well. She might know of a cure. Or at least get us in contact with someone who can fix him." The gold dragon looked at Alcott.

"You can't do anything?" Ginger gasped, looking at them.

"I can't heal such a case, but I will give you this." The gold dragon handed a small sachel with medicine in it. "Condensed nutrient, give it to him with three doses of low-grade healing potions per day."

The black dragon nodded, extending his claw and dropping a fifty-kilogram, bag of salt. "The salt is from the star mountain. Mix it in a warm bath for him. It will draw toxins out of his body. And prevent his case from getting any worse as he recovers."

"Now with this over," The gold dragon turned, rubbing his beard, and looked at Arad. "Little void baby, it's rare to see your kind." He approached Arad, who was still resting.

Arad lifted his head and stared at the dragon's face. "Why did you bring all of them?" He looked around, the whole land was filled with mountain-sized dragons, all ready to fight.

"We can't look less willing to help than the chromatic," The gold dragon smiled, and the red dragon brought his head close.

"We have as much right to the dragon mediator as your kind." The red dragon growled.

"As you see, normally, only I and the black dragon over there would have come." the gold dragon pointed and the black dragon waved his massive claw.

"But, what if the chromatic sent two dragons, and we only sent one? That will look bad for us. Let's send three dragons." The gold dragon shook his shoulders.

"Each time, we tried to one-up each other until we started bringing the whole army to prove a point." The red dragon sighed.

"So if someone killed Alcott?" Arad looked at them.

The gold and red dragon looked at each other. There one only one thing that they agree on. "The whole dragon kind will come rumbling, killing his family, distant family, race, kingdom, and making sure even the gods forgot their names." The two dragons growled.

ROOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR! All the dragons started roaring, "Blood for blood, life for life." They started chanting, "To Tiamat the damned go, her food they shall become." The chromatic dragons started flapping their wings.

"To Bahamut, the sinners go, their bones forever ground to dust by his platinum grinder." The metallic dragons danced on the mountains.

The gold dragon looked at Arad, "We will escort you back to Alina,"

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