The dragon's harem

Chapter 249 Stalling For Time

Chapter 249 Stalling For Time

"Today, you will die. That accursed Alcott shall follow you soon," Xaviin growled, eldritch flames bursting between his bones.

"No one will die," Arad growled, strapping Serin to his stomach and glaring at Xaviin. "You won't get anywhere close to the city."

"And you think strapping a helpless child to your body will help you beat me? Such an ignorant hatchling daring to face the power of the dead?" Xaviin pointed his staff at Arad.

"I might be young, but this city has more terrifying monsters than me." He clenched his and lifted it above his shoulder.

CLING! The adamantine sword appeared in Arad's hand, engulfed with the same holy flame burning Arad.

Arad took a deep breath, pulling the sword back as scales emerged on his cheek. CLACK! His wings expanded in the blink of an eye. ZON! Arad disappeared and appeared behind Xaviin, swinging the sword down.

BAM! Xaviin flew away and swung his staff, pointing at Arad, [Earth Pillars]

CRACK! Arad saw a stone spike rushing from the ground, headed directly toward Serin on his stomach. Thud! He jumped back, evading the attack.

Another spike rose from the ground, rushing at his back. ^There was another one?^

FLAP! Arad flapped his wings and took to the sky with a blast. GWAAA! Serin started crying, and he stared at her, "Did the acceleration hurt you?" He gasped, but that didn't seem the case. She was sensing something that he couldn't.

Arad glared back at Xaviin, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to kill you," Xaviin lifted his hand, and ten stones spikes flew from the ground to orbit him, "You better be ready to be raised as a dracolich under me."

The stone spikes ignited with an eldritch flame and flew at Arad at unbelievable speed.

ZON! ZON! ZON! Arad dodged the spikes by teleporting away as he kept an eye on Xaviin. ROAR! The moment he got in range, he unleashed a void breath attempting to drop the lich to the ground.

Xaviin lifted his palm and released a blast of magic, negating Arad's breath with ease. "Is this all you have?" But it took him a second to realize, Arad had disappeared again.

BAM! Xaviin felt his skull cracking as a hint of holy magic seeped into him, his body racing toward the ground as he looked up, seeing Arad glaring down at him with Serin still crying.

^He used the breath to distract me, but that doesn't matter.^ Xaviin glared at the clouds. A grin would have shown on his face if he has lips.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Merlin ran out of her tower as fast as she could, her hair still as messy as a bush. She grabbed the nearest broom she had and flew outside, flying high enough to get a top-down view of the city.

She closed her eyes, sensing the magic around the city.

Her eyes bulged open and she glared at the sky, "No way," She growled, sensing a massive ball of magic accumulating above the city, "I only read about it in books. How the hell is someone actually pulling it off?"josei

She opened her palm and created a small ball of magic [Arcane Eye] she then flung it above the clouds to get a better look at the sky. What she saw was terrifying.

A massive boulder of pure magic, engulfed in necrotic flames was forming. It will soon fall on the city.

"Meteor fall, and a necrotic one at that," she gasped, looking around the city, panicking. ^Where is the caster? Where is the caster? We must kill him.^ She flew across the city sky as fast as she could, tracking the magic, but the army of the undead muffled all tracks.

GRWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Merlin stopped, hearing a familiar roar from the city wall. "She's on the hunt," She smiled, seeing Nina standing on the wall with her battleaxe in hand, glaring down at several death knights.

^One, two... Seven death knights. They emit the most necrotic magic. Is the caster one of them?^ Merlin couldn't tell the source of the magic when the air dripped with necrotic mana. It was like asking someone looking at the sea to guess which spot was the slatiest.

Nina glared down at the death knights, veins bulging on her arm as her skin became as red as the blood flowing in her body. Her eyes shifted to a ruby color, and her hair stood like that of an angry animal.

GRWAAA! Nina growled and jumped out of the wall with her axe in hand.

The first death knight took a stance, lifting his sword as a green flame burned in his eyes. His jet-black plate armor crackled on his rotten bones, as he swung the massive sword in his hand to the side.

CLANG! The death knight's sword hit Nina in the face, bending as she got deflected to the side. He glared at his bent sword, "Like hitting a boulder, I can't cut into her flesh."

He looked to the side, seeing Nina's foot racing toward his skull. CRACK! The death knight flew toward the city wall, crashing into it with extreme force.

"Be careful!" Merlin screamed as she saw the wall crack, "If the wall fell, the undead will swarm the city!" But her words fell on deaf ears, Nina was raging, and she only knew one thing.

BAM! The other six death knights lunged, swinging their weapons with necrotic flames.

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Nina swung her axe, deflecting all of their attacks, before cleaving one in half with a single swing.

The death knights jumped away, pointing their hands at Nina. [Hellfire Orb] Each of the remaining five released a massive blaze of a crimson inferno.

Nina jumped into the sky and glared down at them. The one at the wall has already regenerated and is joining them again.

^We must stall for time, till lord Xaviin brings his judgment down.^ One of the death knights smiled inside. They weren't trying to kill Nina, they knew they didn't have enough power for such a thing.

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