The dragon's harem

Chapter 286 Heavy Weight

Chapter 286 Heavy Weight


Eris gasped as her plasma spear exploded in a purple spark, and she stared down at Arad's sword. "It's heavy,"

CRACK! Arad twisted his wrist, swinging up at her head. Thud! She jumped back, dodging the strike with a stern face. "You're faster than before,"

ZON! Arad wasn't in the mood to speak. He teleported right to her face, grabbing her by the neck. CRACK!

Eris grabbed his wrist, feeling her neck and throat cracking. ^He's crushing my neck,^

SWOSH! With her left hand, she conjured around a spear and hit Arad's arm, exploding it into ash.

Arad swung his leg, kicking Eris in the guts and sending her flying.

CREEK! Eris stopped, glaring at him with blood dripping from her mouth. She smiled, "You bastard, that hurt," She growled, and her dented stomach healed in the blink of an eye.

CRACK! Arad's arm regrew immediately, and he glared at Eris, "Get out of my way. I'm here to kill him,"

"That's my father, and I'm not letting you go to him." Eris pointed her spear at Arad, "You die here, fresh blood."

Eris and Arad glared at each other, and their magic slowly expanded.

BAM! Eris made the first move, pointing her spear at Arad and firing a [Plasma ball]

Thud! Arad stomped the ground, swinging his sword down [Void Dragon Claw]. He sliced the plasma ball in half, and each part flew to the side and burned a trail in the forest.

SWOSH! Eris flew after the plasma ball and faced Arad, swinging her spear as his blade was down.

Arad tried to lift his sword in time.

CRACK! Eris stepped on his sword, pinning it on the ground as her spear approached his neck.

Arad let go of the sword, bending his body back to dodge the spear thrust. At the same time, he swung his right leg up.

CRACK! Arad's foot kicked Eris in the chin, rattling her skull.

Arad exhaled, [Wyrmwolf's uncanny physique]. He balanced on his left hand, swinging his left foot and kicking Eris in the side, and with a swift move, he stood back up and punched her once with his left hand, spinning for another one with his right fist in the blink of an eye.

GUSH! Eris laughed blood, feeling her lungs shake inside her chest. The punches were strangely heavy, cracking her ribs with ease.

^He's a true dragon and is heavier than me.^ She gasped, taking a deep breath and swinging her spear at him.

Thud! Thud! With swift moves, Eris trusted two holes in Arad's torso. And without a word, she touched his chest with her palm, [Plasma blast]

BOOM! A fiery purple explosion sent Arad flying back, rolling on the ground. But he stood immediately.

"Is this your toy?" Eris smiled, lifting Arad's sword. "It's mine now. Should I melt it?"

Arad opened his palm [Gravity Magic]

The sword rattled in Eris's palm and suddenly flew at a blinding speed toward Arad's hand. "Says who?" Arad caught the sword and lifted his hand.

"Wait, what?" Eris gasped.

CRACK! Arad stomped the ground, throwing the sword back at her.

CLANG! Eris swung her spear, deflecting the sword, "You madman, what are you doing?"I think you should take a look at

Arad opened his palm [Gravity Magic]. SWOSH! He pulled the sword back into his hand and stared at Eris. "Ranged attack,"

Arad started spamming, throwing his sword at her over and over. Always pulling it back with [Gravity Magic] like a boomerang.

"Stop it!" Eris shouted, opening her mouth and charging a breath.

ROAR! A large blast of plasma expanded from her mouth, charring the ground into ash as it accelerated toward Arad.

Arad opened his jaw, releasing a blast of the dark void, erasing her breath. "Time to end this," Arad growled as Eris stared in shock at her breath disappearing.

ƥ [Gravity Magic: Expand]

A pulse of purple magic expanded from Arad's body, and Eris started floating.

"What? No gravity?" Eris growled, flapping her wings, "Then I will fly away,"

"You aren't going anywhere," Arad smiled, lifting his hands [Infinite Void] His body turned dark, covered with the void, and he started sucking the air like a vacuum.

Eris felt her body getting violently sucked toward Arad, and she had nothing to hold onto. SWOSH! In the blink of an eye, he pulled her toward him.

Eris lifted her spear, thrusting at Arad's face.

Arad shifted his head, dodging the thrust, and swung his fist at her.

She lifted her arms, blocking Arad's punch with a boxer guard. CRACK!

Eris felt her arms cracking, and Arad's punch sent her flying back.

It only took a second, but her body got pulled back toward Arad as he didn't stop [Gravity Magic: Expand] and [Infinite Void]

Eris glared at him, ^Again? He's pulling me in,^

CRACK! Arad punched her again, sending her flying toward the trees before pulling her once more.

BAM! CRACK! BAM! CRACK! BAM! After several punches, Arad pulled Eris one last time, transforming back into his draconic form.

CRACK! He swung his claw down, pinning her on the ground. "This is the end, half-blood," She growled, recalling how she called him fresh blood.

Eris coughed blood, glaring at Arad with a smile, "Even though I'm stronger than you. I can't push you around with my weight,"

When two beings of equal power clash, the lighter one gets pushed back. The same happened with Arad and Eris, even though she's stronger, the exhaustion from Lydia's fight, and the fact Arad weighs several times as much as her. She didn't have a chance at knocking him out.

Arad pushed his claw at the ground. CRACK! Eris's body cracked, and he turned toward the purple dragon. ^She's dead, but I can't eat her since she's a vampire. I need to get to that purple dragon as soon as possible.^ He could remember the last time he tried to suck a vampire's blood.

He transformed back into his humanoid form. ^I must sneak between the drakaina's attacks and bite the bastard's neck.^

SWOSH! Eris's body levitated behind Arad, and she opened her mouth, showing her fangs.

Arad immediately sensed her. She pretended to die. He turned around, swinging his fist.

Eris charged forward, dodging Arad's fist and biting him on the neck.

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