The dragon's harem

Chapter 302 Gaining Respect

Chapter 302 Gaining Respect

The village chief stood beside the gate, looking forward and waiting for The Princess and the adventurers to return.

"What were those noises from the mountain?" The chief looked at the guards.

"Sir, we didn't manage to see anything. That was the roar of a horrid monster, no doubt about it," the guard saluted the chief, standing beside him.

"I fear they agitated something we can't deal with." The chief sighed, "I hope we don't have to move again due to monsters. The people are exhausted."

The guard nodded, "You're right. We only moved here a year ago, and the people don't have the funds or stamina to travel." The guard looked at the mountain, "If they angered some kind of monster. This village is doomed."

The village chief sighed, "For God's sake, let's pray it was nothing to fear. The elderly have told me they rather die here than move again,"

"You're right," the guard nodded, looking down with a sad face, "My father said the same thing. My old bones can't move. I would rather die here than suffer the hardship of months of moving. It's what he said,"

Thud! "Chief! Look at the forest edge. They are coming, but without the carriage," One of the guards on the walls shouted, and the chief looked forward, his palm on his wrinkled forehead.

josei "Did they lose it?" The chief growled, "Don't tell me they ran away after getting beaten," He lifted his hand and waved to the guards, "Go meet them with ten guards. Make sure not to be rude to the princess."

The guard nodded, waving his arm to the back guards to bring the horses. "I can see they are carrying the paladin. She must be injured. Bring bandages and a healer with us," He shouted.

"You're taking a healer for them?" The chief stared at the head guard.

"We can't let a paladin die. It could bring bad luck or the wrath of her god upon us." The guard replied, and the chief nodded, "You're right,"

The horses came with the guards, and the guard rode one, "I will be back,"

Thud! Thud! Thud! The horses rushed across the fields, quickly reaching Arad and the rest.

CREEK! The horses froze, stopping in their track from fear just before facing Arad. "Hoi! What's the matter, move!" The guard whipped his leaves, but the horses grunted, not daring to move a step forward.

"Sir! The horses are scared. Those barely react to monsters, yet now they are shaking," He stared at his horse, itching to run away.

Thud! Arad walked forward toward the guards with a smile, "You came all the way to meet us here," He smiled, "Can you help us carry her?" He pointed back at Lydia and Jack.

NEIGHHHHHHHHHHH! One of the horses roared, violently lifting his front legs and throwing the guard riding him on the ground. CLANK! The guard fell to the ground, seeing his horse rush toward Jack and Lydia as Arad pointed.

To humans and intelligent creatures in general. Arad merely looked like a large man. Their consciousness blinds their eyes.

To the horses, Arad looked like a dragon, standing in front of them with his claws unleashed. One wrong move and they would end up as his dinner, and their instinct screamed to run or obey.I think you should take a look at

Thud! The head guard jumped from their horse and faced Isdis, "We're glad you're safe. You majesty Isdis Lior Ruris." He bowed, "How did the quest go? Are the goblins dead, and is the monster of the mountains somewhat related?"

Isdis stared at the man, confused for a second. He stood perfectly between being professional and rude, barely looking at her face yet grunting deep inside.

She pointed at Arad, "We had some unexpected events, but He dealt with them, including the mountain monster,"

Arad glared back at Isdis. ^Why are you throwing it at me?^

"We managed to clear the goblins. The village should be safe now.^ Arad cleared his throat, looking at the elves behind him. "We saved the hostages and will be escorting them back home soon,"

"I see, thank goodness." The head guard smiled and then stared at Arad. "What are the unexpected events her majesty talked about?"

Arad glared back at Isdis, wanting to punch her. ^What if I said something that could spark a war between the humans and elves? I can't just say they attacked us. They would think all the elves are the same.^

"We got attacked by some bandits." Jack interfered, "They seem to have wielded a magic item that controls stone giants,"

"What!" The guard gasped, "How could such a terrifying thing fall into the bandits' hands?" He stared at Arad. "Please tell me you recovered the magic item,"

Arad was confused for a second, but Aella quickly took for him. "I made sure all the bandits are dead. I sniped every last one of them."

Thud! The walking black rug behind Arad pointed at him, "He killed the bandit leader and the stone giants. Sadly, he's a bit of an idiot and broke the magic item,"

"Oi!" Arad glared, back at Eris, "Who did you call an idiot?"

"You," Eris giggled underneath the rug, "I know the fight was hard, but you didn't neat to blast the giant into rubble with your bare fists. The bandit leader pissed himself in terror."

The guard leader froze. That was a terrifying feat. Stone giants' skin is as hard as a rock, and for Arad to blast it with his bare fists he needs tremendous strength.

^No wonder the horses are scared.^ The guard leader stepped back, keeping a two-meter distance between him and Arad. ^If this man decided to swing his palm at my armored chest. My spine would fly back before I could feel the hit.

"Let's hurry back then," Arad looked at the head guard, trying to change the subject, "Lydia needs treatment,"

"As you order, Sir!" The head guard saluted Arad and rushed back.

"It's nice to plant some respect," Eris stood beside Arad, covered in the rug, but he could tell she was making a smug face.

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