The dragon's harem

Chapter 307 Doma

Chapter 307 Doma

Drip! Arad looked around, seeing Aella pouring water into the pot above the flames. The night looked peaceful, and the elves weren't lazing around but helping cook dinner.

^It's too calm. I thought traveling was dangerous,^ Arad stood walking around the camp, smelling the clean air.

HISSS! The cobra slithered beside him. ~Is something the matter?~

"No, I just wanted to take a walk in the forest." He walked past the cobra into the trees, looking around with a smile.

^The trees here are bigger than back in Alina. Do you think this forest is older?^

[It looks like that, ancient, I would say,] Mom said, [Look around closely, what do you see?]

Arad approached one of the trees, touching the trunk, and looked at the bark. ^I can see faint traces of magic on the trees, don't tell me this is another genius loci.^

[No, it isn't. The trees around here have been living for so long that mana started seeping into them. Medical herbs and alchemical ingredients gathered from here should be far stronger than normal.]

^Is that right? Should I bring Aella and look for some? We might need those later.^

[I won't recommend venturing too deep into the forest. Valuable places like this are usually inhabited by witches. They won't mind you passing by, but if stayed for long they might attack you.]

^Wait, what are the witches?^ Arad gasped, moving away from the tree.

[Don't get scared. They aren't dangerous most of the time. They are sorcerers, manly women, but there are some men here and there. They live in forests like this where they can get ingredients for their spells. And usually fight with druids.]josei

^Are they strong?^

[Not necessarily. They are sorcerers after all. And their strength doesn't stray far from that. But some of them are experts in curses, which can be hard to deal with.] Arad turned to return to the carriage, ^Curses? Like vampirism?^

[Those are called high curses that can alter someone. Witches use low and mid curses that can range in power and effects.]

^That keeps sounding more dangerous the more you talk about it,^ Arad grunted. He hated to deal with things he doesn't see or know how to deal with. ^I would much rather them attacking head-on,^

[In most encounters with witches, the victim never actually sees or gets close to the witch. They usually use their curses to deter unwanted intruders and only fight when cornered.]

Arad walked out of the forest, sighting, "Should we move the camp? We're beside the road, so we should be safe, right?^

Arad looked forward, seeing the empty road, and stopped, "Where is the camp?" He gasped, looking left and right.

[It should've been around here,]

Arad sighed, "Ah! Shit, don't tell me it's..." He scratched his head violently, "We just talked about it!" He growled, jumping into the sky and landing on a tree, "Please tell me I missed them?" He looked around, seeing no traces of the camp.

[Look at the sky, that might help,]

^You're right.^ Arad looked at the sky, searching for the stars.

He only got more confused, "Wait, aren't I a bit far away from where I should be?"

[You're right. We're like four miles away. It was probably a protective barrier. It shunts us outside but on the other side of the forest.]

^Should I take that as a sight that the witch is a bit weak? It would have been better if she sent me to the camp since I won't notice going through her barrier.^

[You're right. Let's head back.]

Thud! Arad jumped down and rushed across the forest, running as fast as he could toward where the camp should be, following the stars.

Thud! He stopped, finding himself back on the road.I think you should take a look at

^I'm back where I started. Should I fly?^

[A barrier shouldn't extend far into the sky. Fly high enough, and you should be fine,]

Arad smiled, expanding his wings. [Void Step] He then teleported four hundred meters into the sky.

^This should be high enough.^ He flapped his wings, flying toward the camp.

DING! CRACK! The next moment, his face crashed on the ground, feeling a heavy impact that almost snapped his neck.

"My head, did I fly straight to the ground?" He barely stood, his vision blurred.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump! His heart started pounding, and it became harder and harder to breathe. He could feel something clenching on his heart as his stomach twisted and his legs felt as light as feathers.

^Mom, something is wrong,^ Arad growled, his heart accelerating out of control.

[Transform, that should...] Arad blacked out before she could finish speaking.


DRIP! Arad woke up, his head hurting like hell. "Arad! Arad!" Aella sat beside him, shaking him as hard as she could.

"Don't shake me, I'm awake!" Arad growled, barely sitting up.

"Where did you go?" Aella asked, and it was then that Arad noticed everyone staring at him. The sun was already rising.

"How did I get here?" Arad looked around him confused.

"You just fell from. I don't know!" Aella gasped. "We spent the whole night searching for you," Jack sighed.

"They even let me fly around to look for you. They were really desperate," Eris looked at Arad, covered in the black blanket.

"I'm sure I fell into some sort of barrier. Got teleported to the other side of the forest," Arad stood, his mind still hazy.

"Barrier? Only witches or druids set those in the forest," Eris approached Arad, "Which one was it?"

"Probably a witch," Arad growled, ^Mom, are you all right?^

[Yeah, I don't remember anything since you passed out,]

As Arad stood, Jack could see a small piece of paper stuck in his back pocket, "Arad, did you have that on you before?"

Arad reached into his back pocket, pulling the paper out.

"Something is written on it," Isdis and the elves stood behind Arad with Aella and Jack as he opened the paper.

"To Master Arad:

Thanks for your help. As per the contract, you won't remember anything. But your reward for helping me should be inside your stomach. But beware, it's quite dangerous, as you saw tonight.

Again, thanks for your help, and won't forget the time we spent together. I appreciate it since you're the first to look past my appearance, truly thank you. My sincere love and gratitude, Doma."


"Who?" Arad gasped.

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