The dragon's harem

Chapter 309 Stone Golem

Chapter 309 Stone Golem

Ba-dump! Arad could feel his heartbeats as stone engulfed his arms, ^Curse of petrification!^ BAM! He jumped back, flexing the muscles on his arms to shatter the stone.

CRACK! The golem rushed forward, swinging his massive claymore at Arad's torso, "You can't run away," Arad lifted his sword, blocking the strike. He could feel the air kicked out of his lungs as he rolled back. CLANG! ^What kind of raw power is this?^ He gasped.

"ARAD!" Aella screamed, pulling her bow at the golem, [Wind Blast] She fired three arrows.

The arrows flew at a blinding speed, connecting with the golem's torso and exploding in a violent storm.

"Mere wind shall not shake the might of stones," The golem grew, glaring at Aella, "Be stone,"

CRACK! In a flash, Aella's body turned into stone.

BAM! Arad lunged forward at the golem, clenching his fist. "Die,"

Thud! Jack appeared behind the golem, pointing his arm cannon at his back.

KABOOM! THWACK! As the two hits connected, a dust storm formed around the golem. "Is he dead?" Jack quickly reloaded and aimed again, "Let me blast him again for good measure,"

Thud! The golem's hand extended from the dust, catching Jack by the face. "What a weak him, human," SWOSH! He threw him into the sky with ease.

Jack growled, quickly switching his arm charge into the hook. BOOM! He fired it at a tree and swung back to the ground.josei

Arad glared at the golem's torso, ^I need to hit him harder,^ He instantly stored his sword. Slashing attacks probably won't work.

"HAAA!" Arad growled, swinging his fist at the golem's torso with zeal. THWACK! THWACK! "HORA!" He screamed, throwing punches as fast as he could, aiming at a single spot.

"Useless," The golem swung his claymore at Arad's torso, hitting him in a straight line from his collarbone to his hips. BAM! The hit sent Arad flying toward the trees.

Arad grunted, feeling a sharp pain across his torso, but the dull stone claymore didn't cut him. ^He has to have a weakness.^ CRACK! Arad twisted his body, landing feet first on a tree.

CRACK! Arad instantly jumped back at the golem, clenching his fist.

CLANG! The golem hit Arad again as if he was a baseball ball, sending him back to the forest.

Thud! Arad bounced back at the golem without a moment rest, "Let me punch you!"

CLAN! CLANG! The golem deflected Arad again and again without avail. The dragon wasn't slowing down.

^Great power and endurance. No matter how many times I hit him, he instantly bounced back for the next attack.^ The golem thought, staring at Arad flying at him. ^He will soon get a hit in, but that won't matter as long as he doesn't figure out how my curse works. That's why I called their attacks useless.^

Lydia looked at Arad charging at the golem like a mad man, "We need more firepower,^ she rushed toward the petrified Aella and touched her, [Holy wave]

CRACK! The stone shattered, and Aella fell on her face, gasping for air. "Thank the gods it worked. Can you fight?"

Aella didn't respond and aimed her bow at the golem, focusing all of her magic on the tip of her arrow.

Thud! Lydia smacked her on the head, "Calm down, stop your magic. It won't damage the cursed golem." She grabbed the tip of the arrow in her hand, "Let me do something,"I think you should take a look at

Lydia's hand flashed with a brilliant light, "I can't feel his weak point, so aim at the middle of his torso."

Aella took a deep breath, "Got it,"

BAM! Aella fired the holy-infused arrow at the golem, ^Please just die,^

The arrow hit the golem's torso, clashing with a brilliant light. [Divine Cleaver]

CRACK! The arrow shattered as the golem glared at Lydia and Aella, "Holy magic won't work against mistress's curses." He said, swinging his claymore and deflecting Arad like a ball.

"How about you stay out of the fight?" He pointed his hand at them, "My business is with the destroyer,"

CRACK! Aella, Lydia, and the elves all turned into stone, frozen in place.

Thud! Jack appeared behind the golem, aiming his arm cannon at its left knee, "Kaboom,"

BO-BO-BO-BOOM! In rapid succession, he fired all four chambers at once, shattering the golem's knee.

The golem started falling forward, and Arad charged in the blink of an eye. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR! He screamed, swinging his leg with a full power kick.

CRACK! Arad's foot connected with the fallen golem's face. THWACK! Spinning him in place.

Jack rolled away to avoid the crashing golem, "Get him, ARAD!" He shouted.

VROOOOM! A loud rumbling burst from Arad's chest, as he caught the golem by the head, his eyes flashing with a purple light.

GRWAAAAAAAAA! The muscles on Arad's arms and back bugled as his thighs tore his pants. ^You don't go petrifying Aella twice!^ Arad swung the golem up and smacked him on the ground, shattering the ground and causing an earthquake.

The status of Aella and the elves got thrown into the air from the impact. "They are going to break!" Jack looked back, unable to do anything to catch them all.

The golem lifted his hand, and everyone returned to normal as they hit the ground. "What?" Lydia growled, but she soon got turned back into stone.

Thud! The golem grabbed Arad by the neck, "You reckless bastard," He stood, all of his cracks fixed, "You almost killed your own allies,"

Arad opened his mouth, ROAR!, blasting the golem with a void breath, and forcing the golem to release him.

With a swift move, he grabbed the golem's claymore, taking it and rolling back.

The golem stared at Arad standing, carrying the massive claymore, which was almost as tall as him.

"Do you think you can use it?" The golem stared at Arad.

"It doesn't matter as long as it's something I can smash you with," Arad growled, void engulfing the claymore, "This one is mine now!"

"Fine, let's see what you can do," The golem clenshed his fists, taking a stance.

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