The dragon's harem

Chapter 326 [Void Lair]

Chapter 326 [Void Lair]

[Sphere of Annihilation]

The tiny ball of pure darkness rumbled, sucking the air around it alongside the ground as Arad smiled. "[This will be your end, elf]."

ZON! The tattoos on Arad's body started fading. He stared forward with a passive face. "[You can't control it, but try if you want,]" He mumbled, his head looking down.

The moment Arad retook control of his void, the sphere started shaking, sending shockwaves across the forest, and soon exploded, blasting the monk away.

"GAH!" Arad gasped, coughing as blood dripped from his eyes and ears. "[See? Told you,]"

"Hehe," Arad giggled, smiling, "I wasn't intending to control your magic," He lifted his hands up, "I give up, it's too delicate for me, this isn't my style,"


CLAP! Arad clapped his palms, staring forward with a crazed gaze. ^The void pull I used before, infinite void, and now this spell Doma made.^

Arad's body started rumbling as the monk barely stood, staring at him.

^I can't pass a thread across a needle, I'm not as skilled as Doma. But I can push it across a door,^ A dark mist started rising from Arad's shoulders as his eyes flickered.

^Don't worry about power or look, just make it big and easy to control, I only need a rough shape. Release it the moment Doma finishes sucking the mana back,^ BOOM! Arad's purple eyes turned black as the void started rushing out of them.

[Void Lair]

A pure wave of darkness rushed out of Arad as his stomach flipped inside out, expanding a massive sphere of void from his body.

The monk's vision went dark as he got sucked in, and the sphere kept expanding, consuming the forest to grow, grinding it for sustenance.

GAH! The monk opened his eyes inside the endless void, feeling his skin ripping off as blood boiled through his flesh. ^What's happening? I can't see, feel, hear, or move!^ He gasped, [Spirit Veins]


The monk's magic didn't activate, and he sensed the other problem ravaging his body. Mana rapidly got sucked out of him, and his spirits were nowhere to be found.


Outside the sphere, The spirits screamed as they punched Arad's lair, "Let us in! Let us in!" They shouted their lungs out.

The inside of the lair was Arad's stomach, and he has full control over what can get in and what can't. This spell merely allows him to flip it inside out, and suck everything, including living beings. Whether they can survive the harsh void or not, that is their problem, not his.

The monk growled in pain, gathering what little mana was left inside his body and protecting it with a barrier. ^This monster, he's digesting me alive,^


[Translation, the monk couldn't understand a word of it: You have no power here. You're flesh and magic is being digested. It doesn't matter how much physical power you had, without a footing, you're muscles mean nothing. It's ugly and grotesque, but this is my true lair, we void store our hoards inside our stomachs for a reason, and that is what I just figured out.]

The monk's head started hurting as he heard a continuous clicking inside his head, ^I can hear something, no, it's projected directly into my head,^

BAM! The monk got punched in the face, his nose cracking, and before he could cry, his nipples exploded as something stabbed his back.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! [I have instant access to all my treasury, weapons, and items alike, and I can attack from wherever I want!]

As the monk's body started turning into mush, skin first. Arad giggled.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! [And since it's inside my stomach, I can let the consciousness inside my head run amok.]

"[Welcome to hell, monk,]" Doma giggled, standing beside the monk as Mom growled above him.

[Should we kill him?]

"[That's for Arad to decide. Killing an S-rank will put you on bad terms with the other S-ranks and the spirits as a whole,]" Doma smiled, staring at Arad who floated above them.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! [I can't let him live after seeing this, can I?]

"[I can solve that problem for you,]" Doma smiled.


The elvish army stared in terror as a massive black sphere devoured their kingdom's S-rank, separating him from the spirits and granting him power.

CRACK! The sphere cracked, shattering in the blink of an eye like glass. BAM! Arad emerged smiling as his foot stomped the monk's face to the ground, quacking the ground.

"This should have rattled his brain enough," Arad smiled, glaring down at the monk.I think you should take a look at

"[It will do,]" Doma smiled.

Grant! The spirits rushed in, trying to fuse back with Grant, but they failed. He was already out, lacking any trace of magic in his body.

"What did you do to him!" One of them cried.

"I don't know," Arad replied with a passive face. He didn't know what Doma did.

"[I scrambled his mind like an egg. For someone as strong as him, a month of rehabilitation will get him functional enough as a living being.]" A mouth appeared on Arad's hand.

"Who is that? Wait, the cursed witch?" One of them recognized Doma's magic and backed away, "What are you doing here? Did you cast that horrid spell?"

"[That was my husband's magic,]" Doma laughed, "[You lots better take him and scram unless you want to be eaten alive.]"

"[They do look edible,]" Arad glared at them, his eyes glowing.

The spirits carried Grant and flew away as Arad sighed, "I would like to take their powers, can't I?"

"[I can't break the pack without their direct consent and without access to their origin. We can only kill them, and that's a waste.]" Doma replied, sinking back into Arad's body.

Arad took a deep breath, "It's over," He smiled, "I managed to keep him away from Aella..." His head started spinning, and he fell face first on the ground, leaving a crater of destruction.


Arad opened his eyes, feeling his head throbbing. He could see a marble ceiling above his head with a chandelier lit with orbs of magic.

GAH! He heard a voice gasp beside him, and he turned to see a maid sitting on a fancy chair beside his bed.

She rapidly stood, rushing toward the door, "Guards! He woke up!"

"What!" Arad could hear a man scream right outside the wooden door. CLACK! CLACK! And that was followed by heavy footsteps belonging to an armored man.

Arad sat up and looked at the maid who stood beside the door, and she flinched, approaching him with fearful full steps. "Sir...Master...your honor..." She stuttered, "Do you need anything?"

Arad's eyes started spazzing around as he searched for everyone's mana. It only took him a second to find their magic on the floor above. Aella, Lydia, Eris, Isdis, and even the cobra were coiled beside them.

ZON! Arad teleported away, causing the bedsheets to rupture and the maid to fall on her butt, terrified.

CRACK! Arad landed right beside Aella. His feet clipped into the ground, causing it to shatter with a loud boom.

"Hehe?" Aella looked to the side, seeing Arad staring at her. She dropped the chess piece from her hand and gasped, "You're awake?"

BANG! The door blasted open, and an armored man rushed in, "Sir Arad has woken...." He went silent, seeing Arad inside, glaring at him with blazing eyes.

CLAP! Arad clapped his palms together. ^This place looks like a fortress. We were captured after I lost consciousness. I should be able to blast this whole place,^ He intended to unleash another void lair where he stood.

"Arad, stop!" Aella caught his shoulder, "It's a misunderstanding, don't do it again!"

Arad stared at her, "What?"

"It's been a week since you lost consciousness. We're inside the royal castle in the Elvish capital. Don't destroy the place," She cried.

Arad looked around, seeing Lydia and Isdis staring at him.josei

"Calm down," Eris smiled, "Well, it would be funny if you blasted the royal castle. I'm sure the humans won't mind you destroying the elvish kingdom."

Thud! Arad fell on his butt, staring at the armored man, "Sorry, almost ate your castle,"

"Ate?" the soldier gasped, remembering how the forest was chomped, leaving a massive hole that was almost a mile in diameter. He started sweating, feeling his knees shaking.

Those words weren't empty. This man could eat the whole capital before they could react.

"Forget the castle. How are you doing?" Lydia stared at him, "Do you need healing? Are you feeling any pain?"

"Just a headache, we dragons could sleep for years, so being out for a week won't harm me, I guess,"

[It's normal, especially since you tried to hold a spell from Doma,]

Arad sighed, ^I hope they already dealt with the queen,^

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