The dragon's harem

Chapter 360 A Friend

Chapter 360 A Friend

Arad rolled on the bed, staring to the side and seeing Aella and Mira by his sides, Isdis lying on the couch with Eris inside her coffin, "Tomorrow, we will get rid of her." He can't wait to send her back home and have some time with his girls.

He stood, walking toward his corner and leaving enough space on the bed for the two girls to relax on. He stared back. That bed is too small, but the same size as the one he has back home.

Arad looked at his arms, "I didn't get larger in my humanoid form this time, but I might later on. I should invest in a bigger bed. Or at least, something more durable than wood."

He sat on the corner, closing his eyes while leaving all of his senses turned up to the maximum. He could sense the thoughts of people and animals in a four-kilometer radius.

^I still can't understand them.^ Arad sighed inside, and Mom smiled. [They sound like distant screams. It will take you a while to be able to understand them. For now, keep in mind that the louder the thoughts, the more intelligent the creature is.]

Time quickly passed, and morning came without a problem.

Arad opened his eyes as the sun rose to the sky. He could see the sunlight threads piercing the window's frame. He stood, looking at the bed. Aella and Mira are still asleep. Isdis isn't showing any sign of waking up, and Eris's coffin is as silent as the other in the ground.

He walked toward the door, slowly opening it and walking down the stairs. Out of the kitchen, he could see some adventurers lined up for breakfast. He looked back, seeing a water jug and a basin where they washed their faces.

Arad washed his face and then approached the tavern counter, pulling a chair and sitting, "Edward, got anything to eat?"

"A moment please," Edward replied from inside the kitchen, rushing to prepare the meals.

"Don't worry, I ordered one extra for you." A voice came from beside Arad, scaring him. There was something off. He couldn't hear any thoughts beside him, meaning the person who spoke was a monster above anything else.

As Arad turned, he saw a man with white hair, pure blue eyes, and a gentle smile. He sat there beside Arad. This thought was silent. "It's been a while."

"Gojo!" Arad gasped, "What brought you here?"

"Work," Gojo replied, "I'm with my party, seeing to annoy a certain being," He grabbed his mug, dangling it, "Can't really tell who is it though,"

"Annoy? Job must be a bit complicated," Arad closed his eyes, and quickly opened them, "I saw in some paper from the thive guild in Rita. Are you trying to grab something here? With more than just asking for it?"

Gojo giggled, "As expected of you, catching faster than Gug did," He looked at Arad's eyes, "That's exactly it. We can't let that object remain where it is. We should return it to the elves as soon as possible."

"To the elves?" Arad approached Gojo and whispered, "I was with the queen, and she didn't mention anything about any stolen artifact. What is it that you're looking for?"

"An artifact of the god of murder, a dagger tainted with black, rotten blood." Gojo whispered back, "It's quite powerful. With the right elf user. It can drastically increase a kingdom's ability to kill in wars."

"Is it the reason for the tension between the elves and humans?" Arad whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"Yes, we better get it back to them before this situation gets out of hand." Gojo waved his hand, "It's cold war now since the elves want to avoid a direct conflict and avoid the artifact being used against them, but if they got worse, they would have no chance but to attack."

"And how did you end up chasing the artifact?" Arad whispered to him, "Is it okay for you to be in the middle of two angry kingdoms?"

"Not me, Vars is," Gojo whispered, "He was sent to retrieve the artifact on a secret mission. We're helping him reach it so he can teleport it back home."

"That doesn't sound safe," Arad sighed, "You're infiltrating the castle and stealing? Something will go wrong,"

"You're right. That way we're taking our time to prepare. I prefer it if the humans only noticed the artifact missing after a few years." Gojo smiled, "So no fights, just a lot of waiting and thinking,"

"Need any help?" Arad asked.

"Not currently," Gojo smiled, "I'm free for at least a week while we wait for someone to get back to us. Want me to show you around the capital?"

Thud! Edward approached them, putting two large plates filled to the brim with large chunks of half-cooked meat, blood still dripping from the sides.

"This isn't cooked," Arad stared at the plate, and then at Edward, "They are for him," He pointed at Gojo.

Gojo pushed one of the plates toward Arad, "I ordered this one for you," He smiled, "I know it's a bit overcooked, but it will do,"

"Overcooked?" Edward sighed, "This is basically raw, only seared from the outside. Can't even call it rare. It's raw."

Arad looked at the plate. It's true that he prefers raw meat, and this is just at the edge.

"And how did you know?" Arad pulled a chunk of the meat and gulped it down.

"I know what someone likes when I see them. You're just like me, a monster in a human carcass," Gojo smiled, wolfing his meat.

Edward stared at them, "For real, you two look like monsters eating that," He stared back at the other people waiting.

Gojo stood after finishing their breakfast, "Call me if you need a guide around or an ally in battle," He smiled, "I'm always near,"

Arad stared at Gojo leaving, "The air around him is strange,"

^[Magic twists and bends around him. He has more latent mana than you. I can tell he isn't human, but I can't probe his mind to know what he is exactly.]^ Doma seemed to have the same thoughts as Arad.

CLACK! CLACK! Jack walked down the stairs, yawning and scratching his head, "Arad, you're awake?"

"I never sleep," Arad replied, pointing at the basin in the back.

Jack washed his face and approached the counter, sitting beside Arad, "Can you go with the girls to the castle? I want to take Lydia to the main church," Jack replied, "It's a costume to visit on the first day,"

"We came yesterday," Arad replied.

"Night doesn't count," Jack replied, "Or should we go with you to the castle?"

Arad crossed his arms, thinking, "I have no problem with you going, but..."josei

"Job only ends when we deliver Isdis safely to the castle gate," Jack sighed, "You're right, cities are the best place to assassinate someone, we don't want a princess's blood on us,"

Arad nodded, "We will deliver Isdis first and then you can head to the church. Of course, I'm not going with you for obvious reasons,"

Jack smiled, "They will wake soon," He waved at Edward to bring him something, "You can take them to the large market, get them some clothes or souvenirs, we better enjoy our time here,"

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