The dragon's harem

Chapter 367 Vars

Chapter 367 Vars: The Arcane Master

Arad looked around, "What just happened? No one noticed it,"

Gojo smiled, "You will learn some tricks once you grow into an adult. In the meantime, you should focus on studying magic like a wizard." He waved his hand, "But this is just my opinion. You might find a martial way."

Arad lifted his hand and clenched a fist, "Magic or martial, which one do you think is best?"

"We're tuned to magic by birthright. You should be able to excel at it with enough effort. But martial arts might make you a bit more balanced." Gojo replied, flexing his arm, "Or you could try both if you're crazy enough."

Arad looked at Gojo's arm, "But we lack time,"

Gojo pointed at Arad, "You catch quickly. Ten years isn't enough for us to grow, let alone one year."

"What I pick won't matter in ten or twenty years, but it matters in the coming months," Arad mumbled, "I will try my best,"

Gojo giggled, "There is a third option for you that isn't available to me," He smiled, "You could lean more to your rabid side. You know what I mean," He winked.

^My vampiric and Lycanthropic powers. Those would make me stronger. ^ Arad looked into his own mind, finding Doma. ^What do you say?^

^[What's the problem? Just make sure you don't lose control.]^

[Doma and Gojo are right, albeit I don't agree with him removing my shard. Growing without guidance is a quick way for a wyrm to go astray.] Mom added.

"I see. I will look into it. But for now, what of your quest." Arad asked.

Gojo scratched his chin as the bartender brought them the drinks. "We still need time to prepare. Like knowing its exact location beforehand, the rounds of the guards, and more." Gojo waved his finger, "It's better if we grabbed it like this," Flicking his fingers, "No one saw anything,"

"That would be for the best. I don't want to get in trouble with Baltos." Arad sighed.

"Don't worry, that's the main reason we're preparing." Gojo took a sip from his cup, "I can go in and out by force. I doubt the capital has anything that could stop me. Even the dragons hiding within the castle aren't a match for me. But I don't want to kill anyone if not necessary, and it's better if no one knew anything,"

"From what I saw, you and Vars have enough power to level the capital," Arad stared at Gojo, remembering the shards of memories he saw. A single breath from his brother is enough to split the capital in half. And that pervert elf Vars, he could cast great magic to raise the countless corpses as an army of undead, overwhelming the capital in seconds.

"What of the paladins?" Arad asked.

"They are powerful against the non-living and infernal, they hold some power against Vars creations, but they don't stand to me or Vars himself." Gojo smiled, "The chaos would be enough for us to escape,"

"Here you are," A voice came from the back, and Arad turned to see Vars standing there, "I was wondering where you went," He pulled a chair and sat beside Arad.

"He already knows I'm his brother now," Gojo said with a smile, "And about our plan as well,"

Vars sighed, "It can't be helped. Can it," He looked around, "So, what did you say?"

Arad looked at Vars, "I would help, as long as we don't make a fuss about it,"

"Worry not," Vars smiled, "Maides won't approach a criminal, would they."

Arad stared at him, "Again with your hobbies,"

Vars smiled, "Did Gojo tell you? Or did you see his memories?" He looked around, "I say human feet and hands aren't as beautiful as elves, but they can get the job done."

Arad cringed for a moment, staring at Vars's face as he sensed a faint hint of lust as he stared at the women around them. But soon that feeling felt strange. He's hiding something behind that lust.

Vars noticed Arad's gaze and smiled, shifting his thoughts, "Careful, you don't want to learn the forbidden arts of magic. As there is no return after that,"I think you should take a look at

"Forbidden arts," Arad stared at Vars, "Your great magic, where did you learn something as horrifying as that?"josei

Vars smiled, "Shadow Graveyard, you saw it, didn't you?"

"I saw it in Gojo's memories," Arad growled, "In the blink of an eye, shadows engulfed the ground, and thousands of the dead crawled back from the ground, empty husks of their former self as they lusted for blood.

Vars smiled, "Your brother isn't the only one with a powerful move," He looked at Gojo, "Spatial Void: Frozen end. And you're..." Gojo said, looking at Arad.

"Void expansion." Arad sighed, "If we three cast all of them at once, we can raise hell,"

Gojo lifted his hand, "Getting ripped apart by your void, Vars undead eating them alive, and my void stretching them like dough." Gojo smiled, "You're right, it's hell on the mortal plane."

Arad looked at Vars, "Can I assume we won't need to do that?"

"Of course," Vars smiled, "Who am I to waste all the beautiful women living in this city?"

Arad stared at him, "I can't help but feel a vile presence from your words. What kind of rot floating in your mind,"

Vars giggled, "Does it matter if my brain is rotten?"

Gojo sighed, "It doesn't matter. We have the same goal, and he won't cause unnecessary trouble."

Arad looked between Vars and Gojo, "I trust you," he stared at Gojo, "But I don't know about him,"

Gojo waved his hand, "You're just getting crept by his weird side." He smiled, "But as I said, it doesn't matter as long as he gets the job done."

"You're right," He looked at Vars, "But stay away from my girls,"

Vars smiled, "Of course I will," He waved his hand, "I know where to direct my madness, and it shall be toward my enemies."

"You can trust him on that part," Gojo stared at Arad, "Since I met him, he kept himself in check."

Arad stared at Gojo, probing his mind and looking for memories. Gojo didn't block him. But instead guided him through his own mind.

Vars's last prey was a group of bandits that refused to give them information. They all now rest as corpses, lined inside his magic, ready to be used.

A mad necromancer, Vars isn't someone to make an enemy. But someone to keep in check.

"Satisfied?" Vars smiled, "You already saw it in Gojo's memories,"

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Arad nodded, "Fine, I won't bother you again,"

"You have my thanks," Vars bowed slightly, "And now, back to business."

"What business," Arad stared at Vars, "I thought you were waiting for information?"

Gojo sighed, "Don't ask him,"

Vars smiled, staring at Arad, "Well, there is this new brothel that opened to the west. I wanted to give it a look,"

"I have wives," Arad growled.

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