The dragon's harem

Chapter 450 [Plasma Expansion

Chapter 450 [Plasma Expansion: Purple Sun]

Chapter 450 [Plasma Expansion: Purple Sun]

[Plasma Expansion: Purple Sun]

Eris shouted, and the paladin lunged at her, swinging his sword down. "I won't let you!" He yelled, [Divine Cleaver]

Eris lifted her hand, plasma bursting from her back into butterfly-like wings.

CLANG! She caught the divine cleaver in her hand, the plasma forming a thick layer between her palm and the holy magic of the blade. Sparks flew everywhere as the ground beneath Eris's feet cracked and melted

"GEHE!" The paladin gasped, "Impossible! A vampire caught a divine cleaver?"

As Eris glared at him, it was apparent. What he faced now wasn't a vampire but a drakaina. Looking at her eyes, he could see they had already shifted into cat-like eyes, flashing with a deep purple glow.

"Human," Eris growled, "Burn!"

BA-dump! BA-dump! Eris's heart started racing as her blood sparked with a purple wave of plasma.

VROOOOOOM! In the blink of an eye, her heartbeats accelerated to hundreds.

The paladin's sword started melting as the compressed plasma exploded from her body, filling a ten-meter radius sphere. Some tried to look at the battlefield, but they got blinded as the magnificent glow of what Eris conjured was too much for the human eye to bear. A purple sun emerged.

Everything had happened in a flash, from her standing up to the sphere exploding. No one had a moment to consider or run away.

AGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The woman chained to the altar screamed as her chains and shackles started melting on her, and all the cultists were forced out due to the heat. The imprisoned sacrifices in the cells crawled to the corners, dumping every drop of water and blood on their body as the bars of their sells bent and twisted.

A purple sun had emerged in the middle of the burial, shining with a blinding light. Its heat radiated through the ground and the cave walls, expanding toward the surface.

Up in the city, people suddenly felt it getting hotter and hotter. In the castle, Kin and Gin, who were going around to check on the king, froze, their senses screaming as the compressed magic and heat spread across the city. They looked down, "A purple dragon," Gin gasped.

"No, I know this magic. It's that girl that came with Arad, Eris." Kin said.

CRACK! The paladin's sword evaporated as Eris took a step forward, the purple sun moving with her. [Unleashed Plasma] Constantly released more plasma from Eris's body, and she forced it to stay in one sphere using [Death butterfly] That only meant that the plasma's density increased by a second.

THA-DON! Holy magic burst from the paladin's body, trying to keep him from evaporating, but that was useless.

With each passing moment, the purple sun heated the ground beneath it into plasma and absorbed it, getting even heavier to the point it started pulling matter in. But that only meant that preventing it from exploding was getting even harder.

With a smile on her face, Eris took another step forward, shaking the whole cave as the purple sun almost detonated.

"GAAAA!" The paladin screamed as Eris grabbed him by the face, "Die!"

SWOSH! In the blink of an eye, his body evaporated without a trace left.

Eris could feel the purple sun trying to expand. Any moment now, it will explode and level the whole cavern, if not the city above. But then suddenly, the sun faded with Eris feeling her magic fade away.

She fell face first to the ground, plasma crackling from her body as everyone screamed in agony around her, Burned and blinded by her sun.

She lay there, on top of the molten ground. Her consciousness slipped away.

"Mistress!" Pin said with a smile, standing at the altar, "You win! The bastard is dead. Now, He's coming!" He laughed, lifting his hands, and his body cracked. Limb by limb, he twisted and turned until every last blood got squeezed from him.

The blood slowly moved forth, bubbling. It levitated, taking shape and finally ending in a humanoid form. The being moved his head, looking around and then at Eris, gargling as he tried to speak. Words finally came out from his mouth as his body twisted like a mass of writhing worms.

[I didn't expect that idiot to die] Said the god of murder, [But today, you take upon your mother's legacy as my new servant.] He lifted his hand, and the imp's blood rushed toward Eris. [I've been looking for an avatar for myself for a while, and you will make a good one. My last avatar went rogue, you see. He's trying to concure my power for his own gain. But he's a fool.] josei

Eris screamed as the blood tried to enter the body, but resisting a god's will was impossible for mortals. And on top of that, she was already drained from every drop of her power.

But yet, the dragons never bow easily. The god felt her soul fighting back, pushing against his holy magic with its very existence.

[Struggling, dragons are always a pain to deal with.] The murder god said, but he then gasped. Feeling a foot on his head, [Ara! Ara! I believe I said anything sun related is mine to deal with.] A woman's voice came from behind him.

[Not when it a rightful owner to my religion,] The murder god growled, his voice shaking as the being behind him giggled.

[I don't care,] SPLAT! The woman said, and a crushing sound was heard.

[Here you go. I didn't expect a mortal to almost birth a sun. It would have blasted the whole city if I had been late.]

The blood trying to rush into Eris's body faded, and she fell back to the ground. The gods' presence disappeared as only the burned sacrifices screams filled the air.

BUZZZ! Zephyr flew across the cave till she reached the cavern, seeing everyone cry and scream their lungs out from severe burns, only Eris unconscious on the ground.

"Oh My! You messed the whole place," She flew and lifted her with wind magic, "I knew you were in trouble when your magic filled the city. What the hell did you unleash here?" She looked around. Everyone melted and glowing red hot.

Zephyr looked around, "The Paladin army is already coming. They will save whoever can be saved of you. In the meantime, I have to make sure this one remains alive." She flew with Eris, waving her hand to the screaming sacrifices and cultists.

As Zephyr flew out at a blinding speed, they went past the rushing Paladin army.

"What was that?" One of the paladins stopped, staring behind him.

"Ignore it," The paladin general growled. He knew it was Zephyr as she was the one who called him. "We have more work inside."


Zephyr flew with Eris as fast as she could, heading directly toward the castle. "Lydia! Eris needs healing!" She busted through the window, seeing Lydia fully armored and ready to run outside.

Lydia stared back in surprise as she saw Zephyr carrying Eris with a red face, exhausted from the trip. "What happened?" She asked.

"I don't really know, but she looks like you," Zephyr said, putting Eris on the bed.

Upon a close inspection, "Her clothes were burned, not taken away?" Lydia asked as she inspected Eris's naked body, "Most likely burned with her plasma. She might have gone overboard,"

"I brought her hidden in my wind, so no problem," Zephyr lifted a thumb up.

"Jack just left a moment ago, go lock the door before he returns," Lydia pointed at the door and then turned back to Eris. Zephyr did as she was told and locked the door.

Lydia put one hand on Eris's chest and one on her head, comparing the flow of magic across her body. "She ate a divine cleaver from the god of murder directly to the chest. Her vampiric abilities are temporarily blocked until all of his holy magic is drained from her body.

"Can you heal her?" Zephyr asked.

"A healing spell would kill her, all I can do is try to remove his holy magic. But it's strange," Lydia scratched her head.

"What is it?"

"The god of murder's holy magic is bonded to her vampiric bloodline, stopping her abilities, that true," Lydia stared back at Zephyr, "But, I sense Amaterasu's magic bonded to her draconic magic."

"Was it that bastard..." Before Zephyr could finish speaking, Lydia shouted at her, "Stop! Don't say his name, the last thing we want is an evil god staring at us,"

When you speak the name of a god, they look at you. That attention isn't desired most of the time, especially from evil gods.

"You're right," Zephyr scratched head, "So what about Amaterasu? She's your church's goddess?"

"The goddess of the sun and eclipse, she rules over dusk and dawn," Lydia looked back at Eris, "I think that she took a divine cleaver, shifting the balance of powers between her draconic and vampiric blood. Therefore, as a last resort, she pulled something from her draconic bloodline that aligned with Amaterasu's portfolio, and the goddess interfered."

"She angered her?" Zephyr asked.

"Amaterasu is a fickle mistress, but she isn't evil. The fact Eris is still alive tells me she probably impressed her." Lydia waved her hand over Eris's body, "Pulling her holy magic is easy, and then would clean the murder god's holy magic." She got to work.

"In the meantime, bring us some healing potions."

"At once!" Zephyr flew out as fast as she could.

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