The dragon's harem

Chapter 455 The Dragon’s Heist

Chapter 455 The Dragon’s Heist: Gug’s Distraction

Chapter 455 The Dragon's Heist: Gug's Distraction

Gojo stood, "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Night," Vars replied, "We have higher chances at that time."

Thud! Gojo sat back down, and everyone looked at each other, "We wait then,"


Time quickly passed by, and the night fell. Vars stood, "Moving toward the room's center and tapped the ground with his staff."

"I will start now. Gug, move to the forest and get ready." He looked back, and Gojo approached Gug, "Take care," With one touch, he teleported her away.

Thud! Gug found herself standing alone in the forest, surrounded by trees and the cold wind. She smiled, "Wilderness, it's been a while."

Thud! She took one step and could hear the ground shaking as birds flocked out in terror.

She lifted her blade up and grunted, "GRRRRRRRRR!"

CRACK! A three-horned buffalo lunged from the trees, growling as it charged forth, kicking dust like a storm.

Gug dropped her sword and caught the beast by the horns, stopping it in its tracks.

The beast couldn't believe it but soon felt his skull crack as she headbutted him.

As the buffalo stumbled back, disoriented, Gug swung her massive blade down, chopping its head off.

With blood splashing, Gug lifted the buffalo's skull up with one arm, flailing it in celebration as she screamed, pounding her chest with one arm.

Thud! BAM! With one move, she then threw the head forward, smacking a dire wolf in the distance before rushing from with one jump.

BAM! She landed in the horde of monsters on one leg as she kicked a tige with her other leg.

ROAR! She roared, swinging her blade and ripping through the horde in a fit of rage and carnage.


The fort and the castle guards shuddered as they heard a roar fill the sky. "Bring the spyglass!" One of them shouted as they tried to look at the mountain foot.

"Sir! It's a stampede! Multiple types of monsters ranging from dire wolves to goblins and wild ogres, I can even see some giant snakes and horned beasts," The observer shouted, "It's a hell hole!"

"What could have caused this," The commander there growled, "The general isn't even here today, he's out with his wife," He shook the table with his fist. josei

"Another notice, a barbarian woman is engaging with the monsters alone, she's holding them back but won't last long!" A man came in rushing, "Hordes of undead are approaching from behind the monsters, they are the ones causing this. We suspect it's a dungeon break,"

The commander stood. "Barbarians are like wild animals, they know when something is wrong. We can't let her protect us like children, stand up!" He stood and rushed out, "All soldiers! To arms!" He shouted.

The whole keep started buzzing like a horned nest as every soldier got armed and wore their armor.

CRACKLE! CRACKLE! The chains moved and the mass drawbridge dropped, battalions of knights rushed out on horseback followed by hundreds of armed soldiers.

"To war! Drummers!" BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The bards of the army started hitting their drums, shaking the forest. This both increased the army's morale and intimidated the monsters.

As the army reached the battlefield, they could only see blood, ripped trees, and dead monsters. "Careful! Something is charging at us!"

A soldier shouted, and a massive red rhinoceros emerged from the trees, gouging his horse in a split second.

"Spread apart and flank it!" A soldier shouted, lifting his spear.

Thud! Thud! The rhinoceros rushed forth, shanking the soldier's horse the moment he finished speaking.

BAM! The soldier fell on his face, struggling to stand up as he saw the rhinoceros charging at him.

"Someone!" He screamed, blood dripping through his helmet.

BAM! At the last moment, Gug came in with a heavy punch, cracking the monster's skull.

BRRRRRR! The rhinoceros growled, shaking its head.

With one swift move, Gug kicked the soldier all the way back to the backlines, breaking one of his ribs, but getting him faster toward a healer.

Thud! Thud! The rhinoceros charged, swinging its horn and hitting Gug's shoulder, barely shaking her.

With her right hand, she caught the horn and pushed it to the side. With her left arm, she dropped her blade down at the beast's neck.

CRACK! The blade stopped midway, stuck in the rhinoceros's thick bones. But Gug wasn't that soft, she pulled the blade out and swung it again, chopping the head in the second strike.

AWOOOOOOOOO! Dire wolves surrounded her, seven of them lunging at the same time.

Thud! Gug, grabbed the rhinoceros's head by the horn, swinging it like a club and smashing four wolves in one swing.

The other three managed to bite her, two on her legs and one on her left arm.

ROAR! Gug roared, biting the wolf on her arm in the head, and crushing its skull between her teeth.

As the wolf dropped from her hand, she stabbed her sword down. Killing the wolf on her left leg, and smashing the one on her right with the rhinoceros's head.

She looked at the distance, the soldiers were already mowing down the goblins with ease, but the horde of the hobgoblins would prove annoying to deal with.

She took a deep breath. ROAR! She lifted the rhinoceros's skull, throwing it with all her might at the hobgoblin hordes.

CRACKLE! The head ripped the hobgoblins apart as it flew between them, leaving a trail of blood as the soldier stared in shock.

BAM! With one jump, she covered the fifteen-meter distance and landed in the middle of the hobgoblins, stomping one of them to death.

GAR? The hobgoblins barely had time to react to her before she swung her blade sideways, ripping several of them apart.

CRACKEL! CRACKLE! Two meter-long giant spiders ten-meter-long cobras, and wild ogres, and giants walked from the forest, hungry for blood.

Gug angrily stabbed the ground with her sword, roaring. "GRWA!"

BAM BAM! She punched the ground with her fists several times like a mad gorilla and then started pounding her chest.

The monsters stopped, staring at her. To them, that was a dominant monster of the forest, they aren't getting past while she's alive.

Gug pulled a stone from the ground and threw it at full force, killing one of the ogres with a headshot.

The monster stared at the dead ogre in shock as Gug jumped in celebration, bounding her chest with one arm.

"Form a shield wall! Kill all the monsters that slip through her!" The commander shouted.

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