The dragon's harem

Chapter 467 The Dragon's Heist

Chapter 467 The Dragon's Heist: To Each Their Reason

Arad flew toward Vars at a blinding speed, "You aren't even looking at me," He lifted his adamantine sword, swinging down.

Vars conjured a bone sword and deflected Arad's blow, "You're persistent. The more you press me, the more people are going to die,"

"When Alcott minded the people, the red dragon still burned the whole city down. If that's the case, I'm just going to fight anyway," Arad replied, swinging his sword again. Each time Vars deflected the attack, he found it harder.

"Cold logic, let them die if they are going to die anyway?" Vars giggled, "By your words then. All humans die eventually. Why do their lives matter?"

"To me, it doesn't. I only care about a select few," CRACK! Arad kicked Vars through the street. "This city belongs to Baltos, so I'm going to protect it. Mira is a human, so I'm protecting humans. Aella is an elf so I'm protecting them as well." Thud! Arad lept forth, the void engulfing his sword, "And you wronged my brother. I don't need reasons to let people live. I only need reasons to kill, and you gave me plenty to end you."

"A dragon's arrogance, thinking the whole world revolves around you." Vars growled, "You can't put your mind in another. You're but a monster imitating humans," Vars remembered his days in Katal's cult, and then Eris's image flashed in his head. "The only difference between me and her is that I'm like you, capable of cold logic,"

CRACK! Vars grabbed Arad by the neck, "This is my fight, so don't get involved!" He screamed.

All the undead in the city entered a rage, rampaging everywhere and killing anything they saw.

"You bastard, your words don't make any sense, let alone logic," CRACK! Arad head-butted Vars, sending him flying back.

"You're a monster imitating humanoids," Vars growled, "You can't possibly understand me,"

[Mom, am I missing something?]

[Not to my knowledge.]

"[Yes, you are. He's right. You won't understand him, but it's best you don't.]" A mouth opened on Arad's face.josei

Vars giggled, "Doma the witch, you do understand me." He stood, "I wish I was alive in your time, studying under would have been fun."

"[No, thanks. I don't take students, especially the ones like you.]" Doma's mouth disappeared.

BAM! In the blink of an eye, Arad flew toward Vars swinging his sword at the glowing red gem inside his chest.

CLANG! Vars shifted the bone sword into two daggers and blocked Arad's swing, "You're annoying," He growled. ^He's getting faster? His attacks are getting sharper, and he learns fast. If one move is a mistake, he doesn't do it twice in the same situation. It's a matter of time before he defeats me. I have to act fast,^

Vars banged the daggers together, [Necrotic blast]

A black explosion of death sent Arad flying back as Vars escaped to the sky.

SWOSH! Eris flew at Vars with a chain in hand, "You came to me,"

Vars stared at her with a smile, "Sister in murder, how did it feel to finally get your revenge? Was it sweet or bitter,"

"Murders aren't going to stop just because I killed that paladin. So mind your business," 

Eris swung her chain at Vars, wrapping it around him.

Guh! Vars grunted, "You rats! Rack up kills in my name!" With his scream, the undead got even more aggressive, "We're almost there!"I think you should take a look at

BAM! Arad flew up, Swinging his sword. "Get down," He growled.

Vars dodged Arad's attack and blasted him away again. I should use eighty percent of my power to stop Arad, fifteen percent to keep Eris at bay, and five percent in case someone else comes. Vars flew away from Eris, blasting her with a continuous stream of ice shards.

"You're really getting on my nerves!" Arad growled, taking a deep breath, "RUN AWAY! DON'T BLAME ME IF YOU DIE!" He shouted as he charged a breath.

All the people still alive in the city understood, that this place was turning into a battlefield and that they were in the way.

ROAR! Arad released a massive void breath toward the sky, aiming to erase Vars in one go.

Vars teleported behind Eris and kicked her toward Arad, "Well she would die first then. You care about her, don't you?" At that moment, Arad turned his neck and changed the direction of his breath, barely avoiding Eris.

"This would have ended," Vars appeared beside Arad, "If you just killed her with me,"

With one touch, Vars blasted Arad once again. He can't teleport him, but he can move him by force.

"Since you seem to care so much, Deal with this." As Vars said. A massive ball of necrotic flame appeared in the sky. "Its explosion can burn half of the city. Have fun,"

"I'm having fun," A woman's voice giggled in the sky, and Arad gasped, "You're still alive?" He stared at Aella and Zephyr in the sky. "Didn't I send cursed pixies at you?"

"Alphonse blasted them with a divine blast," Zephyr replied with a smile, "You're unlucky, that's it." With a single swing of her hand, violent wind swept the massive necrotic ball toward the mountains.

"I knew that I can't. Rely on one plan!" Vars swung his hand, summoning a horde of dead pixies. "Seven should've been enough to kill you, but I'm a cautious one. Now deal with over fifty."

Aella pulled her bow and fired at one of the pixies. But they were fast, nimble, and most importantly, Zephyr couldn't harm them since she's the wind spirit. They share the same magic so her wind is mostly useless. In the same way, fire can't burn fire elementals.

CRACK! Vars heard something behind him so he turned, "You're already back, Arad..." He gasped, the one behind him wasn't Arad, it wasn't even a man.

Lydia swung her sword down, [Divine Cleaver]

"SHIT!" Vars dodged in the last moment, a part of his skull disintegrating from the holy magic. ^This one is different from Alphonse's, Amaterasu is giving her far too much power.^

CRACK! Lydia stomped forward, swinging her foot at Vars's face. [Divine Crusher]

Thwack! She hit Vars square in the face, blasting his skull to ash and sending him flying.

Lydia stood baffled for a second, "He didn't dodge?" That kick was supposed to be a feint, she expected him to dodge left where she could slice him. But he took it, is he smart, or is it something else?

"AHH!" Vars stood, his head regenerating, "That was painful, but nice," He cracked his neck, "Another thing scratched off the list," He nodded.


CRACK! Gojo's seal cracked.

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