The dragon's harem

Chapter 469 The Dragon's Heist

Chapter 469 The Dragon's Heist: Brilliance

Vars gasped, sensing Gojo's magic across the air. ^The seal won't hold him that much longer. For real, what a monster.^

CLANG! Arad smacked Vars's head with a punch, sending him straight toward Lydia's divine cleaver.

CLAP! As the holy blast threw him back, Vars was met with Jack's cannon to the head. BOOM! As the shards of his bones flew, Aella picked them up with her wind and threw them back at him, ripping holes in him with his own bones.

Seeing Vars almost broken, Eris went in with a plasma burst, trying to cremate those rotten bones of his.

"I'm not going down! Not now!" Vars shouted, hundreds of bone spikes bursting from his body to keep everyone at bay.

BAM! He jumped into the sky, pointing down with his staff. [Eldritch...] CRACK! Before he could cast the spell, a boulder came flying and smacked him in the head. Vars's glowing green eyes shifted, staring at the walls to see Liliana standing behind a league of ballistae and trebuchets.

"Fire!" She screamed, and hundreds of massive bolts and boulders rushed across the sky, aiming at Vars.

"I see. The sky is her web now." He growled, flying back to the ground, and let the stones smash on the nearby buildings. Anything that flies a bit too high would get knocked right back to the ground.

"And here," Vars looked ahead of him, seeing Arad and everyone else rush at him.

CRACK! He got punched into a building, and Eris burned the whole place. He ran out, and Aella sniped him.

The moment he tried to counter, he triggered a makeshift trap made by Jack. And then Lydia dropped a burning hot divine cleaver on his back.

^They are ganging up on me. I can't regenerate fully without exposing my phylactry. The moment I got it out, Arad would blow it to dust with his void. The only reason he isn't directly using his void is because he's keeping a load charged and ready to burst.^ Vars could see it. The moment he starts regenerating and exposing his phylactery, Arad would roar with a void breath to erase him and a cone shape out of the city from existence.

^He doesn't care if humans were still hiding behind me. He's just like his brother, hostages, and trickery won't work against them...^ It was then that an idea sparked in Vars's head. ^No, Gojo is far more dangerous. Arad can still be intimidated, and hostages work against him. I just need to pick the right ones.^ In the blink of an eye, Vars lunged toward Aella and pulled her to him by the neck, using her as a meat shield.

^Gojo doesn't have wives to care about. He probably won't even care about Gug and Liliana. His only weakness now is Arad, and Arad has many weaknesses.^

[Graveyard: Song of the dead] With those words, the whole city glew green.

Arad held his breath. If it was Eris, he wouldn't have minded blasting a hole through her chest. But Aella can't survive such a hit.

Bone hands grabbed Arad by the legs, dragging him underground in the blink of an eye.

"ARAD!" Jack cried, but soon, Eris and Lydia got pulled as well.

Jack managed to dodge the arms as Vars didn't seem to spend that much on him, focusing on those that can dish a ton of damage.

After seeing that the strong ones were buried alive, Vars let go of Aella and flew up.

The moment Liliana saw him, she shouted, "Fire!" But nothing happened.

She turned around to see that all the soldiers were pinned down by skeletons. Vars graveyard spaned across the whole city.

"Damn it!" She pulled the ballista trigger herself, but Vars easily dodged the lone shot.

At that moment, Vars could feel it. With the graveyard unleashed, he had racked enough murders to challenge the portfolio. He made sure no one was around, especially Arad, and pulled his phylactery.

"This is it!" He giggled, seeing his red phylactry glowing with a pure white glow. "A demi-god of murder,"


CRACK! As if Vars heard it miles away, he turned toward the fort. "It's shattering." He gasped.

CRACK! CRACK! The artifact sealing Gojo cracked, and his void started leaking out. That void then engulfed the whole cube, ripping it apart.

Thud! Gojo stood there, and the A-ranks that were trying to free him stared skeptically.

The moment Gojo lifted his hand, Meimei shat herself. The amount of mana that he pulled was disgusting, making her feel sick.

[Void Expansion: Twisting Void]

"FUCK! He's coming!" Vars gasped, gathering all of his magic, and newfound divine powers to protect his phylactry.

The world is comprised of matter, and matter is a bunch of molecules exiting together, made of atoms. Even inside the atoms themselves, a void exists separating the nucleus from the electrons. Gojo's void expansion can increase or decrease that void, and now, he eliminated it completely between his palm and Vars.I think you should take a look at

ZON! Vars got pulled violently as Gojo flew forward, and the two met in the middle with a blue-glowing, solid wall of compressed matter between them.

"It doesn't like being this compressed, do you know?" Gojo smiled as the wall flashed with a blinding light.


Vars's magic instantly disappeared as a titanic beam of light flashed across the sky, loud enough to send the soldiers crawling on the ground as their ears bled.


Gojo floated mid-air, the mountain range on the horizon had a burning hole in it as the monsters of the wild ran away.

All the mages in the city fell on their knees, that wasn't a spell. It was the pure wrath of mana itself.

CRACK! Arad dug through the ground, pulling Eris and Lydia with him. As he reached the surface he stared at the sky, seeing Gojo floating there.

"Brother! I don't sense Vars, is he dead?" Arad asked, putting the two girls on the ground.

Gojo flew down to Arad, "Depends on what you call alive, but I blew his body into nothingness." He replied with a smile, "But, I sensed him becoming a demi-god right after getting out of the cube," Gojo still had the cube with him, and it strangely remained intact. Probably a property of it that still needs studying.

"We aren't getting repelled so that thing still works, right?" Arad looked at the cube, and Gojo nodded, "It seems that way,"

"Gojo, I knew you were a problem." Vars's voice came from behind them and Gojo stared back with a sigh.

"That's cheating, Vars," He said, seeing Vars's ghostly form. He can't be destroyed or killed due to his demi-god status.

"You're the one cheating!" Vars growled.

Arad got ready to fight but Gojo lifted his hand, "Don't bother, we can't erase him now."

A divine beam of light fell from the sky and engulfed Vars's ghost as it laughed, "Finally, it's time."

Gojo stared at him, "Hurry and to the heavens, you don't belong in this world anymore."

"About that," Vars stopped raising and looked at the sky. "OH! The great old one, I call thee! A mere drop of water in your see, I seek a hearing!"

The golden light falling from the sky expanded, and hundreds of black tentacles dangled from the sky as hundreds of eyes emerged staring at Vars.

Gojo immediately lifted his hands, covering the capital in his void expansion to protect it. What Vars called wasn't something mortals should deal with.

Vars bowed, "I seek to challenge Katal's portfolio. Who of us is just, it's up to your wisdom to decide."

Gojo growled, "The idiot," He stared up, "Vars, you fool! Do you think that thing thing grants power for free? What about what we found? People take hundreds of thousands of believers and barely manage to get a portfolio, and you challenge an already existing god?"

The eyes stared at Vars and a deep growl rushed from the sky, "Granted. Vars Is the new God of Murder. Katal is demoted back to a demi-god."

Gojo's eyes opened wide as he saw a man fly down from the sky in front of Vars, screaming in rage. "How is this possible?"

Katal wasn't satisfied, but Vars didn't waste a second to slice him apart, ending his legacy at once.josei

With Katal dead, and him ascending to the heavens in his place. Vars giggled, "I guess, this is it," He pulled his phylactry, and lifted a middle finger to Katal's falling corpse.

"Get fucked! It's over!" CRACK! Vars shattered his own phylactry, causing his soul to start flickering.

"What are you doing?" Gojo shouted, and Vars stared at him with a smile.

"I killed Katal and now killed myself, the new god of murder. The portfolio will return to the overgod and relive the world from its burden." Vars giggled. "Like her," He pointed at Eris, "My family was mixed with their cult a few centuries ago. But, unlike you, I didn't go after the lackeys and minions, I didn't even go after Katal himself."

"Your enemy was the murder portfolio itself. You wanted to rid the world of it so no murder god could be born, and no cults killing people should spawn." Gojo scratched his head, "You idiot weirdo,"

"HAA!" Vars sighed, "If I knew beforehand, I would have just begged him to deal with it directly..." His soul disintegrated.

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