The dragon's harem

Chapter 472 Draconic Rage

Chapter 472 Draconic Rage

BA-dump! BA-dump!

Three hours after the undead attack on the capital, the fourth princess was struck with an arrow to the neck, dropping her from horseback. Everyone felt a shiver, and even people who couldn't sense magic sensed a cold wind as the mana diverged behind the walls.

Arad sensed Isdis's thoughts fade as blood dripped down her neck instead of going to her brain. As the scent reached his nose, his mind stopped processing thoughts like a human. Rage reveals the true self of creatures, and the dragon playing a human returned to his wild nature.

A booming roar shocked the capital and cracked its walls. The loud roar was enough to shatter eardrums, pop thin blood vessels, and shake the bones of all those close enough to the main gate.

Aella carried Isdis away on instinct while Zephyr used her wind to sweep all civilians she could in the split second they had. Both of them knew, that the one coming wasn't the Arad they knew. The first time he's enraged to the bones, that terrifies both of them.

CRACK! The wall shattered and the gate flew into the sky, a massive black shadow flew in as debris rained from the sky, ruining everything that was close.

The man who shot Isdis turned around to run after sniping her, a smile on his face. They've been at this for weeks, and only now has he achieved their goal. He's a mere assassin and knows nothing of what their client gain from such a thing, only that several platinum coins are on the princess's head.

The moment his mind imagined the piles of gold, Arad's roar hit the sky. His brain didn't get a chance to process the roar before his eardrums burst. To the assassin, he suddenly felt his ears explode silently, sending shocks across his skull, jaw, and spine.

ZRAN! The assassin started a gasp, and before he could even finish it, a massive black claw came through the ceiling. Erasing all debris as if it didn't exist as it shattered its way down.

CRACK! BLUGH! The claw smacked the assassin to the ground, causing him to puke blood as his ribs shattered. Arad intentionally didn't kill him in one go, he wanted him to die slowly, so he gets terrified and allows him to look into his mind.

When humans die in terror, they plead to their god, mourn their lives, and what Arad seeks, they curse those who sent them to their deaths.

Arad could taste those boiling thoughts in the assassin's head, his family that lives behind the mountains, his secret worship of Katal, and his cursing the assassins' guild branch in this capital that sent him to kill the princess.

Arad expanded his wins, shattering the building they were in.josei

The people who looked toward the chaos saw a massive black dragon, glittering with white specs of light as it stared into the sky, purple magic dripping from its eyes like a stream of lightning.

Not a second passed, and Arad had devised a two-phase plan to deal with the situation.

[Void Expansion]

Like the beating of a heart, Arad's void expanded over the whole capital, sinking it into a maddening darkness. His senses search for specific individuals, clerics, nuns, priests, and any healers. Anyone he could taste a lick of holy magic on. All got struck. [Void Step]

Arad's void expansion disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

In the blink of an eye, they all found themselves standing in front of Aella who carried Isdis.

"She dies, so does the city." Arad's growl shook the ground, and everyone felt it reverberate in their chests. He wasn't giving a threat, only stating a matter of fact.

All the healers scrambled to heal Isdis, crying and begging her to wake up. They knew it. If her heart was to stop, they wouldn't even get time to realize it.

FLAP! FLAP! Arad turned and saw a massive Brass drakaina flying toward him at an incredible speed. To her bad luck, he didn't have time or patience to waste with her.

Thwack! The moment she got close, Arad mimicked Claug's move. His massive tail swung at supersonic speed like a whip, smacking her in the head in the same way Claug killed Connor in Rita.

She couldn't even see the attack. Even though he was smaller than her. Surely younger, she couldn't see herself reaching that speed.

In the same way, a werewolf would gain superhuman speed in his human form, Arad with his lycanthropic blood got the same benefits. As even a kid werewolf could get a hit on an experienced warrior if they didn't expect the explosive superhuman power.

CRACK! The brass drakaina rolled the building, and two of her teeth fell to the ground. She growled, her mind muddled from the strike that reverberated across her whole body.

Thud! As she tried to stand, a human stepped on her head. "That's as far as you go, old hag." It was none other than Gojo, glaring down at her.

The drakaina tried to move, but the moment Gojo put pressure down, her head got drilled into the ground.

"Don't press me, lady," Gojo said, shaking his foot as he put even more pressure on her head. "I'm quite violent, you know," He looked at her, two veins bulging on his forehead, "Especially when my brother's wife is almost dead," He growled, his eyes flashing blue as he pointed at Isdis.

Gojo was as pissed as Arad is, but he wouldn't interfere with his brother's revenge or retaliation.

The drakaina's eyes expanded as she saw the clerics and healers scramble to heal Isdis. "What?" She gasped.

Arad looked at the assassin beneath his claw. CRACK! He finally crushed him to death, then shook the blood from his claw. He then stood on his hind legs, balancing with his tail.

[Void Expansion] He had already located all the assassins from the man's thoughts, and it was time to start the judgment.

In the blink of an eye, Arad's void expansion reached its maximum radius of four kilometers, engulfing the whole capital in darkness. It disappeared in the second blink, leaving trails of Arad's magic on all the assassins.

Everyone in the capital started freaking out, and Arad clapped his claws.

CLAP!I think you should take a look at

[Gravity Magic: Amplify]

One of the assassins had just put his beer down and started looking around in confusion after hearing the roar and seeing the sudden flashes of darkness. Suddenly, the gravity around his body rapidly amplified, crushing his flat on the ground like a pancake.

CLAP! He clapped his claws again, Letting them slide on each other.

[Gravity Magic: Twist]

A woman of the assassins was sitting in the garderobe when the gravity around her swirled like a whirlpool, twisting her body like a rag.

Thud! Arad put his hands together and then parted them.

[Gravity Magic: Two Sources]

An assassin ran across an underground tunnel when his body froze in place, his legs pulled toward the ground while his head to the ceiling, ripping him in half.

SWOSH! Arad wiggled his claws.

[Gravity Magic: Dancing Source]

Another man who locked himself in a room to be safe felt a strange aura around him, but that was late. His body flew toward the wall, then at the other wall, to the ceiling and ground. He got smacked around like a bouncing ball till his body got crushed.

CLAP! CLAP! Arad clapped his claws twice.

[Gravity Magic: Single Source Crush]

Two assassins who ran away together after finding their friend crushed in the bar quickly met their demise. One of them got crushed flat vertically and the other horizontally.

Arad shifted his head, noticing that three mages of the assassins already dispelled the traces of magic he left at them with void expansion, but that wasn't a problem. He extended his claw forward.

A bolt of pure white flame emerged, spinning at a rapid rate. [Fire Bolt] PEW! He fired it forward.

^Doma^ [Gravity Magic: Control]

Gravity formed around the fire bolt, directing it through the city.

The bolt zipped across the building and through windows, passing above people crying as she shifted direction toward a manifold to the sewers. It flashed across the dark tunnels until it reached another hole, getting out right beneath the mages' feet.

CRACKLE! The bolt pierced one of them from the crotch to the chest before he could even realize it was there. The other two conjured barriers on instinct.

The bolt shifted its direction, guided by Doma's precise control. CRACKLE! It pierced the second mage's skull, roasting his brain but exploded on the third one, leaving him only with a burning robe.

In the blink of an eye, the mage pissed himself realizing his mistake. Those flames contained the magic of whatever demon was killing them.

Arad put his claws together, moving them as if he were squeezing a rag.

[Gravity Magic: Twist]

CRACK! The mage could see his feet twist and crumble, then his knees, hips, and stomach. He cried his last scream as his chest twisted before his neck and brain.

CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! Clapping as Isdis taught him that night, he chased every assassin his mind spotted. After a five-minute performance, over one hundred assassins were killed.

Arad opened his jaw, [Void Expansion]

One last beat, pulling all of the corpses and blood toward him. [Gravity Magic: One source] He then compressed it into a ball, which he swallowed.

CRACK! Arad dropped his front claws, standing back on four as he turned to walk toward the clerics and Isdis. He glared at them, sending waves of magic.

With one look he could see that Isdis was stable and her wounds healed, yet the clerics kept trying to make sure she was alive. One slip up and they are all dead.

Hearing his growls, everyone ran away as he approached Isdis, sniffing her to make sure she was fine.

SWOSH! He shifted back to his humanoid form, sitting on a nearby piece of debris, his face twisted with rage.

Aella approached him fearfully, "Arad, are you okay?"

"No," He replied.

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