The dragon's harem

Chapter 476 A Stupid Knack For Mimicking Humanoids

Chapter 476 A Stupid Knack For Mimicking Humanoids

The mansion exploded, shattering into a million pieces as Chuzuke got thrown out, landing on his legs with an angry face. "You bastard!" He growled, seeing Arad standing in the dust, burning flames gushing out of his teeth. What kind of monster did you become?"

"Get away! Master!" One of the spawn maids extended her wings, flying at Arad with a blood sword.

"You fool! Get away from him!" Chuzuke screamed.

CRACK! Arad opened his jaw, biting the maid in half like she was a carrot.

"He's a monster..." Chuzuke gasped. He can no longer feel her blood. Forget holy magic. Arad eats vampires.

ROAR! Arad charged at Chuzuke, his horns twisting as they pointed forward.

Chuzuke conjured a blood spear and blocked Arad by the jaw, "You're the ugliest vampire I've seen in my life." He grunted. "Soon, I will relieve you from that misery,"

CLACK! Arad opened his jaw, charging a blue ball of voidless matter.

"Fuck!" Chuzuke gasped as he got blasted with a blue breath of energy. Similar to what Gojo used against Vars, but far smaller and less powerful.

Hundreds of meters from the forest went up in flames as Chuzuke flew away, his eyes darting around and looking for Arad. ^What was that? Pure mana? No, it's like a beam of concentrated heat. What did he burn to achieve it?^

ZON! Arad appeared behind Chuzuke, shocking him. ^This thing can teleport as well?^ He extended his hand, trying to blast Arad away with a fire spell, but ended up getting it bitten off.

Chuzuke stared at his missing arm, ^Fast,^

CLAP! In the blink of an eye, Arad swatted him down with his tail.

ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR! Arad roared, his crackling void shook the ground all the way to the capital.

The people gathered on the walls, seeing the massive black dragon roaring above a mountain of fire like a rampaging hellspawn.

"Haha," Gojo sighed with a smile, "He found him, it seems."

Baltos stared at Gojo, "Wait! That thing is Arad? Since when?"

"From the start. And He's still a mere young one." He stared back at the king, "You humans seem to forget a lot and need Alcott to remind you, but today, I will say it. When dragons start stomping around, you're kind are no different than ants beneath their claws."

"You're right," Baltos replied. "I think we might need to take refuge."

"No, Brother won't drag the fight here. Just sit and watch. That will be the thing you face if you wronged him in the future."

"An example of what would happen if we challenged him," Baltos nodded.

Chuzuke conjured a blood axe and flew at Arad, "You're a real pain, you know?" Swinging it at his head.

CLANG! Arad deflected the axe with his claw and spun, swinging his tail at the vampire's back.

BLOP! The blood in Chuzuke's axe started to shift, moving the head to the axe's pommel. CLAN! Swinging up, he sliced the tip of Arad's tail.

CLACK! Arad's tail started healing as Chuzuke flew back, pointing a finger at him. "I can use magic as well," [Fire Lance] [Fire Lance] [Fire Lance]

Arad dodged the spears and glared at Chuzuke, opening his mouth.

[Gravity Magic: Single sourse]


Chuzuke felt his arm twisted, so he cut it, a smile on his face. "The tip of your tail isn't healing as fast as the rest of your body. Does it have something vital?" He giggled, "I say the nerves in your spine are important,"

SWOSH! He flew at Arad faster than the eye could see, latching onto his back. "Let me get a taste," CLACK! In the blink of an eye, he thrust his arm into Arad's spine.

ZON! Arad shifted into his half-dragon form and flew away from Chuzuke, carrying the adamantine sword in his hand.

Chuzuke stared down at Arad with a smile, licking the blood on his hand. "Brain, your brain extends all the way through your spine?" He giggled, "I couldn't hit any vital organs no matter how I stabbed you, but your spine seems to be in place. Your nothingness doesn't hide it, does it?"

Arad lifted his sword up, taking a deep breath as the veins on his upper body bulged.

"Your draconic brain, your strongest asset is your biggest weakness." He shifted his blood and changed the axe into two cleavers. "Time to cut you up. You're not the only one who got stronger."

[Arad, calm down. Rushing would only result in your death. He isn't an opponent you can beat with raw power.]

Arad took a stance. ^First, Alcott...^I think you should take a look at

He let go of the sword, shifting his stance. Two arms up with one knee high. ^Second, Nina...^

Chuzuke watched Arad shift between multiple stances, confused. "Multiple stances, classes. No, techniques learned from other people?" He mumbled.

Arad broke into a smile, "I found it, the one to smack you around.^

With one hand on his chest and one at his side, one foot forward, and his eyes closed, he made a gentle bow. ^Dalla Brown,^ His eyes burned with a purple flame as he mimicked the elvish royal maid.

"What's that? Trying to be a butler?" Chuzuke giggled, mocking Arad's stance.

ZON! Arad disappeared, emerging behind Chuzuke swinging his hand.

"You won't..." Chuzuke spun around, trying to block Arad's strike, but he was surprised when Arad twisted his torso, sneaking his palm beneath the spear's shaft.

SLAP! A rod hot slap smacked Chuzuke's face, racking his entire body into oblivion. All his nerves screamed, and his silent vampire heart screamed.

Dalla lacked the strength and weight to fight, which is why she developed that fighting style, a weapon for the weak to challenge the strong. But what if someone like Arad used it? Someone with enough power and speed to take it to the next level.

SLAP! SLAP! With two quick moves, Arad swatted both of Chuzuke's hands away, shattering his bones and disintegrating his skin.

Before the vampire could scream, Arad swung his arm with all of his might. SLAP! Hitting Chuzuke's chest, aiming above the heart.

The shockwave from Arad's slap traveled across Chuzuke's blood, damaging it, and hindering it from clotting into weapons.

SWOSH! CRACK! Chuzuke was sent straight to the ground, crashing like a stone on the water. Out of instinct, he immediately stood, his vision black and his legs shaking as he pissed himself. He could feel nothing but searing pain across his body as if thousands of needles were grilling his nerves.

He could still sense Arad's magic above him, so he tried to form a weapon. The blood gargled in his shaking hand, but quickly spilled on the ground, unable to retain the shape he willed.

CRACK! Arad landed beside him, staring at the ground. "You're really still a kid." 

^Nina...^ Swinging his leg up, he kicked Chusuke in the chin and sent him flying to the clouds. CLACK!

Thud! Arad gently lowered his foot and took a deep breath, the veins on his arms and legs bulging up, his muscles tensed as he focused as hard as he could with a clenched fist.

^Set your foot on the ground and feel it, make sure to push back with your legs when you punch. Before swinging, remember all of your anger, rage, and will to live. Channel all of those emotions into one mad punch carrying the whole weight of your body,^ Arad resited what Mira said, teaching him how to fight.

BAM! Arad's right foot landed on the ground at the moment Chuzuke fell back, being right ahead of him before hitting the ground.

Arad's body relaxed for a split second, Images of both Injured Mira and Isdis flashing in his head.

VROOOOOOOM! Arad's heart beat fast enough that his veins started bleeding, and the bones from Arad's leg up to his fist cracked as his muscles clenched over their limits. The nervous signal blazing across his nevers flashed like lightning, sending ripples of pain across his body.

^Punch! As if your and their whole life depends on it!^ ROAR! Arad roared at the top of his lungs.

Arad's fist connected with Chuzuke's chest, right above his heart.

The vampire's body started expanding, his blood boiling as his skin disintegrated and bones cracked into dust.

Arad's arm cracked, his bones shattering and his muscles tearing as he pushed them over the limit.

Chuzuke's body exploded into a red mist as a powerful shockwave exploded, ripping the ground and trees around Arad into pieces.

The shockwave expanded, ripping trees apart until it reached the city's wall, shattering it and pushing everyone who failed to hide, dropping them from it.

King Baltos cried as his eardrums ripped apart, as did everyone else who didn't cover their ears.

Gojo whistled sitting on the wall unfazed, "As expected from my little brother, that would put me down for sure if I took it." He giggled.

"You would die?" Kin asked as she stood there with Gin and the old lady.

"Nah! But it would hurt a lot. Surely would get me to puke." He looked back toward where Arad stood. "He seems to have inherited his mother's talent,"

"Your mother? What talent did she have?" The old lady asked.

"A stupid knack for mimicking humanoids, both in manners and fighting." Gojo smiled.

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