The dragon's harem

Chapter 519 The Red Dragons

Chapter 519 The Red Dragons

Chapter 519 The Red Dragons

^Two dragons, one big and the other small,^ Arad stood. ZON! He teleported with a void step.


CRACK! CRACK! A small red wyrmling lunged between the trees, missing half her tail and left wing.

CRACKLE! From behind her, a massive red dragon knocked the forest down, swinging his claws at her. "You little damsel! You dare hunt in my land?"

With his second strike, he ripped her right wing. He could've killed her long ago, but dragons are akin to cats, playing with their prey.

She rolled on the ground, leaving a trail of blood, before opening her jaw and charging a fire breath.

Red dragons are immune to fire, and the adult dragon knew it. He won't even feel her breath. This was her last struggle to live.

"No fire in my land," A voice came from between them. Arad stood there in his humanoid form, his eyes glowing with a purple flame.

The wyrmlin's eyes opened wide, seeing Arad there. She tried to stop her breath, but being a wyrmling she lacked that control. The flame is coming out whether she likes it or not.

After scratching at her jaw with her claws and not being able to put the flames, she directed her breath to the sky, setting a branch on fire.

She stood there, staring at Arad as her heart raced. ^It's him. I messed up,^

The adult red approached Arad, sniffing him, "Human, you dare stand between dragons?" He giggled.

With one hand, Arad grabbed one of the dragon's teeth, pulling it out.

As blood gushed out, the dragon roared as it backed away, "You bastard!"

Arad stared at the dragon with a passive face, "I'm not in a good mood. Scram before I eat you whole."

The adult red growled, fire blazing out of his nostrils. "You aren't a normal human, are you? I smell draconic blood in you. You're a half-dragon, aren't you?"

"Leave," Arad glared at him, "I'm not giving you any more chances to live,"

The red wyrmlin stared at Arad's back. Unlike the red dragon, she could sense it in Arad. He's pissed off about something, it's not them, but it's apparent from his magic.

^The adult isn't seeing it,^ She thought. ^Between the three of us, I'm the weakest. As much as I hate it, I can only feel fear, but that's what's making it easy for me to pick on a violent attitude, the need to survive.^

The moment Arad's body moved, even slightly, she would flinch, and her scales stood. She felt that Arad was enraged and that her survival relied on that rage being directed at anything else besides herself.

"Leave?" The adult red growled, a giggle escaping his throat. "A half-dragon like you ordering me around? What do you think about yourself? Do you own this place? Your kind's rules don't apply to me,"

"I heard you saying she hunted in your land. That's why you're trying to kill her." Arad growled, and the little wyrmling flinched, taking a step back as she was brought into the conversation.

"I did," The adult red growled, "Because she's useless," He pointed at her with his claw, "She's weak, useless. Only if she was an adult drakaina, I might have considered taking her as a mate."

Flames gushed out of his throat, "She's too young, too weak, useless. Death is her only end,"

Arad glared at him, "Then, you don't mind me doing the same, do you?"

"You dared hunt her in my land. You aren't a drakaina, so I don't need you. But a dragon's body is expensive, isn't it?"

Arad lifted his hand, "No, I won't eat you." A void hole appeared, and he pushed his palm inside. "I'm building a city, and you look just like the right funds. Where is your hoard?"

The adult dragon flinched, jumping back as he saw the hilt of the dragon slayer's sword. "Why do you have that?" He roared.

"No," Arad pushed the sword back into his stomach, "I never learned how to butcher a dragon. I might damage something expensive."

The dragon blinked, taking a step back. josei

"I will catch you alive and see how much you're worth. Then I will decide how to sell you, parts or whole." Black scales started showing on Arad's skin. ^Sucking this dragon's blood can empower my vampire side, but it won't help against that thing.^ He remembered Vlad.

^I can eat his flesh and make my lycanthropic side stronger, but is that really worth it? I can always decide later if it's worth it or not,^ CRACKLE! Arad transformed into his draconic form, "I'm taking you alive to the plaza, and selling you for the highest bidder."

"You were a dragon, and those black scales, you don't have horns curved forward, so you aren't a black dragon. What are you?" The red dragon growled.

"The one going to sell you,"

ROAR! The red dragon roared, "Learn your place!" He charged forward, swinging his claw at Arad's head.

CRACK! Arad caught the dragon's claw with his swinging black, but his claw got caught as well. As the two dragons pushed against each other. The ground beneath them started cracking.

"Now, how do I catch you alive?" Arad growled, "But first, I need to deal with her," SWOSH! He swung his tail at the red wyrmling.

She thought it was her end, but the moment his tail touched her, she got teleported away and dropped beside Arad's house, right under Meryem's eyes.

"You killed her?" The adult red smiled, "No, that was different. I can still sense her magic away. Did you send her to your lair?"

"I know," Arad smiled, "It's been a while since I used this. Can it work against a dragon?"

Arad's eyes glow red, [Blood Magic: Faint Spell]

The adult red stuttered back for a moment before regaining his footing, "What did you do?" He growled, feeling a sharp pain in his head.

^[That blood magic stops the blood flow to the brain for a moment to render the target unconscious. A dragon whose neural network spread to the tip of his tail will only feel a headache as they can still work off their spine.]^

"Answer, you bastard!" The red dragon shouted, roaring at Arad's face.

CRACK! Arad opened his jaw, roaring back, but he was far louder. He even used magic to amplify his voice.

The red dragon's roar was muffled by Arad's roar. And the ground beneath them cracked. ^If you want to scream, I can scream louder!^

Arad's roar was heard all the way in the city. Alcott who was sitting in the guild's tavern could see his drink shaking.

"A giant monster?" An adventurer cried.

"No," Alcott said, "It's dominating roar," He lifted his cup and started shaking the drink, "It's nothing for us to worry about,"

^A land dispute. I should have expected it to happen sooner or later. But Arad doesn't seem to be losing, so it's fine.^

"You won't help?" Nina approached Alcott.

"No, he's winning," Alcott replied.

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