The dragon's harem

Chapter 548 Don’t Learn From Her

Chapter 548 Don’t Learn From Her

Chapter 548 Don't Learn From Her

Thud! They finally reached the end of the stairs.

"We're here," Amber gasped, rushing toward the door, "Finally, the light," Merlin said with a happy face, rushing after Amber.

"AWW!" They both screamed as Arad grabbed Merlin by the shirt and Amber by her robe, pulling them away from the door. josei

BAM! BAM! They both fell to the ground. "What are you doing?"

"This seems like a safe place," Arad said, "We rest here for half an hour. We leave after that." He sat beside the door, "And don't rush out like idiots. We don't know what awaits us outside."

"Monsters never camp close to the layer's entrance," Amber stared at him.

"Amber is right," Merlin confirmed her words, "It's unheard of,"

"Probably if this was a regular labyrinth, not one created from your mind," Arad stared at Merlin, "I'm not trusting the norms here," He pointed at the door with his thumb.

"Amber stands at the door's side, Merlin hides behind her, and I open the door. Be ready to blast anything that moves," He closed his eyes, "I'm going to rest a bit now,"

Amber and Merlin stared at each other, "He's a bit too cautious." Amber stared at him.

"Probably for the best," Merlin smiled, sitting beside him.

"You're right," She sat at his other side, focusing on her staff to create a rapid firing fire bolt for when they open the door.

A few minutes later, Arad's body bent to the side, falling down. Thud!

The two girls stared at him, "Is he asleep?" Merlin asked, poking his side.

"Probably," Amber approached, "He might not show it, but I bet he's exhausted to the bones." She sat beside his head and tried to lift him up, but her back stung her.

"Damn! He's heavy!" Amber growled, her face beet red as two veins popped on her forehead as she tried to lift him.

"Let me help you," Merlin helped her lift Arad's head and lay it on her thigh, "I won't feel my leg after this," Amber cried.

"Are you okay?" Merlin looked at her red face.

"His head is digging into my bones." Amber grunted, "Help me shift him a bit." She took off her hat and the top part of her robe, curling them into a pillow, and put it on her thigh.

With both of them working together, they finally managed to get Arad's head on the pillow.

"Now my leg won't die," Amber lifted a thumb to Merlin, "But we switch soon,"

"Of course," Merlin looked at Arad's asleep face.

"I'm surprised he didn't wake up," Amber smiled, "He's a bit cute, isn't he?"

Merlin scratched her head, "Aella told me once, that Arad is quite tame around the people he trusts,"

"What do you mean?"

"If it's us speaking and causing noise, he won't wake up." Merlin combed his hair with her fingers, "But if it was a sound he doesn't recognize, he would wake up immediately,"

"Is he a wolf sleeping with one eye open?" Amber sighed.

"There is a tale," Merlin said with a smile, leaning on the wall and putting one leg on another. "A wizard turned a dragon into a small fly to tame it,"

"Then the dragon who became a fly flew into the wizard's eyes and ate his way into his brain, causing the wizard to suffer for months before dying," Amber finished the tale.

"And with the wizard dead, the dragon returned to his normal form and proceeded to kill all those related to that wizard in one night." Merlin smiled. "What I'm saying is that even weakened, Arad is still Arad."

"Yeah, but that story was about a dragon, not a human." Amber sighed, "You've put too much stress and expectation on him,"

Merlin smiled, "I doubt it. He's the kind of person I can trust,"


Arad opened his eyes, staring up at two mountains. "Are you awake?" The mountains asked. She bent forward, her chest closing on his face.

Arad lifted his hands, parting Merlin's breasts away to look at her face,

"Don't put them on my face," He grunted.

"AHHH!?!" She gasped, "Be gentle..." She stared at him with a smile.

"What are you doing?!" Amber stared at him, pulling his hands away from Merlin's chest.

"Is something wrong?" He looked at her.

"Everything is wrong. Why are squeezing her chest?"

"Aella doesn't mind, neither Eris nor Isdis." Arad sat up.

"Those are your wives, Merlin isn't!" Amber cried.

"We still haven't married so that statement is wrong," Amber cried, "I know you understand what I mean. So don't try fooling me!"

"Come on," Arad looked at her, "Until now, you're the only one I heard complaining about this,"

"Since this is the first time you're doing it with a stranger."

"Merlin isn't a stranger," Arad replied.

"Amber," Merlin stared at her, "You're confusing him." She then looked at Arad with a smile, "I don't mind it, but you should only do it with the girls you love. And ask them first,"

"I know that," Arad replied.

Merlin blinked twice, "Then why did you touch me?"

"Getting back on what you were doing earlier," He replied.

With her eyes closed, Merlin started sweating remembering how she was licking his chest as he carried her on the stairs.

"Merlin!" Amber turned toward her, "What are you teaching him!"

"I'm not," Merlin cried, "He just mimics everyone he meets,"

"Arad!" Amber stared at him, "You aren't a child? Don't mimic this idiot,"

"But am I." He stared at her.

Amber scratched her head, "Fine, I take it you two are in a relationship." She sighed, "Do what the hell you like, I give up,"

Arad stood, cracking his neck, "Are you two rested?"

"We were never tired, you carried us up the stairs, remember?" Amber replied.

"I see," Arad stood ahead of the door, holding the knob with one hand.

"I will open it," Arad looked back at them, "Merlin, hide, and Amber, be ready to blast anything that moves."

ZIIIIIIII! Arad pushed the door open, looking outside. A large tree-filled swamp spanned as far as the eyes can see.

He signed to the two to wait inside as he took a step outside, looking around the door, at the sky, and at the ground.

Arad sighed, turning back with a smile, "It seems safe at the moment."

The two walked out of the door, "GAH!" Amber growled, "A swamp, I hate those places."

"Too much dirt," Merlin looked around, "At least it's not a strange environment,"

SPLA! From behind Arad, eight tentacles emerged from the dirt, flying to catch him.

"GAA!" Amber cried.

Merlin stared at the tentacles with her eyes sparkling, "Lunch!"

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