The dragon's harem

Chapter 648 The Perfect Being

Chapter 648 The Perfect Being

lightsnοvεl Aella walked toward the void ball that Arad was inside, "This is unlike any evolution he had before," She looked and saw that the egg-shaped thing was floating mid-air, not releasing a single drop of mana. All energy was directed toward Arad's evolution.

She touched the egg, finding it as smooth as glass and too slippery that she might be drenched in oil. But after a close inspection, Aella noticed that her hand wasn't actually touching the egg. It stopped just before reaching the surface, blocked by a void barrier that prevents any matter from reaching the egg.

"I can't touch it," She tried pushing the egg, but couldn't move it an inch. That thing was stuck in place.

"Let me try. We can't leave him here," Claug extended her claw and grabbed the egg that fit in her palm like how a chicken egg fits in a human hand.josei

"I can't!" Claug growled, using all of her might to move the egg, but unable to. Her whole body got pulled toward the egg by the might of her arms, and still couldn't shift it a hair strand.

Kali jumped from Claug's head and landed on the egg, staring down, "Location locked and protected by void magic so it won't be damaged or moved, a protective measure." Her eyes flashed repeatedly with a pink light, "If you tried to move it forcefully, you might hurt Arad inside,"

Kayden grabbed Kali by her side and took him off Arad's egg, "Don't stand on him," He put her down and touched the egg, trying to push it.

"Yeah, any more force, and I'll end up breaking it," He sighed.

"Would Gojo be able to move him?" Alcott asked, looking at the egg, "They are brothers. He might know something."

Kayden stood still, his six eyes spazzing and glowing with a crimson light, "Found him. He's in the Arctic North fighting some dream walkers." Kayden then gasped, "He killed my demon. I'll be back in a second," He disappeared and returned almost immediately with a confused Gojo, "Where am I?" Gojo looked around, confused as the scene changed in front of him so fast he barely noticed.

"Gojo!?" Aella gasped. She knew Gojo was far stronger than Arad, and for Kayden to just bring him in such a short time.

"It's you?" Gojo looked around, seeing everyone staring, "A moment please," With one weave of his hand, a large robe covered his topless body, "I've been in a bit of a fight," He then looked back toward Kayden, "So, I don't sense any malevolent intent from you, albeit you're strong enough to pull me all the way here." With a grin on his face, he looked back at Arad's egg, "I guess this is the reason,"

"I thought you'd be more angry about being snatched like this?" Kali stared at him.

Gojo giggled, "I'm not a fool to start a fight with someone who pulled me like that," He glared at Kali, ^And especially you,^

^So you know me,^

^Found several ancient tables speaking of you. But shouldn't you be a grown woman by now?^ He stared at her, thinking and holding his chin with a lifted eyebrow.

^I patron orphans now, so I stay like this. It's a more important rule in my opinion,^ She stood proudly, ^I grow to my adult form when I'm tending to my other profession.^

^Tamar, Hakai, it was written in multiple languages, but I never found an accurate translation.^

^Destruction, I took after my father Asura.^ She pointed toward Arad's egg, ^Enough mental speech, you can move him, can't you?^

Gojo approached the egg, "I'm the one who made this. Moving him won't be a problem,"lightsnovel

"You made it?" Eris approached, "When?"

"When we were in the capital. Arad asked me how to make his evolution quicker so I told him about this, and gave him one," He pushed the egg, and it moved, "You can say I'm incubating him in my void to provide a more suitable environment for him to evolve."

"Then how do you evolve?" Isdis stared at him.

"I prepare my environment beforehand. It takes a lot of work and resources to make. It's faster and more cost-effective for Arad to have me help him for free," He flew with the egg, transforming into his draconic form.

"I'll go first. Follow me at your own pace," He was about to leave, but then looked at Kadyen, "Wait, what happened to the dream walkers I was fighting?"

"My demons held them back, and a white great wyrm already arrived at the location and killed them. The chromatic dragons have started a crusade against the dream walkers," Kayden replied.

"I know about that, and where are the metallic dragons? They were supposed to be here," Gojo looked around.

"Arad almost killed all the humans living around here in his rage. They are saving those people, so he won't be dealing with a crime after waking up," Kali replied, "I did diverge them a bit as well," She giggled.

"I see," Gojo flew away with Arad's egg, heading toward Alina.

"We should get back as well," Aella sighed, looking at the rest of the girls, "It'll take some time, but we'll be there soon," She then turned toward Sena, who stood in the back, "How did you get here?"

"I flew here," Sena replied, looking away.

"You could do that?" Aella lifted an eyebrow, turning toward Merlin, "I'll run out of mana before flying a tenth of the distance to here,"

"Me too," Amber added, looking at Sena with a suspicious glare, "I feel something off about your mana,"

"It's quite large," Sena smiled, lifting her hands up, and they shifted into massive black crow-like wings, "I do shapeshift into different creatures to fly while consuming minimal mana," (A lie) She flapped her new wings, flying into the sky.

"What a load of crap," Merlin mumbled, looking right through Sena's lie. "I'm sure she's hiding something even more powerful than just shape-shifting." She sighed, flying to Claug's back.


As Sena flew back toward Alina, she thought.

^The ultimate being embodies the powers of each and every living thing, all lives gather as one,^ Her body shifted once again into a transparent dragon, flying through the sky at an unimagiable speed.

^I grant life and take it away, forcing the very essence of it to bend to my will. I'm all creatures, and not any of them at the same time, the perfect lifeform.^

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