The dragon's harem

Chapter 662 A Cold Wind To The Capital

Chapter 662 A Cold Wind To The Capital

Aella flew across the air with Zephyr and Isdis, "This has become a huge mess," She sighed, remembering her conversation with Merlin.


"Prince Charlie?" Aella asked.

"Not sure how, but this farm girl called Amella has been getting closer to him on behalf of the devil. She's acting more like a lover, but like Roberta, she's under a contract to convince Prince Charlie to call Roberta and give her the position of the jeweler of the capital. Her argument would be some of the jewelry that Arad's kobolds made, and she'll use them to prove that Roberta would do well," Merlin explained.

"How did you get so many details?"

"Spying on the messages sent through magic, and I can also read the remnant of messages that were sent in the past day if I managed to locate and decode their signal." Merlin giggled, "I already had a sample of the devil's magic that I got from the contract he left at Sena's office."

Aella he'd her head, sighing, "You can decipher a devil's messages. Where did you even learn that?"

"I did have a contract with a devil once. I did manage to win by achieving my end of the bargain and captured that devil for experiments. That is how I learned. Albeit Arad killed him in the labyrinth, or should I say Doma did." Merlin sighed.


"We can't leave Roberta to that devil," Aella looked at Isdis.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Forget Roberta for now. If there is a snake around my brother, I'll cut her head in the capital's plaza." Isdis growled, "No! I'll have them cut her nipples off first!"

"Calm down. She's under a contract just like Roberta," Aella stared at her, "We'll do our best to solve the problem without harming her,"

"That's her!" Eris pointed forward, and the two stopped flying, "I can't see her." Eris gasped.

"You're right," Zephyr smiled, "I can sense her magic from here, but she doesn't look like someone you two can't beat and tie to a chair," She started flying away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Aella stared at her.

"To find something to eat. We don't know when Vlad might attack, so I can't stay like this," She waved her hand, "You also have access to my powers, so you don't need me around, do you?"

"I can draw some of it, but not much without you being close," Aella replied.

"I know you can do it," Zephyr giggled, "Take me and Eris out of the equation, and you're the next oldest,"

Isdis stared at her, "Wait? The oldest?"

"I'm 215 years old," Aella replied, "In human age, that would be around 21 years,"

"You're young for elves, but..." Isdis gasped, "Older than grandma and grandpa?!"

"They won't be older than 100 years, so I'm older," Aella replied.

"Grandma is 105, and she's bedridden, while Grandpa is 109 but still could walk with a cane," Isdis stared at Aella. "You're almost twice as old as them,"

"They lived over a century? They must've been strong in their young days."

"Grandpa was a fighter while grandma was an alchemist," Isdis looked forward, "Should I call you madam? A senior citizen?"

"With that, Zephyr would be a rotten mummy," Aella giggled, "She's far older than any of us could imagine," By that time, Zephyr had already left.

At the border between the forest and the start of the wheat fields existed a sizeable hill with a massive olive tree on top. The two landed behind it and stared down.

"It's colder than in Alina," Aella looked around at the snow, "It's twice as deeper as there,"

"I heard that the further north we go, the more it snows," Isdis replied, "It's fun when you have adequate heating," She looked at the capital, "We have no heater like the one Merlin made or a red wyrmling like Ignis to heat the city for us,"

"Want me to make fun of the capital?" Aella stared at her.

"Don't need to," Isdis smiled, "It's quite embarrassing for us to be relying on firewood. I'll make sure Father buys a heater from Merlin next year,"

Aella pointed forward, "Shh! Look, there she is,"

The two stared forward, seeing a young woman, probably just hitting her early twenties with long coal-black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a face full of freckles walking out of a tiny farmhouse.

"At least her contract is far simpler than Roberta's one," Isdis said with a smile.

"All we need to do is make Charlie lie to her," Aella looked at Isdis, "Say yes to her demands, which will conclude her contract, but then have him betray his promise."

"I doubt brother would do that unless we tell him about the contract." Isdis sighed.

"Her rules are simple,"

1- Convince Prince Charlie to make Roberta the owner of all jewelry trade in the kingdom. If you get rejected three times, I'll take your soul.

2- He must not know about the contract. If he did, I take your soul.

3- If Prince Charlie accepts, I'll change his heart about you.

4- If he found about the contract, he'll die, and you'll fail. Meaning, I'll take your soul.

5- For the duration, I'll grant you a power of mine to use.lightsnovel

"We need to let her convince him first. Then we convince him with the opposite without bringing the contract into play," Aella pulled her bow.

"The sneak is ahead of us," Isdis pulled her flute, "I'm sure if she got injured she'd call for brother."

Aella loaded an arrow and pulled the string of her bow, taking a deep breath. "Sorry, but you have to lay in bed for a while. Little girl," PEW!

Aella's arrow flew across the air, cutting snowflakes as it raced toward the girl.

The girl stopped, turning to face the direction where the arrow was coming from, the snow around her feet shaking.

^It's whatever power the devil granted her,^ Aella smiled, ^But I'm not your average snipe.^ She lifted a finger up, and her arrow changed its direction. It flew past the girls and grazed the snow on her roof, forcing the whole thing to come tumbling down on her.

The girl cried as a small avalanche of snow crumbled on her head, burying her.

"You'll kill her," Isdis gasped.

Aella smiled, having the same grin as Zephyr, "I'm not your average mage as well,"

GAH! The girl cried, crawling out of the snow unharmed, "What was that?" She was shaking, wet to the boots, and her Directly support the authors on WebNovel!

fingers started turning blue as a cold wind blew around her.

Aella stared at Isdis, "When my arrow touched the snow, I sent a gust of wind inside it to make it soft and fluffy so it wouldn't crush her. I then spun the arrow mid-air using winds and used that signal to cast a minor spell from the side, [Gust of Wind]." Aella giggled, "She's drenched wet and added some cold air. I call get a cold and stay in bed,"

Aella lifted her hand, and her arrow returned to her.josei

"It'll take her some time to call brother," Isdis looked toward the gate, "We need to sneak into the city without anyone noticing us,"

"Can't you just talk to the guards?" Aella looked at her.

"We can trust some of them, but not all. We're screwed if they got word about me being in the capital to the palace. Brother has sharp ears, and he'll know," Isdis shook her head, "That might ruin our plans,"

"Then what? Use the flute? You can't fully control it, can you?"

"I can't. It's a powerful item," Isdis shook her head, "But I know some people that would get us inside the capital," She pointed toward the wall, "First, we need to enter through that,"

Aella looked, and her eyes opened wide, "The sewers? Are you serious?"

"You can say, it's a shitty situation,"

Aella sighed, "Stop with the jokes. Where would they lead us?"

Isdis looked away, "I might have some people, and I might have been thinking of starting a revolution to overthrow my brothers. On the side, I might have created a group of fanatics training to be my shadow squad,"

"You what?" Aella glared at her.

"The assassins that were after me before wanted my head not for the crown, but since my assassins were stealing from their business. After Arad killed them all, those fanatics of mine should've dominated that market," She looked away with a guilty face.

"You didn't tell Arad?"

"He knows, I told him after the capital events." She started poking her fingers, "He said that no matter how he looked at them, they looked like a bunch of idiots wanna be assassins. And that they won't last long,"

"Let's go and see what they can do," Aella sighed, and the two headed toward the sewers.

As they reached the stinky entrance, they covered their noses with their scafes, slowly making their way inside.

"But why the sewers?"

"No one will come here," Isdis replied, "And they said it'll look cool to have an underground base,"

"Because it looks cool? If Arad didn't like them that meant they didn't look strong, and he's pretty lenient on that department. How was they even able to take market share from the real assassins?" Aella glared at her.

"All assassins are shady," Isdis looked away, "They kept taking missions and failing them, which destroyed the reputation of the local assassins."

Isdis kept mumbling, "And since they look like a bunch of fools wearing assassins' clothes and doing stupid poses, the assassins couldn't pinpoint the real members of my squad and ended up killing two innocent people, which further dragged them through the mud."

"You look dead,"

"Those girls are trying their best, but they aren't experts trained since birth. They excel at disguise since all they do is play with clothes and makeup, but they suck at killing people. To be honest, they look like a bunch of really good actors that suck at being real assassins."


Inside the assassins' layer, a woman walked down a dungeon-

like hallway lit with candles, rushing her steps. ^Garderobe, Garderobe,^ She quickly pulled the door open and jumped inside, her eyes quickly taking a glance at the water bucked beside the toilet, it was filled.

"Thank goodness," She pulled her pants down, sitting.

At that moment, the wall beside her opened up and Aella and Isdis walked inside through the secret passage.

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