The dragon's harem

Chapter 680 Arad Vs Vlad

Chapter 680 Arad Vs Vlad: Part III A Thousand Year Too Young

"The hell?" The vampires coming to help Vlad cried, getting flung away by the shockwaves of Arad's strikes.

"Use blood magic to make a barrier," A vampire cried, holding onto a broken wall as the shockwaves almost blasted him away like a leaf in a storm.josei

"Already tired," Another vampire cried, barely holding onto a crack in the ground, "I don't have any magic that could withstand that pressure,"

SWOSH! A burst of steam gushed out of Arad's back as he kicked Vlad away, jumping after him with a burst of air.

"GAH!" Vlad gasped, feeling his skin burning. Arad didn't only unload one or two slaps on him. He unloaded tens of them so that even he, an immortal vampire who's fine with ripping his guts out, could feel the pain.

"You never faced Dalla, did you?" Arad jumped after him with both fists pulled back.

Vlad landed on his hands, standing back on his feet as he swung his hand toward Arad, "Get away from me!" He screamed. Five spears of blood gushed from his fingers toward Arad at a blinding speed.

CRACK! CRACK! Vlad burst through several homes before getting flung in the air. Arad jumped after him, assisted by the air bursts. "True power is using everything you have, doing the best you can," BAM! Arad punched Vlad back to the ground.

Vlad's body hit the ground, bouncing back as Arad landed beside him, swinging a wide slap. CLAP! Arad's palm hit Vlad's chest, sending a shockwave through his whole body, ripping the thin veins and nerves to shreds.

Vlad screamed as he got flung into a house, splashing blood everywhere.

Arad stood in place, a gust of steam gushing out of his back, strong enough to blast the heavy debris of the building away from him.

lightsnοvεl Vlad quickly healed, but his limbs still felt numb from the pain, "This pain, it doesn't stop," He growled.

"I don't remember exactly how Dalla explained it. But pain is located here, not on your limbs." Arad tapped his head, "It doesn't matter if you healed or not,"

"Is that so?" Vlad growled with a maniacal smile, stabbing his head with a finger, "Then what about this?" He started twirling that finger, lobotomizing his own brain, "Now this feels better. If it's my brain that's causing the pain, I only need to damage and fix it to get a fresh start,"

He pulled the finger out drenched in brain matter, and the wound quickly healed, "Yeah, it feels better indeed,"

Arad stared at Vlad. ^This bastard can heal his brain like that? How is he doing it? The brain controls the body. Damaging it would lead to inevitable loss of consciousness.^

Arad took a stance, ^I only need another minute at max, but even at that point, how do I kill this bastard if destroying his brain doesn't work? Damaging him enough and having Eris finish him with holy magic? No, I doubt she could move,^

BAM! Vlad lunged toward Arad at a blinding speed, swinging his fist.

Arad blocked the punch and tried to counter.

Vlad spun his torso at an unhuman angle, shattering his own spine but kicking Arad in the face and sending him flying away. "If I have the best regeneration in the world, you bet I'll abuse it," Vlad lifted his hands, putting them together.

"Unlocking the first blood coffin," He said with blood magic gushing out of his body.

"Unlocking what?" Arad gasped, seeing Vlad's magic spike to a mind-boggling level, almost seven times what he had before.

From the ground, countless blood spears rushed toward Arad, piercing his arms and torso, "You certainly didn't expect to beat the best of the vampires with only pain and physical attacks,"

Vlad's body burst into a flood of blood, and from him, tens of massive, house-sized bats emerged, flying toward Arad in a bloodied frenzy.

Arad flexed his arms, shattering the blood spears, and jumped back, seeing the bats flying toward him.

"Familiers?" He growled.

One of the bats opened his mouth, unleashing a supersonic blast loud enough that Arad almost blanked out, getting blasted outside the capital with one hit.

Arad blinked, finding himself flying mid-air with the bats surrounding him. ^Fine,^ He smiled, taking a deep breath and crawling into a ball.

One of the bats rushed toward him, swallowing him in one bite.

Just a second later, the bat's body inflated like a balloon and exploded as Arad released massive amounts of air inside him.

Freshly out of the bat's guts, Arad found that his situation didn't get any better. More bats surround him, and he has no way of escape.lightsnovel

^Bats are blind. They use sound to echolocate their prey. Those were Alcott's words.^ Arad took a second deep breath, ^You aren't the only ones who can weaponize sound,^


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," Arad screamed his lungs out, and the bats flinched. Their sonic screams were directed forward so they wouldn't harm their sensitive ears, but they had no real way of defending against sound.

Taking the chance he created, Arad jumped off the air with an air jet and punched one of the bats in the head, piercing the skull and reaching into the brain, "BOOM!" He unleashed a burst of air inside, exploding its skull out of its sensitive ears.

Arad jumped toward another Bat and did the same before screaming once again to stun them.

PEW! A blood spear flew from the ground, piercing one of the bat's ant ripping Arad's lower jaw, barely missing his skull.

Vlad smiled, standing on a roof, "My aim is shit," He giggled, "I didn't throw spears like this in a while, so it's to be expected,"

Arad gasped, ^Didn't he shifts into the bats? No, no one said that, and I didn't see everything that came out of the blood.^ He clenched a fist, about to fly between the bats to attack Vlad himself.

Vlad smiled, and the spear he threw turned behind Arad, flying back and piercing his heart, "Did you really think? You can beat me that easily?"

Vlad giggled, "Vampires shiver and bow to my name. None ever stood before me without licking my boots, and do you think you'll beat me?"

The bats that Arad killed exploded, their blood rushing out and shifting into spears that flew toward Arad from every direction.

"You're a mere newborn vampire. Did you really think you could face the vampire's king in a few months after turning?" Vlad lifted two fingers, "You're a thousand years too young,"

Arad growled, protecting his head and spine, and the blood spear pierced his body mid-air.

"I'm the vampire king. You won't come out of the woods and tell me what to do, young blood," He clenched his fist and pulled Arad down, smacking him on the ground, "I'm taking Eris, and you can't do anything about it, no I'll take you as well for experiments. Your power must be studied,"

Arad tried to stand, but the blood spear kept him pinned to the ground. "Sit and watch," Vlad turned, "I'll drag Eris now," He opened his eyes, seeing a barefoot flying toward his face.

"Nice toes..." CRACK! Eris kicked him in the face with a [Divine Smite]

Vlad's body flew away, crashing through a barn before landing on a hill, smoking from the holy magic.

Thud! Eris landed where Vlad stood, her whole body bleeding as it crackled with plasma and holy magic.

Vlad burst laughing, "Impressive, to think you'll also move under my blood control," He stood, staring at her, "Even though my blood magic keeps ripping your muscles apart, you're healing through the damage and moving like a zombie. Is this freak here influencing you?"

Eris stared at Arad, noticing the heat source in his chest. "I see," She smiled with blood gushing out of her teeth and eyes. "Yeah! He's influencing me,"

She lifted her hands, "You dare lay your hands on my husband?"

[Death Butterfly]

Eris's body ignited with plasma, forcing her body temperature to reach a level unimaginable to mankind. From head to toe, and from brain to guts, everything in her body swam in plasma, becoming one with it.

It only took Vlad a second to realize his control over her broke. Her blood had gotten to a point where it couldn't be controlled.

BAM! Eris flew toward Arad to rip the spears that pinned him to the ground, but Vlad cut her way, kicking her away from him.

Eris rolled on the ground, standing with her nose dented from the kick. She stared at Vlad, her nose healing as her skin crackled with plasma and holy magic.

"Unlocking the second blood coffin," Vlad lifted his hands, and his skin turned back, flowing like blood.

Eris took a deep breath, putting one hand forward as she took a stance. ^Arad is trying to adapt to the blood control with heat. He isn't a fire dragon or plasma dragon, so it's taking him time.^ Her eyes slowly paned toward Arad.

^I need to free him at all costs.^

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