The dragon's harem

Chapter 691 Nina Vs Arad

Chapter 691 Nina Vs Arad: Clash Of Immortals

Arad stood behind Nina, glaring at her back as she stared forward. The mere presence of those two monsters forced the animals and monsters to flee the area, it wasn't bloodlust flowing the air, but the arid wind of a coming natural disaster.

The wind blew strong, pushing snow down the frozen trees. CRACK! The first lump of snow hit the ground, and Arad swung a punch at Nina's head. A shockwave engulfed his fist as it accelerated, reaching Nina's ear.

BLOP! Nina's body sunk into the ground in the blink of an eye, evading Arad's fist at the last moment. The shockwave released from the attack blasted all the snow around them into nothing, echoing across the ruined capital.

BAM! Nina popped out of the ground behind Arad, swinging a fist at his back like he did to her.

ZON! Arad teleported in place, using the void step to instantly face Nina, his arms open in a T-pose. As her punch approached his torso, Arad clenched his arms down like a trap, sending two lightning-fast slaps toward her cheeks.

Nina bent down, accelerating her fist even further and dodging Arad's slaps at the same time. Arad smiled, lifting his knee up, kicking her wrist up, and clenching his fists. He then dropped his two arms like hammers, aiming at her shoulders.

BA-BAM! Nina swung in place, kicking Arad's stomach with a roundhouse kick as he smacked her to the ground, sending a powerful blast.

"Those two!" Merlin growled, the shockwave of each of their attacks sent a powerful burst of air and debris, making it almost impossible to get close to them.

"Two unstoppable forces colliding," Ginger growled, rolling backward on the wall, "It's not something that we wizard who are physically weak can endure,"

"What's happening?" The king who only woke up that morning gasped as the ground shook and the candles beside his bed danced, everyone gasped in terror, thinking it was another attack.

He tried to stand, leaning on the chair beside his bed, "Gin! What's happening?!" He shouted.

Gin opened the door and looked at him, "Arad and Nina are fighting,"

"What?" He gasped, his face paling.

"Don't worry, Merlin says it's just them playing around."

"Nina is an unstoppable monster that cannot be controlled, are you saying Arad didn't just lose in one hit? He's fighting back?" He cried, "That's...unbelievable."

"We told you he beat Vlad," Gin stared at the confused king.

"Vlad's power was blood magic, not raw strength. Nina would lose to Vlad as she has no way of overpowering his blood magic, but in terms of raw power, she's league above," The king growled.

"Two things," Gin smiled, "While father Kinryuu used self-induced time stop to freeze his own body in time and halt Vlad's blood control, Nina didn't," Her eyes flashed blue, "She entered the blood lord's expansion and kicked him down from his castle, she overpowered the blood control on her own,"

"That can't be..."

"And the second thing, both of them possess a mind-boggling regeneration speed. Near immortality," She looked at the ceiling as the ground shook violently once more, "The fight won't end easily,"


CRACK! Arad's body crashed through the ground, digging a trench before bouncing from a boulder and smacking into the forest, ripping several trees from their roots. He immediately regained his balance, grabbed one of the severed tree trunks, and threw it forward.

SPLAT! SPLAT! Nina butterflies through the solid ground as if it were water, diving in and out like a speeding dolphin before jumping at Arad's face, dodging the tree trunk. [Earth Glide] Is the ability to move freely through the ground, a unique trait of the great tarrasque, and she could access it through her blood. Albeit the true monster moves through the ground like a ghost, she seems to treat it like swimming, but much faster.

SWOSH! Arad dodged her fist and teleported behind her, grabbing her by the hair and swinging her around.

CRACK! He tried to smack her on the ground, but she landed on her feet, pulling her neck back.

Arad could feel an immense pull on Nina's hair, "Haha!" He laughed as she swung her head, swinging his left and right with her hair, and smacked him on the ground. BAM! Arad smacked the ground, standing up in the blink of an eye.

CRACK! Nina lunged at him, swinging a lightning-fast kick. Arad blocked, but the strike ripped his arm off like it was made of jello.

CLACK! Arad's arm regrew immediately as he used it to swing an instant punch at Nina. She lifted her arms, blocking Arad's punch with a boxer's guard but she got sent flying back at an immense speed and crashed onto the city's wall.lightsnovel

Ginger protected her face with her arms from the debris while Merlin used a transparent barrier. "They are insane," She growled.

GRRRRRR! Nina stood, pushing the crumbling wall left and right as she shook her shoulders, the muscles on her body bulging a bit as veins emerged on her forehead. She's getting warmed up.

Thud! Thud! Arad walked out of the forest with a smile on his face, "How did you survive that?" He lifted his hand, "Doesn't matter anyway," He swung his palm down, sending a slash of compressed air.

BAM! Nina lunged forward, and the ground where she stood exploded into a blast from the sheer force of her legs. She plunged into the ground, swimming around Arad's slash, and lunging at him with a flying kick.

Arad took a step forward, shifting his torso to the side and dodging her kick, swinging a fist at her chest in the same motion.

TAP! CLAP! Nina grabbed his fist and used it as leverage to spin around, wrapping her thighs around his neck and twisting him in the air, smacking him to the ground head first.

Arad blinked, seeing Nina's butt on his face, "Sitting on my face? You know I have those." He opened his jaw, ready to bite a chunk out of her.

BAM! Nina jumped, dodging his bite at the last moment. She spun mid-air and stared down at him laying on his back.

Arad lifted his arms, then smacked down at his side, busting his body into a standing position in the blink of an eye. He stared at her with a smile, "I can hold my own," He pointed his hand at her, "Sorry, but I'll use some spells."

Droplets of water emerged from his fingers, dancing before his hand. BA-BA-BAM! The water spun at a high speed and then fired out as jets of piercing, high-pressure water.

Nina lifted her arms to block the water, but the jets ripped her forearms and calves off upon contact.

lightsnοvεl CRACK! She landed standing on the stumps of her legs, roaring as they regrew in the blink of an eye. Her skin turned dark red as the tarrasque magic in her blood started to boil.

Arad smiled, swinging his palm and sending another slash of compressed water.

BAM! Nina dodged and lunged toward him, swinging a fist.

Arad wanted to dodge, but she was too fast for him to make it in time. ZON! He instead teleported a quarter meter to the side, effectively dodging the strike. He swung a slap at her face, but she blocked it and grabbed his wrist, punching him in the guts and ripping a chunk of his left side off.

Arad didn't even flinch, punching with his other arm at her face. She opened her mouth, biting his fist off, but he pierced her shoulder with the stump of bone on his forearm.

Nina swung her fist off and ripped the bone in her shoulder off, only for Arad to fully head his fist and grab her by the neck.

Nina lunged backward, pulling Arad with her. She quickly lifted her right foot, about to kick him in the jewels.

Arad opened the palm of his other hand, putting it on Nina's chest, "This'll hurt," BA-BA-BAM! He unleashed a barrage of compressed water and air slashes, blasting Nina away in a splash of blood.

"Did I really grow strong enough to stand up to you?" Arad said with a smile, but he quickly felt something strange, a chilling, warm feeling below his navel. He looked down, seeing a hole ripped from beneath his belly button down to his ground, Nina had ripped everything off.

Her kick missed, but her toes pierced his stomach, so when she pulled her leg down, she ripped everything apart.

Nina stood, the front of her body cut apart. Her wounds started steaming as they healed rapidly, and in a matter of two seconds, she was fully healed as if never been injured.

"I thought magic deflects off her body!" Ginger gasped, "How is he hurting her with spells?"

"Those aren't spells," Merlin replied with a sweaty face, "He's using his void and gravity magic to accelerate water or air from his stomach and use them as weapons. What's hitting Nina is mundane, magic-less water and air, but the speed and pressure still deal a lot of damage."josei

"That's…insane," Ginger gasped.

"Nina is a mage's worst nightmare, a fast and powerful unkillable monster that's immune to magic. But Arad's magic is so out of the known magic that he's actually managing to use magic against her,"

"Those who study magic in a conventional way, or level up to gain powerful magic like sorcerers and warlocks can never hope to reach this level of mastery," Merlin giggled, "They aren't called magic dragons in vain, he's a magic monster,"

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