The dragon's harem

Chapter 693 The Mother Of Steel

Chapter 693 The Mother Of Steel

"Nina!" Arad screamed, seeing rivers of blood gushing out of Nina's body. He could feel it, the scream of survival, the ancient blood in her body was scared, feeling their death creep closer.

=Death is close=

A voice rang in Arad's head, booms like the cries of a thousand women singing, a screech of pain.

=No one knows, no one feels=

Arad lunged forward, extending his hand to grab Nina, but the blood blasted him away.

=It hurts, thousands dies=

The blood ate Arad's arm, melting it like acid, and when he tried to heal, what his body fixed got immediately ripped apart before it took form. Arad looked at his own arm. "I can't heal?" His head started hurting badly, and his vision blurred, feeling a strong urge to vomit as his veins turned black, his own blood disintegrating from the inside out.

=But I must carry on=

=This suffering, nothing worse could happen=

CLAP! Arad's vision blurred as Nina punched him in the face, ripping his skull off and flying off with his body to the mountain peak.

As Arad's twitching body fell on the ground, Nina stood beside him, shaking as the blood on her skin turned into brown scales and fingers into massive claws.

"GRWAAAAAAAAAAA!" She screamed, swinging her fist at Arad's chest. =End it now, make it better=

CRACK! Her punch cracked the mountain in half, but Arad was nowhere to be found. She stood still for a second, staring around with blood gushing out of her skin, eyes, and ears.

ZON! Arad appeared in the sky, his body covered in tattoos and his eyes glowing with a pink light. "[That was close, who is that?]" Doma glared at Nina, "[No, it's obvious. Her blood is alive, it's fighting to survive.]"

=I felt a void, not even hope=

=As long as I breathe, I may have a chance=

^[This voice,]^ Doma thought, ^[It must be that Arad blasting her with magic has triggered the tarrasque blood flowing in her veins. When faced with an unknown power that threatens its survival, the blood will fight to the last breath to protect its host. She's in pain, and those voices are of her blood,]^

Doma flew down, standing in front of Nina. ^[Both Nina and Arad are out, leaving only me and this blood monster,]^

She smiled, "It's a monster against another," Doma lifted her hands, "Tarrasque blood, mind calming down?"

BAM! Nina lunged forward, swinging a fist at Doma's face.

[Time Slow: 99%] Doma fazed away from Nina's fist, extending her hand forward, [Sleep Curse]

lightsnοvεl "The more I damage you, the more terrified you'll get of death, and the harder you'll fight. Isn't that right, tarrasque's blood?" Doma laughed.

Nina's eyes turned back, falling forward as the curse took hold. CRACK! But before she could hit the ground, she extended her right foot forward and stopped herself from falling.

^My curse isn't taking over?^ Doma stared at her. ^I see,^

Nina roared, blood gushing out of her body as she lunged toward Doma swinging a punch once more.


"It's useless," Doma smiled, dodging the attacks, "You might be able to move faster than Arad can react, but you'll never be as fast a soul controlling a body with magic. Those made of flesh and bones are always at a disadvantage,"

^This isn't just a state or a form, her internal anatomy has shifted greatly. She has no brain, but things and acts by using her nervous network as a decentralized processing complex, allowing for lightning-fast reactions. That explains why a curse that targets the brain didn't affect her,^

"ARAD! What's going on?!" Alcott lunged in and quickly noticed the tattoos on Arad's body, "Doma?! What happened?"

"Nina lost it and her blood took over, Arad got knocked out and I swapped with him," Doma replied, but in the blink of an eye, Alcott found Nina's fist rushing toward his face.

He lifted his sword and deflected the punch, "How?" He saw a kick approaching and blocked it, only to get punched back.

ZON! Doma teleported to him, "She's thinking with the nerves on the muscles that would act. If she's punching, the thought happened in her arms. Even Arad who thinks with his spine has no chance of reaching her reaction and action speed,"

CRACK! As the two talked, something heavy crashed behind them. "Who is it now?" Alcott growled, staring back.

"This magic," Doma gasped, seeing a tall woman with long blond hair and glowing golden eyes and wearing heavy steel plate armor standing there. "I'll deal with it, you two stand away."

"The metallic queen?" Alcott gasped, "What are you doing here?"

"It's not like our fortress would've moved that far," She pointed up with one finger and the camouflage fortress showed back up. In the past few days, it's moved far enough that its edge was finally visible.

"No! You won't do that!" Doma cried, ignoring Nina and lunging at the dragon queen.

[Restart] The queen mumbled, and everyone's vision turned black.


SWOSH! Nina's body regenerated in the blink of an eye as she roared, lunging faster than Arad could see. He lifted his arms to block in a boxer's guard, ready to blast her with a breath.

SWOSH! The metallic queen appeared between them, catching Nina's fist with one hand and closing Arad's jaw with her other hand. "Your fight shall not proceed further," She said.

Arad grunted as he found a metallic fist grabbing his face ready to punch her as hard as he could, and Nina roared as she swung her other arm.

"That won't be wise," The queen said, [Restart]


CRACK! The egg hatched in silence, and the creature was born.

Arad opened his eyes, and his head was hurting. He looked around, dazed, "Where am I?"

"The mortal world, Arad Orion," The queen said, standing right beside the tree where Arad hatched, staring at him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Mary Asgorath, queen of the metallic dragons and daughter of Bahamut Asgorath, the metallic dragon god." She replied.

"Good," Arad sighed, "Why is a crazy person here out of the blue?" Arad looked to his side as if talking to someone.

"They all say that, and in fairness, I'm not important to you now. Just remember to listen, or I'll kill you before you even hatch, or at least leave you tailless," She turned, walking around the tree. Arad chased her, but she was nowhere to be found.


"BLUGH!HH!" Nina ran out to the village's border, seven years old. "BLEEEE!" She extended her tongue out, mocking the other barbarians as she ran away. They sighed, staring at her before walking back into their tents.

One hope after another, she ran across the dirt road, "Ga! Lala! Ga! Lala!"

CLACK! Nina stopped, seeing a tall woman with long blond hair wearing full plate armor walking in front of her and standing there.

Nina tilted her head, walking toward the woman with a sharp glare across her face, like a wolf, she growled.

The armored woman took a step and Grabbed Nina by the neck, lifting her up.

Nina struggled but she couldn't escape the woman's grasp. "Name Mary," She slapped her once, twice, and then another one. "Barbarians don't remember people well, let alone names or speech," Mary walked toward a tree and kicked it down. She sat there and put the struggling Nina on her lap.

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! She started whipping her but with one slap after another for the rest of the day until the enraged Nina started crying like children her age. Mary stood and threw her on the ground, "I hope this is enough for you to remember me for the coming years." She started walking into the sunset as Nina lay on the ground, crying and unable to move an inch.


"Do you two remember me now?" Both Nina and Arad started sweating and jumped away from Mary, "It's you! The insane woman!" Arad growled.

"The armored bitch!" Nina screamed, "I'll kill you!"

Arad started charging a breath while Nina lifted her hand up, summoning her axe from where she was keeping it in the capital.

Mary sighed, "You two should understand by now,"



As Arad looked behind the tree for Mary, she grabbed him by the shoulder, appearing behind him. "I'm here,"

Arad gasped, "How did you get behind me?"

"You're quite dense, so I'm here to tell you that I can kill you," She sighed.

"Really? I'm sorry…" SWOSH! Arad swung his fist at her as hard as he could.

TAP! Mary caught his fist with ease, "Nice swing for a newborn," She pulled him toward her and kicked his ankle, tripping him on his face. As Arad tried to stand, she sat on his back.

"Get off me!"

She stared at him, "No, it's comfortable here. But I leave if you promise to listen to me."

"Like I would! Get off me!" He screamed.

She clenched her fist and smacked him in the head, "Make me come here another time and I'll treat you like an idiot barbarian and spank until the sun sets." She suddenly disappeared, leaving Arad puzzled.


Nina was rolling on the ground, rubbing her burning butt, ^Who was that? Is the outside world all like this?^

CLACK! She heard the sound of Metal and turned to look, seeing Mary squatting beside her.

"GAAA!" Nina screamed, rolling away but Mary caught her, "You never listen, so time for the second round," She spanked her till morning, then walked away into the sunrise, leaving Nina crying, half-conscious.


"Want more?" Mary said, standing between Arad and Nina, "I can keep going until you grow some brains,"

"Who are you?" Arad growled.

"Fine, time for spanking," She glared at him and he jumped back, "No, I know, Mary queen of the metallic dragon and all, but what are you doing?"

Nina kept glaring at her with a sharp, bloodthirsty gaze.

"Good, you two are finally getting some sense," She smiled, "If you kept fighting, this won't end well," She looked at them, "Arad and Alcott would be killed by Nina's blood, and I'll kill Nina after she murdered what remained of the capital,"

^[Arad, that woman is a problem.]^ Doma growled in his head, ^[Don't offend her, say yes, and get over it. Legend has it that thousands of years ago, she slept with the overgod, and the children that came from her were the time dragons. She's their mother who taught them to defy fate itself.]^

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