The Duke's Passion

Chapter 760 The night of the regression IV

Chapter 760 The night of the regression IV

760  The night of the regression IV

Florence covered her mouth the second they stepped outside her chambers. Her chambers were a disaster in a matter of minutes, but outside was not any better. Her heart skipped a beat as her stomach turned, catching her servant — the one who handed her a letter — sitting against the wall with her head on her lap. It was gruesome, making Florence turn to Fabian.

"It wasn't me," Fabian clarified, sensing the cautious look on his side. He then perked his chin at the corpse in the other corner. "It was him."

Florence glanced in the direction Fabian pointed and caught a corpse in black clothing. He was wearing the same clothing as those who were left dying inside her chambers. She was quick to realize the difference in the sound of footsteps she initially heard before Fabian's. "How did they get inside?" she blurted out as her body shook again. "And how come the royal knights hadn't done anything yet?"

"I didn't know Her Majesty was this pitiful." Fabian set his eyes on her, looking at her with genuine pity.

On normal days, Florence would take this as an insult, but she didn't have the leisure to even argue with this man. Fabian still saved her at the end of the day — intentional or not.

"Forgive me for being slow-witted, brother." She spat out through her gritted teeth, clutching her hand into a ball. "I am too rattled to use my head."

"I won't, sister. Follow me."

Florence clutched his wrist tighter, keeping her lips in a tight, thin slash. A shallow breath slipped past Fabian's lips after staring at her for several seconds. Without a word, he peeled her fingers from his wrist, only to hold her hand. "Did that make you feel better?" he inquired with a tinge of impatience. She noticed the faint pressure in his tone, but she ignored it and nodded. "Come."

And with that, the two of them fled the Avolire Palace. As they run through the silent hallway, her grip around his hand tightened. They had passed by several marshals in charge of the security of the said place, and they were all silenced. Some servants' bodies were also left lying in their own pool of blood. But the gruesome sight that tainted the glorious Avolire palace didn't deter them from moving forward. Even when Florence realized the inner palace that was connecting all the palaces shared the same fate as the Avolire Palace, they continued to sprint to the emperor's palace. Although there was less blood in the inner palace, it seemed some of them were simply knocked unconscious. When they were minutes closer to the emperor's palace, Fabian's steps slowed down until he halted completely. Florence, who managed to keep up with him, gazed at him curiously.

"What is it?" she asked in a panic. "Are there enemies ahead?"

Florence studied his expression, and unlike his usual smile, Fabian's expression was blank. He gazed in the direction ahead, eyes glinting dangerously. He released her hand, making her eyes dilate in confusion. "Stay here, Your Majesty," he instructed, only to her head quick and loud, "no!" Florence flinched when Fabian set his sharp eyes on her. "You said you won't leave me alone," she reminded him through her gritted teeth. "If there're enemies ahead, I swear I won't hold you back — I'll hide! Just… just don't leave me alone here."

"Please!" she then hurriedly held his hand with both her hands, eyes still fixed on him. "I know I'm annoying and pathetic, but I'm begging you. I can't… I don't want to be left alone."

There was a moment of silence that descended upon them as they looked at each other in silence. Florence had already swallowed the little pride she had out of fear. She had seen everyone in the places they had been, and she was certain that being alone was the last thing she wanted right now. Her chances of survival would be closer to none. "I… don't like you," he muttered, narrowing his eyes, looking at her in utter dismay. "Do as you wish, but I'm telling you… I might hurt you too if you came close."

Her breath hitched when Fabian peeled his eyes away from her and sauntered off. Florence stayed in the same spot as he walked away, staring at his back with genuine dread in her eyes. For some reason, she felt the murderous intent shrouding his back as he walked towards the emperor's palace. 'He's going to kill someone,' was what her subconscious mind told her… and Florence was certain Fabian was going to the emperor's palace to kill someone and not just meet Rufus.  N♡vεlB¡n: Your Escape into Infinite Tales.josei

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