The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061: attentive

Chapter 1061 Diligence

"What news?"

"Did the young lady vomit blood yesterday? Dr. Liu came to the house for treatment. At that time, he comforted the young lady and said that she was fine, as long as she took the medicine on time. But as soon as she went out, she sighed at the young master, saying that the young lady was afraid It's been a good few months."

"What?" The person who heard it exclaimed, then quickly covered his mouth and asked in a low voice, "You, are you serious?"josei

"Really, I was there to lead the way for Dr. Liu at the time, and I happened to be listening. The young master gave an order on the spot not to let anyone who knew it speak out, and it was because you and I were friendly that I told you. ."

"I won't say it, I promise I won't say it. But this way, the young master may also marry Miss Gu?"

"I think it's possible, the young master is really interested in Miss Gu."

"No, if the young lady is really gone, then the young master will have to marry again at least a year or two later."

"You don't understand this, right? As long as our young master brings Miss Gu to the door before the young lady is gone, and then turns around and supports her as the young lady, then there is nothing to worry about."

"But, but..."

"But what?"

"But she is a small family. Even if our young master likes her, he will help her to be his wife. The master and wife will not agree, right?"

"That's right, Mr. and Mrs. definitely prefer to find the right one for the young master. Unfortunately, Miss Gu has no advantage. If there is, our master is still very good at talking."

"No, the young lady's family used a pastry recipe to get the master to agree to the two betrothed."

"Girl Gu doesn't have any recipes in her hand. It's useless to say more. Oh, I won't tell you, I have to change the tea. The tea is cold."

Then, Gu Yundong heard the sound of rustling, and followed the footsteps of the two of them, getting further and further away.

She closed her eyes slightly, leaned against the wall, and wanted to laugh.

This is really taking her as an ignorant country girl, right?

She stood there again, and sure enough, footsteps sounded again after a while.

followed closely, and the maid who had led the way hurried over.

"Miss Gu, so you are here. I'm really sorry, just now I saw that Madam Wang was carrying something heavy, so I helped her to carry it over. When I came back, I didn't see the girl, and I thought she hadn't come out, so I kept going. Waiting outside. After a long while, I realized that something was wrong, and I hurried to find it."

This explains...

Gu Yundong smiled, "It's okay, let's go, it's been a long delay."

"Yes, yes, Master, they should be in a hurry."

The two returned to the courtyard one after the other, and saw that the four of them had stopped playing pot throwing, and now they were all sitting in the pavilion talking and chatting.

Zhang Hao was the first to see her, and immediately stood up and said, "Girl Gu is back. The kitchen has just made a new dessert, can Miss Gu try it?"

Gu Yundong walked to the seat and sat down. Liu Yan was on her left and Zhang Jiao was on her right.

Zhang Jiao gave her a snack with a smile, "Try it, this is delicious, but it costs a lot of sugar."

Gu Yundong took a sip, um... a little greasy, it did cost a lot of sugar.

She didn't talk much, and watched other people talk and laugh.

Zhang Hao kept his eyes on her from time to time, but Gu Yundong just lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

It wasn't until Liu Yan saw that it was getting late and got up to leave, she then stood up.

The gate that Zhang Hao and his sister sent them out.

(end of this chapter)

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