The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071: Government test release

Chapter 1071 The government test release list

Registration for the prefectural examination, guarantee completion, and the content of the examination are similar to the county examination, but there is one more graduate student who guarantees the completion.

As for the exam subjects, it is divided into three sessions: the scriptures, essays, and strategy discussions.

After passing the government test, he was born a child.

Gu Dajiang won the county case, and he is no longer as nervous as before. Now he is not afraid of taking the government exam again.

Yi Junkun, who also passed the county exam, also came to Fucheng ten days earlier. It's just that the Fucheng is noisy now, and many people who come to inoculate the cowpox fill the inn. Yi Junkun could not find a place to live, so Qin Wenzheng found the Gu family for him.

He is a classmate of Yunshu, and he takes care of Yunshu Yuanzhi a lot on weekdays, and he is also lucky to have the same exam with Gu Dajiang.

With a little effort, the Gu family will naturally not refuse.

Gu Dajiang arranged for Yi Junkun to live in Gu Ji's backyard, but Gu Ji's guests were noisy during the day, so he would bring books to the second child of Gu's family and discuss knowledge with Gu Dajiang.

Now the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds, and their words are particularly compatible.

On the day of the exam, Gu Yundong brought his younger siblings and his mother to the exam room with Gu Dajiang.

At   , before dawn, the Gongyuan opened its doors, and thousands of candidates were examined in turn.

Gu Yundong handed the test basket to Gu Dajiang. Now that the weather is getting warmer, he finally got rid of the shackles of ten single clothes. There is nothing in the test basket. In this test, except for the introduction, nothing is allowed to be brought into the test room.

Pen, ink, paper and inkstone will be provided by the examination room, and meals and water will also be delivered.josei

The first two exams take one day, but the third exam takes two days. However, overnight quilts are also provided, which is not a worry.

After    and others entered, a few people turned around and left.

Fortunately, Gu Dajiang was not next to the toilet this time. After the whole test, everything went smoothly unexpectedly.

After the government test was over, Gu Dajiang came out refreshed.

The whole family went up to greet him. Gu Dafeng was the first to not hold back and asked him, "How did you do in the test? Is it difficult? Have you answered it all?"

"It's all fine, don't worry." Well, except for the food provided by the examination room, it was a bit unpalatable. For Gu Dajiang, the government test was more comfortable than the county test.

There were many people outside the examination room. Gu Yundong was afraid of crowding his younger siblings, so he quickly got people on the carriage and went back first.

After a few days, it will be the day when the government test will be released.

The family still booked a nearby restaurant first and found a private room to sit.

Shao Qingyuan also came, Wanjin Pavilion is not very useful to him now, and the doctors inside are already skilled.

For everyone, the popularity of the cowpox vaccination method has dropped, and everyone is more concerned about the government test and the list.

Therefore, after the list was posted, there was a surging crowd in front of the notice board, which was much bigger than the scene of the county test.

Gu Yundong was waiting upstairs, but Xue Rong and Tong Shuitao couldn't wait, so they went down early and squeezed in front.

I don't know how long it took, and the sound of "hit" one after another exploded in everyone's ears.

Gu Yundong couldn't help but get nervous. His father was awarded the county case, and he didn't know if he could continue to get a government case.

Just thinking about it, a loud cry came from downstairs again.

"Who is the head of the desk?"

Gu Yundong immediately pricked up his ears to listen, not only her, but also everyone else present.

On the contrary, it was Gu Dajiang with an indifferent look on his face.

For him, getting a county case officer was unexpected. It's a little difficult to get the head of the government again.

(end of this chapter)

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