The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112: It's really Yun Dong

Chapter 1112 is really Yun Dong

Chang Yaya looked at the friendship and tacit understanding between the two, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes unconsciously.

Just then, there was a slight noise on the bed.

Gu Yundong hurriedly turned his head, saw Gu Xiaoxi frowning, and opened his eyes a little heavy.

He looked at the beam above his head with a blank expression on his face.

This is...his home?

Why is he here? Isn't it in the Zhou family ancestral hall? Wasn't it to be taken to be burned to death as an example?

Could it be that he is dead now, but his soul has drifted into his house? Why not float to the underworld and ask him to find his eldest brother and niece?

Wrong! !

Gu Xiaoxi suddenly frowned. He was in the ancestral hall, and he seemed to hear a voice saying that she was Yun Dong and called him uncle...

"Uncle, uncle??" Gu Yundong called him twice, but found that he had been stunned and did not respond, and suddenly became anxious.

Wouldn't it be a high fever and confused? But how could it be so long?

"Uncle, can you hear me? Are you uncomfortable?"

This time the voice was a little clearer, Gu Xiaoxi was suddenly startled, his eyes rolled and turned to Gu Yundong's face.

"...Yun..." Yun Dong?

Gu Yundong breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily, "It's me, uncle, I'm Yundong. Don't worry, I'll take you out of the ancestral hall. It's just that you have a high fever now, so we're still here. Dashitou Village, when you feel better, we will take you home."

I heard it clearly, this time I heard it all clearly.

Gu Xiaoxi sat up abruptly, and suddenly felt dizzy in the middle of sitting, and fell back heavily.

fell to half and was supported by Shao Qingyuan.

"Uncle, you are sick, don't move around and don't get too excited."

How can you not be excited? After the dizziness subsided, Gu Xiaoxi grabbed Gu Yundong's hand, her eyes were moist and her cheeks were flushed, "It's really Yundong, you are not dead."josei

"No, no." Gu Yundong could only sit on the edge of the bed and reassure him, "Not only am I not dead, my mother, but also Yun Shuyun are all fine, they are all growing taller now. By the way, and me Dad, the eldest uncle Yuanzhi has been found. They are now in Xuanhe Mansion, and we have not looked back to Jiatun. We have been looking for you for the past two years, but there is no news of you. This time, I accidentally found out that you are there Dashitou Village, both father and aunt are clamoring to come pick you up. But I persuaded me to stop it, and I'll take you home on their behalf."

go home! !

Gu Xiaoxi couldn't control it any longer, tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he couldn't wipe them away even if he wanted to.

He is actually not very old. Even when he was in Gujiatun, he didn't welcome his mother, but his elder brothers and sisters treated him as a son. Even though he suffered, he still had a strong spirit.

But in the two years since he escaped from the famine, he has been living like an old man, numb day after day, both mentally and physically.

But this numbness seemed to be swept away after seeing Yun Dong and hearing her words that everyone was safe.

Gu Xiaoxi felt that the shackles on his body were instantly dropped, and he felt at ease like never before.

He wanted to go home, especially.

Gu Yundong took out the handkerchief and handed it to him, "Uncle, it's all right, we'll be reunited when you get home."

"Well, go home, let's go home." He wiped the handkerchief vigorously, only to feel embarrassed after wiping, and then asked impatiently, "Yun Dong, when did you arrive at Xuanhe Mansion? , how did they meet with big brother and big sister? You..."

(end of this chapter)

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