The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188: frankly

Chapter 1188 Honest Confession

Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan hurriedly left the school with two little carrot heads.

A few people first went to Dongyi Academy to pick up the two Niudan brothers, and then hurried back to Yongfu Village.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the village, he saw that Gu Xiaoxi's newly built house had been pasted with red words of joy, and a red lantern was hung in front of the door.

The same is true for the Gu family, because tomorrow is the normal day, so there are busy people inside and out.

Gu Auntie even stood at the door and gave instructions, "Why isn't the red cloth on the wine jar? Shuipao, is the Shuipao red cloth there with you? And that chair, who is in charge of the red cushion? Oh, I This memory, I..."

While talking, when he turned around, he saw Gu Yundong and the others, and he was overjoyed and ran over.

"Yun Dongqingyuan, are you back?"

"Auntie." Gu Yundong got out of the carriage, "I'm making you worry."

"Aren't you worried? If Qingyuan hadn't said that you were busy with business, your uncle wouldn't have the heart to get married." Aunt Gu patted her, "By the way, your father came back yesterday, and he was inside."

As they said, the two walked inside.

Gu Dajiang really stood in the main room, and although he was looking at a list in his hand, his brows were tightly furrowed.

He raised his head abruptly when he heard the movement, and the worry in his eyes softened a little when he saw Gu Yundong.

After a pause, he said to Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan, "Come in with me."

Gu Yundong looked at each other and followed Gu Dajiang into the study.

"Tell me, what's going on?" As soon as the door closed, Gu Dajiang looked up at them with a serious look, "I asked Shuitao, and she said you followed a middle-aged man and never came back. I'll look for it later. When I asked Master Qin, he said that you are helping him, it doesn't matter, what is the matter?"

Gu Yundong was stunned for a moment. Gu Dajiang only got home yesterday afternoon. When he came back, he asked Tong Shuitao and went to Qin Wenzheng again. He must be very anxious.

But Qin Wenzheng didn't tell them about this. He actually didn't know where he went. He said this to Gu Dajiang to appease him.

Come to think of it, he also sent someone to look for her and Big Brother Shao.

At this moment, Gu Yundong felt warm in his heart.josei

She walked to Gu Dajiang's side, took his arm, and said with a smile, "Dad, you are so kind."

The serious expression on Gu Dajiang's face couldn't be maintained, he pushed her head, "Speak quickly."

Gu Yundong coughed lightly, she didn't plan to hide it from Gu Dajiang.

My father is going to take the imperial examinations. This is what he should know. The things he will encounter in the future may be more difficult and serious. Now that he has a mental preparation.

Not to mention the two years of experience, his father is no longer the ordinary villager who was still in Gujiatun and was suppressed by Gu Patriarch and others.

So she told him about the Tao family and Zhang family, Gu Dajiang was a little surprised.

Actually, is it such a serious thing?

He didn't speak for a long time, and after a long while, he digested the information, patted Gu Yundong on the shoulder, and said, "You did a good job, this kind of wicked, perverse thief who is trying to destroy my peace, you should do it as soon as possible. Eliminate." After a pause, he frowned again, "But Qingyuan is right, next time you encounter this kind of thing, you can't take risks alone."

(end of this chapter)

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