The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293: Duan Wen's mother and daughter were arrested

Chapter 1293 Duan Wen's mother and daughter were arrested

People from Duan's family don't go out, but that doesn't mean people outside can't go in.

Several members of the Duan family all claimed to be sick, but they were not really bedridden. Duan Wen became particularly grumpy after being slapped by Gu Yundong and driven out of the house by Dou Fukang that day.

Second Aunt Duan saw that her daughter was beating and banging in the room all day, so she could only take her around in the courtyard, raising flowers and adjusting her mood.

Then, Duan Wen gave her favorite few pots of words to the half-dead.

Duan Wen was so angry that she was about to tear off the flower branches, but was stopped by Second Aunt Duan.

She originally wanted to ask the gardener in the house to fix it, but she didn't expect the gardener to be ill at this time, so she could only quietly call someone from outside to try to save the potted flowers.

Mrs. Zuo entered the Duan Mansion dressed as a gardener.

The things that followed were beyond Aunt Duan's control. In short, when she woke up, she and her daughter had been locked in a dark room, and the surrounding area was very dark.

Second Aunt Duan quickly pushed Duan Wen to wake up and moved her bound hands, her face pale.

After   Duan Wen woke up, she looked up and saw a tablet on the table in front of her.

It reads - the spiritual position of the deceased husband Zuo Hong.

"Ah..." Duan Wen screamed and stepped back abruptly, knocking Aunt Duan directly to the ground.

Aunt Duan snorted in pain, and hurriedly scolded, "Shut up."

But it was too late, the door was opened, and a sullen man walked in.

The voices of the two stopped abruptly, and looked up at him tremblingly.

"You, who are you? What are you doing to arrest our mother and daughter?"

"Do you want silver? How much do you want, I'll give it, we'll give it to you, you let us go."

Liang Zi looked at them condescendingly, his indifferent appearance made people even more frightened.

He glanced at them and said, "Don't worry, I will reunite your family. Before that, have you seen the tablet over there? Kowtow and admit your mistake, that's what you owe him."

Having said that, Liang Zi closed the door.

The mother and daughter in the house immediately shouted, but it was useless, they are now outside the city, and there is no other family here except this Zhuangzi.

Liang Zi went out to see Madam Zuo, Madam Zuo took a few steps forward and asked, "How's Erye Duan?"

"On the way here." Liang Zi hesitated for a while, but still said, "But the second young master of the Duan family went out and couldn't catch anyone."

Madam Zuo frowned, but she quickly relaxed again, "Forget it, let the three of them reunite first, Master Duan Er is not in a hurry."

Madam Zuo said, her eyes flashing with crazy bloodthirsty light.

Wait, those murderers who killed her husband, she will deal with all of them one by one.

What about the Duan family? What if you walk sideways in Wanqing Mansion? Didn't it end up like this in the end?

Not only the Duan family, but also those who have participated in it, she will turn it out and take revenge.

Unfortunately, the helper invited by the Duan family had already left Qing'an Mansion, otherwise she would not have chosen the Duan family first.

"That Duan Wan, haven't you found it yet?"

Liang Zi lowered his head and said with some self-reproach, "It is said that a fire was set in the Duan family before, and then she disappeared. No one knows her whereabouts. The Duan family searched for many days and could not find her."josei

Mrs. Zuo sneered, "She can hide. She continues to send people to watch. Even if she hides in the mouse hole, she has to find it for me."

"Yes, ma'am."

While speaking, there was the sound of rolling wheels from outside.

(end of this chapter)

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