The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440: violate

Chapter 1440 Illegal Additions

The area around Jiuxiangfang is quite noisy, and there are also some not very big yards near Zhang’s house, which is different from the houses in Hetai Lane that have a certain sense of age and heritage.

According to Zhang Yingyue, the conditions of their family were okay.

Otherwise, her father didn't have the money to redeem her mother, but after her father passed away, the Zhang family didn't have a good eye for their mother, and they disliked her mother's background, and they disliked her being a daughter, and they were removed from Zhang. Home rushed out.josei

Now their family just rents in this alley, like rootless duckweed.

But Zhang's mother was still ill, and the doctors in the city said that it could not be cured.

If Zhang Yingyue hadn't been desperate and desperate, she wouldn't have obeyed the command of the prince.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Zhang's house, and a group of people got off the carriage.

The surrounding neighbors looked at them curiously. Some people had sharp eyes. When they saw Zhang Yingyue coming back, they hurriedly greeted, "Yingyue, you are back. The owner of the house came again just now."

Zhang Yingyue's face changed slightly, "What did she say?"

"Say you lied to her, the shop at No. 86 Jinlan Street has never opened. You are lying when you say that you are a girl there. I am afraid that you will not be able to pay the rent, and the house will be infected with your mother's sickness. ."

The neighbor said, and secretly squinted to look at Gu Yundong and the others.

Then he leaned into Zhang Yingyue's ear and asked in a low voice, "Is it true? You are the one who fooled the owner of the house about the girl? Then what are your plans? If you can't pay the rent, you won't be able to live in the house next month. And who are they? Is it because you failed to be a buddy, so you planned to sell yourself, they are your masters?"

Gu Yundong, "..." She could hear.

And the neighbor's schadenfreude is too obvious.

Zhang Yingyue's face was also a little dark, and she didn't plan to answer at all, she just said to Gu Yundong and the two, "Master, come first."

"Yeah." Gu Yundong nodded, and Shao Qingyuan stepped into the door first.

Zhang Yingyue followed, but just before closing the door, she still said to the neighbor, "I didn't sell my body, they are the owners of the shop on Jinlan Street."

After he finished speaking, he closed the courtyard door.

The neighbor was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips and said indifferently, "Who are you fooling, the shop on Jinlan Street has not opened. Besides, how can the owner come to the guy's house in person?"

The neighbor rolled his eyes and ran away suddenly.

Gu Yundong was already standing in the yard looking at it, the yard was really small. It was even smaller than the house she rented from cousin Ke's house in Xuanhe Mansion.

It looks like it’s just one room, and the stove is also built casually in the corner of the yard.

Gu Yundong glanced a little and found that the house was divided into two.

It seems that even in this era, illegal additions are inevitable. A house that is not very big can build a wall in the middle and rent it to two families separately.

But in the capital, the rent for even such a small yard is not cheap.

One or two to five dollars a month is not easy for someone like Zhang Yingyue.

Before Gu Yundong finished reading, a subtle voice came from inside.

Zhang Yingyue quickly ran in. When Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan entered the door, they saw Zhang's mother leaning against the head of the bed, coughing weakly twice.

Mother Zhang saw them and immediately said gratefully, "The two owners, Yingyue has already told me, thank you very much, thank you."

(end of this chapter)

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