The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486: four siblings

Chapter 1486 Four brothers and sisters

Speaking of which, Pang Carpenter is thirty-two years old this year, Mei Hong is twenty-six years old, and the difference in age between the two is not very big.josei

If the two are really interested in each other, it is a beautiful thing to come together.

However, it seems that Carpenter Pang has that kind of mind. She hasn't seen Mei Hong yet, so she doesn't know what she's thinking.

Thinking of this, Gu Yundong glanced at Carpenter Pang and said, "Since you are here to help, then you can work first, and I will go in and see Mei Hong."

"Hey, good boss."

Carpenter Pang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly greeted Merlin, who was also too afraid to say a word, to repair the house first.

Gu Yundong turned around and entered the room.

The room where Mei Hong lives is not big, and there is a doctor who is quite old in it to give prescriptions.

In addition, there was a teenage girl and a three or four-year-old boy in the room.

Seeing Gu Yundong, the girl hurriedly stood up, "You..."

"I am the owner of Xinming Pavilion."

The girl immediately became nervous, hurriedly ran over to bring a stool over, wiped it carefully with her sleeve, and then asked Gu Yundong to sit down.

Gu Yundong thanked him and walked to the edge of the bed to look at Mei Hong.

She closed her eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep, but her brows were tightly knitted and she looked uncomfortable.

Gu Yundong asked the doctor about the situation.

The doctor handed the prescription to the girl, and then said, "Fortunately, the back was smashed, she avoided the vital point, suffered some internal injuries, vomited a mouthful of blood, take a good rest and recuperate, and she will soon be able to recovered."

Gu Yundong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and after watching the doctor leave, did he look at the girl again.

She remembered that Mei Hong's younger sister was Mei Lan, who should be the one in front of her.

According to Mama Xia, Mei Hong’s family consists of four siblings, and she entered the palace when she was in her teens. Later, after leaving the palace, although she was old, judging from her ability and the savings she had accumulated in the palace, she would have no problem finding someone to marry.

But, when she came home from the palace, her parents died a few years earlier.

There are three brothers and sisters left. Although the second brother is married, the family is poor and there are younger brothers and sisters who need to be raised. Life is really hard.

So two years after giving birth to a son, the second sister-in-law finally couldn't bear to run away with someone, and now she doesn't know where she is.

The second brother was stimulated, and his body, which was not very good, collapsed directly. He was lying on the bed so ill, what he could do was very limited, and he had to take medicine.

The third sister Mei Lan is not very old, but she has already begun to bear the burden of the family.

The fourth brother, Merlin, helped take care of the little nephew who was still staggering while walking, the child Gu Yundong had just seen.

Mei Hong came out of the palace and faced such a scene. The Mei family borrowed some money at the time, and the creditors heard that Mei Hong had returned from the palace, and they came to collect the debt one after another.

Although Mei Hong resented her parents for selling her into the palace, she couldn't bear it for her younger siblings.

Especially the second brother, who is three or four years younger than her, and the relationship between the two was very good at that time. When she was sent away, the second brother didn't know about it, and her parents took her away overnight.

Now looking at the sick second brother, and the timid and thin third brother and fourth sister whom she had never seen before, Mei Hong couldn't force herself to turn around and leave.

She used the money on her body to repay the debt, and as the eldest sister, she began to bear the burden of the family.

However, even if she had learned some skills in the palace, she could read, but in the end it was difficult for a woman these days, and the family became more and more difficult.

In less than a year, Mei Hong's second disciple collapsed completely and was gone.

(end of this chapter)

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