The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553: life is better than death

Chapter 1553 Life is better than death

However, just a short distance from here, several people suddenly ran over to the shore.

They rushed so fast that they almost couldn't stop and threw themselves into the water. They managed to stand firm and immediately shouted in the direction of the boat.

"Wait a minute, come back to me, Luo Qi, come back to this young master."

The    shout was very loud, but for the people on the boat that was gradually moving away, they could only hear a faint noise, and it was impossible to hear what he said at all.

The people on the boat ignored it.

Seeing that the boat was getting farther and farther away, there was only one point left, and the shouting man finally stopped.

The next moment, he suddenly sank and turned to look at Gu Yiping and Song who were standing behind him.

Gu Yiping saw him like this, he couldn't help but took a step back and whispered, "Master Liu, this, we really didn't expect that Luo Qi would be entrusted by her mother to people outside the island, we..."

Master Liu gave him a hard kick, "You can't think of it? You are playing with me."

Gu Yiping also said that he was suffering, but he thought he would be able to leave Linxun Island soon, but he still had the slightest bit of confidence, and was not too afraid of Master Liu.

But because of this, Master Liu became more and more dissatisfied with the Gu family.

He directly greeted his subordinates behind him, punching and kicking Gu Yiping and Song Shi.

Gu Yiping and his wife finally helped each other back with bruised nose and swollen face.

But it doesn't matter, he was beaten by Young Master Liu. After a while, when they left Linxun Island, good days will come.

With this hope, in the days to come, the Gu family will be even more ambitious.

They began to look down on other people in Nanya Village and felt that they were no longer of the same class as them.

Especially after I received a letter from the capital soon, I became more and more proud.

They offended more and more people. Coupled with Liu Shaoye, who was dissatisfied with them, and Jiang Shi, who was acquitted from time to time, the Gu family's life began to be sad.

After a long time, there is still no news of being able to go home.

Followed, they received a letter that Master Shi passed away...

The ancient family is like a bolt from the blue, and it will be bad in an instant.josei

The previous ones were like backlash, all revenge swarmed after their despair, whether it was Gu Yiping or the Song family, it was true that life was worse than death.

Of course, these are all later stories.

At this time, the three of Gu Yundong did not know what happened on the shore.

However, the three people standing on the deck all heard the sound from a distance, but no one cared.

Luo Qi was wearing a white filial robe, and was blown away by the sea breeze.

She quietly looked in the direction of Linxun Island, and at this moment she had a real sense of finally leaving.

This place, imprisoned her parents for a lifetime, the island they dreamed of leaving, and now, she finally took them away.

Luo Qi couldn't help her eyes sore, she raised her hand and wiped it.

Gu Yundong put his arm around her shoulder, "Go in, it's windy, you're thin and small, be careful you'll be blown down."

Luo Qi laughed, "um", and followed into the cabin.

After entering, only she and Gu Yundong were found in the cabin, and she couldn't help but wonder, "Where's Brother Shao?"

She and Gu Yundong are a little closer, so they are called Sister Gu Yundong, and Shao Qingyuan is her brother-in-law.

(end of this chapter)

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