The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1669

Chapter 1669: one step late

Chapter 1669 One step later

"Naturally, we are about to go to Hexi." Duan Wan asked, "What happened to the Gu family?" The beggar looked at her and the gift box held by the servants behind her, guessing that they might be going to Hexi. It is a guest of the Shao family.

But after all, this is the Shao family's private business, and he is not easy to talk about it.

But then he thought that although his younger brother had already run over, the Shao family must be very busy today, and his younger brother was a beggar, so he might not be able to see Shao Gongzi or Gu Dong's family in time.

If you go back and delay the affairs of Gu Dong's family, then it will be too late.

Dou Fukang also saw his hesitant look, and said, "We are good friends with Shao Qingyuan and his wife. If there is any trouble, you can talk about it. It's urgent to see how you look. You can take a bet and believe us."

The beggar closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and gambled, "Could that young master help you to tell me that Yang Wenli found out that we were following him, and now going to Shao's house to ask for trouble may ruin their housewarming."

The two in front of you should be guests, and it must be easy to see the host.

Dou Fukang and Duan Wan looked at each other, although they didn't understand who Yang Wenli he was talking about, but after hearing what this person meant, was Gu Yundong specifically explaining that they were following Yang Wenli?

Dou Fukang looked serious, he nodded, "Okay, I understand, we'll go right now."

Then he told his servant to take good care of him first, and sent him to the hospital to have a look at his legs.josei

Looking at him standing in the cold sweat, it should be very painful, maybe his leg has been broken.

After finishing speaking, Dou Fukang walked out of the alley with Duan Wan and asked the accompanying guards to pull the carriage out.

In fact, the inn is not far from the new house on Lanjiang Street. Dou Fukang originally planned to walk there, but now the situation is urgent, and it is much faster to take the car.

The carriage was quickly brought over, Dou Fukang and Duan Wan got on the carriage and went straight to Shao Mansion.

Halfway through, Dou Fukang saw a little beggar running down the street out of breath.

With a sound of   , the carriage stopped beside him.

Dou Fukang lifted the curtain of the car and greeted him, "Come up."

The little beggar was stunned and a little surprised, and the guard driving the carriage stretched out his hand and lifted him to the carriage to sit.

"Catch it."

The little beggar grabbed it subconsciously, and after sitting firmly, the wheel immediately rolled forward.

Dou Fukang then asked him, "What the **** is going on with that Yang Wenli? Why are you staring at him? Gu Yundong asked you to follow him?"

The little beggar was stunned for a moment. Hearing him mention Gu Yundong, he realized that maybe his brother had said it.

In fact, he didn't know much, and these things were not something he could inquire about.

So he shook his head, "I don't know, Gu Dongjia just gave us money and let us stare at people."

Dou Fukang didn't ask any more questions, and instead asked how long Yang Wenli had been gone.

Hearing that it had been a while, he couldn't help frowning and asked the guard to speed up.

Fortunately, the destination is not far away, and it will be there soon.

It's just that there are a lot of people coming from the Shao family today, most of them came by horse-drawn carriages, and the front was blocked, so their horse-drawn carriages had to stop when they reached the alley.

Dou Fukang asked Duan Wan to take it slow, and he and the beggar took the lead to walk to the gate of Shao's house.

However, before he got there, there was a sudden exclamation in his ear.

The little beggar's face fell when he heard it, "It's over, we're still a step late."

(end of this chapter)

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