The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1848

Chapter 1848: The Yang family has the princess

Chapter 1848 The Yang family has a princess

Yang Zhifu exhaled, seeing Gu Yundong still squatting in front of him, hurriedly urging her with a smile, "Okay, let's go eat first, the porridge is cold."

Gu Yundong just left with the tray, but just walked to the courtyard, only to find that the two little girls who were supposed to come out to get the wooden basin were squatting over there and talking in a low voice.

Gu Yundong turned his heels in a direction, came behind them, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

The two of them were startled, but Coco turned around and said, "Sister, look, a fish suddenly appeared in this wooden basin, so we are discussing it."

"What are you discussing?"josei

"We are discussing whether it should be steamed or braised." Coco swallowed and stared at the half-dead fish.

Gu Yundong's gaze fell, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the fish that was only the size of a finger.

She looked at the two little girls in front of her, and sincerely suggested, "I think it's better to release them."

After saying that, Gu Yundong went straight into the house with a tray and greeted Shao Qingyuan for breakfast.

After they finished eating slowly, they decided to go to the nurse to ask about the situation.

When    came out of the yard, the two of them were gone, and the wooden basin was gone.

Gu Yundong shook his head with a laugh, and left the Yang family with Shao Qing.

What they didn't know was that not long after they left, many people came outside the Yang Family Courtyard.

These people are all nearby neighbors, but they didn't dare to knock on the door of the Yang family's courtyard, they just stood outside the door and talked a lot.

The aunt next door still felt strange, and after going out to inquire for a few words, she heard someone whispering, "You don't know? There was such a big incident in the yamen yesterday, haven't you heard of it as a neighbor? "

The aunt was eating melon seeds, but she couldn't help but stunned when she heard this, "What's the big deal? What happened in the yamen? Could it be that it has something to do with the Yang family?"

"Isn't that true? Let me ask you, was there a lot of people in the Yang family yesterday?"

"Yes, yes, there are a lot of people here. There was no one in the Yang family before, and they came to my house to rest."

When the people around    heard this, they suddenly turned their heads, and one of them slapped their thighs, "Ouch!!"

The aunt was so frightened that she almost picked it out. Seeing their expressions, she immediately panicked.

Could it be that the group of people who came to the Yang family yesterday were not good people? Otherwise, why do these people say that something big happened in the yamen?

But just as she had the idea, the woman beside her smiled and patted her shoulder, "Sister Ge, you've got lucky."

"What, what great luck?" Aunt Ge was so frightened by the shock of these people.

"You don't know, among the guests from the Yang family yesterday, one was a high-ranking official from the capital, and the other was that Yong, Yong what the county master, the county master!!"

Aunt Ge's eyes widened, and she looked at them in disbelief, "You guys, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true." The person next to him said, "Yesterday, a lot of people were at the yamen's gate to hear the trial. They saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. At that time, Yang Zhi... Mr. Yang was personally supported by the county owner. Hey. Yo, that's a big deal, even the county magistrate knelt down in front of her, and even moved a chair for Mr. Yang himself to sit on."

Aunt Ge's breathing became rapid, county master? ? ? A lot of people came here yesterday, so who is the county master?

(end of this chapter)

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