The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 1882

Chapter 1882: Ren's current situation

Chapter 1882 The current situation of the Ren family

Chang wanted to deal with Mao County Magistrate, and the Ren family also needed to solve it.

So the two hit it off, and they were embarrassed. They used Chang's identity to make a hole for the Ren family.

"My in-laws are also unlucky." Yang Zhifu was stunned when he heard this series of operations, and he was extremely angry, "Then Chang is a white-eyed wolf, if it weren't for the Ren family, she would still be living in a brothel. As a result, in the end, the family was destroyed."

Even if she was a concubine, she asked for it herself.

Yi Zilan sighed, "Isn't it? So these two people are worthless."

It's also funny to say that after the Ren family was unlucky, Chang went to the county magistrate Mao, but still wanted to be his wife.

But although the Magistrate Mao loves her, he still doesn't like Chang very much in his bones.

Have been someone else's concubine, but still want to be my wife? It's pretty beautiful to think about.

Besides, although his wife is boring, she is also responsible, and the Yue family has money. If he dares to spoil his concubine and destroy his wife, his reputation will be damaged, and he will be revenge by the Yue family.

What's more, the wife is to be taken out, what if someone recognizes Chang's? In the eyes of outsiders, Chang Shi has already committed suicide.josei

Yang He was also on the side, trembling all over. Before that, all of them admired Chang Shi and said that she was deeply affectionate and righteous, but she didn't expect that she was the main culprit that caused Ren's family to be destroyed.

His grandparents, uncles and uncles, and cousins ​​all died.

If Chang Shi and Magistrate Mao were in front of him at this moment, Yang He would definitely rush up and stab them.

Seeing his red eyes, Shao Qingyuan raised his hand and pressed it on his shoulder, "Both of them will be sentenced to death, which can be regarded as comforting the spirit of the Ren family. Frontier sent an official document, pardoning your aunt and cousins."

Yang He pursed his lips, propped his fingers on the tabletop, and knelt down with difficulty, "Thank you, Prince of the County, thank you cousin and cousin husband."

"Get up." Yi Zilan waved his hand, "It's not a big deal. I was going to take down the county magistrate. The matter of the Ren family is just a small effort. Anyway, my daughter is also having a good time at your house. Take it as my reward."

He said it quite triumphantly, and Gu Yundong's mouth twitched.

Yang He was helped up by Shao Qingyuan and sat back again, unable to help but reach out and wipe the corner of his eyes.

Gu Yundong said, "Do you know the situation of those in the Ren family?"

Yang He nodded, "I know a little bit. When they first went to the frontier, they didn't keep in touch for fear of affecting us. It took several years to get through a few letters secretly."

But the news of each other was not optimistic. Her mother passed away, and her grandmother was old and did not survive the journey of exile.

The eldest aunt and the second aunt are still alive, but life is very difficult.

Especially, both of them are suffering from great grief in their hearts. The aunt not only lost her husband, but also lost a son. If it wasn't for her two daughters by her side, she would not be able to support it at all.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the second aunt found out that she was pregnant on the way to exile.

This child is a posthumous child, but he was not born after all, the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty, under this circumstance, will no longer be pulled and chopped.

For the two aunts, this is the only daughter of the Ren family, and now this child is about fourteen or fifteen years old.

(end of this chapter)

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