The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2096

Chapter 2096: New Year's Eve in Beijing

Chapter 2096 Beijing New Year

Mother Zhang exhaled, "Then I will trouble Gu Dong's house."josei

At this moment, the carriage also came over, and Gu Yundong said to Zhang's mother, "However, you have to ask Zhang Yingyue about this matter. I will have someone bring you news another day."

Mother Zhang smiled happily, "Hey, I see."

Gu Yundong was supported on the carriage by Shao Qingyuan, the carriage started, and Shao Qingyuan asked her suspiciously, "What did you just say?"

"Aunt Zhang is interested in Du Tianqing, but she just doesn't know what the Du family thinks." Du Tianqing's wife ran away. If she didn't trust women, she would be helpless.

Shao Qingyuan was a little surprised, he thought for a moment, "Uncle Du should really want to find him a wife, Du Tianqing... I guess he still cares if he can have a baby."

Yes, the reason why his ex-wife ran away was that he couldn't give birth?

"Didn't you check his pulse? No problem."

"It's just because there's no problem, he doesn't mind." The villagers in their village said that their father and son killed too much, so they have this retribution.

Since there is no problem with the body, isn't it fulfilling the saying of retribution?

Gu Yundong, "..."

What retribution, Du Meng is because of his wife's poor health, Du Tianqing and his wife can't have a baby, can't it be because of her ex-wife's problem? Or fate didn't come?

"Don't worry, I'll ask them what they mean another day."

Gu Yundong nodded, "I'm not worried, I'll go home and raise my baby at ease."

Shao Qingyuan smiled and hugged her into his arms.

The    annual meeting is over, but the shop will continue to open for a few days before closing.

The Shao family has already started preparations for the Chinese New Year. It was the first time to celebrate the New Year in the capital, and they didn’t know what the customs were like here.

Fortunately, she and Shao Qingyuan didn't need to enter the palace for the New Year's Eve dinner. Although she was now the county lord and Shao Qingyuan was an official, both of them belonged to the kind of people who didn't get involved in the political affairs of the court.

What's more, it is inconvenient for her to have a big belly now, so the Queen Mother also saved them from entering the palace to greet her.

Therefore, the Shao family still closed the door to celebrate the festival by themselves.

The liveliness of the capital is really different. On the night of New Year's Eve, the streets were full of firecrackers, and they didn't stop all night.

Gu Yundong is now lethargic, and Shou Sui can't stand it anymore. After dinner, he sat in the main room for a while, before being carried back to his room by Shao Qingyuan, leaning on his arms, and falling asleep to the sound of firecrackers.

Yangliu also returned to the room early with Coco, who wanted to keep her old but her head bit by bit. Both daughters were asleep, and her husband and son were not around. Although Yangliu missed them, she felt a little regretful that she couldn't sleep. But he still stayed in the room, closing his eyes and praying for a good day in the coming year.

In the end, it was Shaowu and the three who kept the year old in the courtyard.

They took a few jars of wine, pulled Wan Fu and his twin sons, as well as Yu Fu and Yu Yong, and sat outside with snacks while drinking and chatting.

Shaowu was a little pity, "Shao Wen still didn't come back. He didn't celebrate the New Year with us last year, it's been two years."

Last year, he followed Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong to Lingzhou Mansion, just in time for the Chinese New Year, and was unable to go back.

This year, he went to Lingzhou Mansion to pick up people again, and he and Lingzhou Mansion are really related.

If Shao Wen took Gao Zi on the waterway, he would have been able to come back years ago according to the normal journey. But...they had forgotten that the waterway in the capital would freeze. Halfway through the boat, Shao Wen could only take the two brothers and sisters to continue the land route, but it should have arrived in the next few days.

(end of this chapter)

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