The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2155

Chapter 2155: Yunshu was admitted to Tongsheng

Chapter 2155 Yunshu was admitted to Tongsheng

However, Zheng Quanshui's uncle, Lei Qi's grandparents, as well as Lu's grandma and the second bedroom of the Lu family's house, all three came to the door, all of them came to see their children under the pretext of carrying things.

However, except for Grandma Lu who was put in to visit Lu Xuan, everyone else was stopped outside.

Shao Qingyuan had investigated the background of the three families long ago, and naturally knew the purpose of their visit.

He accepted apprentices in order to spread medical skills and carry forward the Bai family, not to let these people find excuses to go to the door to get involved.

The three family members failed to achieve their goal, and were even warned by the Shao family that they had to give up.

They didn't dare to come to the door, so they simply waited at home.

However, after waiting for nearly two months, they did not wait for their presence.

That's it, it's March, which is the season of spring flowers.

Gu Yundong's due date is slowly approaching.

The entire Shao Mansion seemed to be in a state of preparation for war, but it was the parties involved, Yuzai Yuzai was extremely relaxed, eating, drinking, sleeping, and not being nervous at all.

However, when the time passed the due date, Gu Yundong still did not start.

Shao Qingyuan gave her the three pulses a day, and the wrinkles on his brows deepened.josei

The Marquis of Huaiyin and the Second Madam both came to see her twice, the Ge Shi also came twice, and Yan Ya, the princess of the county, and others came to inquire.

Unfortunately, Gu Yundong's stomach still didn't move.

She looked at the nervous Shao Qingyuan and the worried Yang Liu, and couldn't help sighing, "Don't worry, isn't my pulse condition good? Master Song said that it is normal for this kind of delivery to be delayed or delayed. It's only been seven or eight days since I've been here, so don't be nervous when I've been here for more than a month."

"Bah, bah, what nonsense?" Yang Liu almost beat her when she heard it, but seeing how hard she was with a big belly, she finally managed to restrain herself, just glared at her fiercely, "These words can also be used. What nonsense? You girl is getting more and more shy."

She said, hurriedly put her hands together, and bowed to the top of her head, "Tong Yan Wuji Tong Yan Wuji, the Bodhisattva must not care about her, what a month, it will definitely land in these two days."

Gu Yundong pursed his lips and said nothing.

Two days later, Gu Yundong has not moved yet, but Yang Liu is waiting for another news.

She held a letter in her hand, which was sent from Xuanhe House.

Looking at the contents of the letter, even Yang Liu, who had been restless and didn't even smile for a while, couldn't help laughing out loud.

She got up and hurriedly took the letter and went to Gu Yundong.

"Yundong, Yundong, your brother's letter, he sent it."

Gu Yundong was eating, when he heard the words he immediately turned his head and asked, "What did you write?"

Yang Liu smiled and put the letter in front of her, straightening her back slightly, the smile on her face could not be suppressed.

"See for yourself."

Gu Yundong propped up his double chin and squinted at the content above.

After reading it, the corners of his mouth raised, "Have you passed the county test and the prefectural test? Is he born a child? This kid, it's okay, a nine-year-old prodigy. It's really good for me."

"Not only that, he is also the county and prefectural chief, even more powerful than your father."

Gu Yundong just glanced at it hastily just now, but he really didn't see the number one. Hearing that, he hurriedly went back to look, and immediately patted the table excitedly, "Good job, next month's hospital exam will be the first case to come back, it's the junior... …what……"

(end of this chapter)

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